Alright, here's Penny and she's combat ready! --- Name: Penny Age: 17? Gender: Female Race: Human (er, not going with that android assumption until that's properly revealed to be) Personality: Penny can sometimes over-react to very trivial things, such as becoming someone's friend. Her mannerisms are almost like a robot's, like her tone of voice, her body movements, and her overall personality. This is the result of being a "sheltered" girl, as a mysterious man (not revealed in RWBY) told her to not wander off like that after the events at the port. Appearance: [img=] Country of Origin: Vale Powers/Abilities: Penny appears to be very agile, and her jumping ability seems to be above average as seen in her fight in episode 16. Weapons/Items: Penny's weapon of choice is her swords, which seem to be controlled from very thin wires to the point where it seems like she is using telekinesis to control the swords's movements without holding the swords herself. The durability of her weapons isn't something to overlook, as Penny managed to embed her blades into a leaving airship, and was able to pull the ship down to the ground with the help of the blades' wires. The blades also have an energy capability, able to form a beam from all of her blades. Other: [url=]Penny is combat ready![/url]