[b] Emma - Haywood - Robert/Daniel/Shannon/Valentina[/b] Emma saw the face of Robert, the man that had posed as the surrogate leader after Bruce Levi was killed. She'd not talked to him, nor had they been introduced at all. He waited for her to catch up and instantly went into a barrage of questions. "I wouldn't really consider myself a helpless survivor, Mr. Dalton." Emma said. She didn't enjoy the feeling of his presence. It reminded her to much of Tyler and Hex... she shivered absently at the thought of the two men. "I- uh... I spent about the last four months alone after my dad passed away." She found that when she entered the apartments, that Robert followed right into their house. The seen in the kitchen caused Emma to take a heavy double-take. As Robert began talking to the little girl, Daniel thrust a hand back at him to tell him to be quiet. "Emma, can you come here?" Emma reluctantly came to Daniel's side. It was then that she took a good look at the girl. She was malnourished and probably dehydrated as well. Most of all, the girl look scared; scared out of her mind. She looked like a deer in caught in the headlights. "This-" Daniel said as he lightly placed a hand on her shoulder, at which Emma had to force herself not to cringe. She was like this whenever anyone touched her; especially men. But then she remembered that this was her brother she was talking about. "There are other kids here, too. This is my sister, Emma." "Hi..." Emma began. "You look like a survivor, am I right? You know what you're doing when it comes to these situations." Emma began lowering herself down, and ended up sitting cross-legged on the wooden floor. "I used to be like you, too. I had to fight the sick people... I also had to fight some bad men..." She rose her eyebrows and pursed her lips. "Those men; they did some really mean things to me, and I was scared, too!" She gave one hand of indication to Daniel. "But this is Daniel, my brother; he's not one of those bad men. He's a really good man and he saved me from those bad men. Yes, I am still scared all the time because of those men, but these people are my friends and they make me feel safe." Emma gave a small smile. "And if you let them, they can be your friends, too." "Now you look like you're hungry, am I right?" She scooted a tad bit closer. "I think I'm right. If you want, I can even get the food for you, you can keep your gun." She looked back at Robert. "Now this is my other friend, too. His name is Robert and if you want, he can put his gun down and unload it, too. Just like Daniel." She smiled and waited for the girl's reaction