Not quite knowing what to expect from Phoebe, Faen was pleasantly surprised that he wasn't attacked on principal. But then she was a different class of person to the gormless fools he usually had to deal with back home. He took her proffered hand and raised it to his lips, placing a delicate kiss on the knuckles. [I] More calloused than I would expect from the daughter of a billionaire, but then she is no doubt someone accustomed to working with her hands. [/I] "Hmm, that's one way of putting the fact that they fought several vicious battles, with the fate of the earth and every one living upon it hanging in the balance. But then dear old dad always did have strange ideas." he replied caustically. Which was one thing he would have to thank the elder Stark for, anything or anyone that upset his father was ok in Faen's opinion. "But enough about the last generation. You've been making some waves recently as 'Iron Maiden'. It really is a beautiful machine, even someone with an untrained eye like myself can see that. However, the armour hardly does the woman it protects any justice." He said with a dazzling smile. Even while he was conversing with her his eyes were scouting around the partygoers and the surrounding area. He had always had a mind for details, his mind constantly processing all the information around him. When he was younger he had thought it a curse, as he had trouble shutting out the cacophony around him, to just focus on one thing like everyone else. Now though, he had mastered the art of having his attention be 'here and everywhere at once', as his mother had described his gift. It was with this skill for spotting that which other people would miss that he noticed the solitary dark figure standing atop a building across the street, observing the party as an outsider would. [I] What's wrong friend, not invited? I know your pain, but don't expect me to bring you as a plus one. [/I] Faen also spotted an older Janet Van Dyne, a young woman who had her eyes -- a daughter -- trailing in the former Avengers wake. The daughter was putting on quite a convincing show at pretending to enjoy herself, but Faen could tell she'd rather be elsewhere. [i]Give your invite to spooky across the street then, I'm sure he would be grateful for it. [/I] A thickset looking fellow in a poor fitting, patched grey suit caught the Prince's attention next. A slight bulge around the midriff of his jacket gave away the fact he was carrying a pistol, and he had the furtive look of someone running security. A hired hand at a gathering of superheroes, doubtful in the extreme. However his resemblance to a certain visually impaired super-spy gave him away. [I] But does Mr Richards know that Shield has crashed his party? Or have they been invited? If that's the case then it seems they'll just about let anyone into these functions nowadays. [/I] Prince Faen was so distracted that he almost missed the look of alarm that Tony Stark gave when he glanced over at his daughter. [i]Ah, so you recognise me as well eh Tony. So this must be what it feels like to be famous.[/I] The elder Stark quickly got over his shock though, and began pushing his way through the crowd towards where Phoebe and Faen stood. Tony's fans were getting in the way though, eager as they were to get a picture with the famous hero, so Faen calculated he had a little time to say his goodbyes and make his getaway. "Ah, it seems your father doesn't like you speaking to strange boys, especially ones who bare a striking resemblance to super villains." The Lokison said, gesturing his head towards Tony in case Phoebe hadn't noticed. "I better get going before we cause a fuss. Strictly speaking I wasn't quite invited to this little soiree." Faen revealed with a slight shrug of his shoulders and an earnest smile. He hoped the blonde wouldn't rumble his party-crashing before he had at least made it to the buffet.