Jack was still humming along to the music when an unrecognized voice called over the intercom- which, unfortunately, was wired to interrupt the Asimov's jukebox. The music stopped, replaced by a rambling and vitriolic message, uttered by a human male. Or so Mahone assumed. The announcement was... disconcerting, not to mention confusing. Somebody definitely wanted his check pretty bad, and apparently payroll was behind on that front. But how would taking a hostage help? How did that even make sense? Was it really happening, or was it just a prank? He couldn't put it past some of the station crew. The barman sighed, and finished the rest of his soda water. Curiosity had the better of him now. Walking across the lounge he came to a control box by the door- hidden by a layer of paint, so that drunk customers wouldn't play with it. Sliding the panel back gently, Jack switched out the lights, and set the door to lock behind him in thirty seconds. Quickly replacing the panel, he stepped through the door and into the corridor. He was startled to find others nearby. The janitor was there, with a woman. The barman recognized her as the warden of the jail- though he could not quite recall her name. He approached them, and gestured vaguely at the ceiling, indicating the recent communication. "What the Hell's going on?" he asked, glancing briefly down the corridor in each direction, "Is somebody playing a joke, or is this guy for real?"