Mira was bored, watching the crowd was uninteresting, even if there was a guy harassing Iron Maiden that was probably not on the invite list. Mira sighed. [i]I've already mapped the place, so now I just have to figure out how to approach some heroes or something.[/i] Probably not the party crasher though, he seemed harmless though, so she'd leave him. As Mira looked outside, so noticed a shape on the rooftop nearby. [i]Interesting, but if I bother with whoever it is over there, then more than likely things will turn violent. Plus, if someone else notices him, they'll deal with him.[/i] Mira moved among the crowd outside, hands in her pockets, and observing. It looked like the young Mr. Summers was here as well. Maybe Mira would talk to him later. For now though, she was content to wait for Franklin out front. The museum was boring, once you knew all of the information. Mira had come early, to avoid the crowd in her memory, so now she could focus on meeting other heroes and scanning powers. It would be nice to have an extended repertoire. Well, hopefully the host would arrive soon, waiting here was awfully dull. Couldn't be helped though, sometimes things just had to work themselves out. Mira sighed and slid her glasses back up her nose, as they had fallen to a point where any second later they would have fallen off. Mira tried to ignore the dot on the rooftop, forcing her gaze to look at the man in the shoddy and well-worn suit. If anyone was likely to intervene should things go wrong, it was the guy who looked like he was dirt poor, but out and about anyway. Mira set his face in her mind and waited to see what would happen next. Mira liked waiting, in fact she was very good at it. She knew how to wait for hours for the glimpse of a single powers, or how to stake out a suspect. It didn't mean that was she wasn't excited to see the infamous son of Reed Richards and his wife.