Arms traffickers were lifting crate after crate of stolen K'un-Lunian weapons into an armoured truck, Lucas Rand watched them from the roof of a nearby building, staring in through the skylight of the building below, ready to pounce down like some sort of bird of prey if need be. Having acted on a lead he received awhile ago from an anonymous source outside of his range of contact within K'un-Lun that Davos and the others involved in his father's murder were hiding somewhere in New York, specifically in Brooklyn, Lucas had went after prominent smuggling rings, hoping to forcefully extract information that would lead to their location, so far he had been unsuccessful. Soon enough, the silence was broken by a tall, muscular and rather rough looking man's group voice ordering a lackey around like he was in charge of the whole operation. Luke knew better though, someone that stupid looking would never have been able to take down the mighty Iron Fist. "Hey, Dave, when yer finished with those crates, I wantcha ta help Tony get those Wakandan armours loaded up." Luke thought he had seen enough and leaped down off of the building and through the skylight, startling the criminals. One of them immediately dropped a crate, produced a knife and ran towards him. Luke just smiled and leaped out of the way of the thug's slashes, it was as if the criminal was telling him which way to dodge. Soon enough he tired of toying with the man. He dodged under a slash before kicking up at the thug's elbow, Lucas heard the bone snap, like a piece of wood, horrifying the smugglers. He spun from his position to face the numerous thugs behind him. Each held some sort of weapon, most of them held basic weapons like crowbars and some even managed to break open and plunder the crates full of K'un-Lunian weapons. Luke quickly ducked out of the way as the onslaught of fire that decimated where he was standing. The immense recoil of the fire arms in the hands of the inexperienced lawbreakers prematurely ended the barrage, Luke thought this was his chance to finish them swiftly before they could get away with the stolen armaments. Dashing towards the armed group with almost inhuman speed, he took one of them out with a Chi-enhanced roundhouse kick to the gut before the others even realised what was going on. They started blasting him again, despite the dangerous close range. Luke sprung up and preformed a split kick, striking two of them in the face, their fingers still on the triggers as they slipped into unconscious, letting loose a small eruption of fire. Luke thought he had taken out all of the smugglers, that is until he felt an excruciating pain hit him in his back, sending him a few feet across the room into the containers of Wakandan armours, scattering them all over the floor. Luke was lying amongst them, unable to get up, he felt like he had been struck by lightning. Suddenly he felt large, cold hands gripping his neck and lifting him up into the air. He had forgotten about the brute ordering around the lackeys from before, his fingers tightening around his neck, strangling the life from him. Luke's vision was blurring, now darkening, he had to think of a way to escape from the leader's steel-like grasp. Managing to pull back one of his legs, he summoned any Chi he had left into it and let go, hitting him full force in the crotch. Luke collapsed into a heap on the floor, spluttering as he pushed himself up off of the ground. Stumbling as he turned himself around to face the brute, Luke staggered towards him, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and punched him in the jaw twice. Through ragged breaths he interrogated the thug. "Where's...Davos...Sabertooth...The Wrecking Crew...Even goddamn Moleman...anyone? Tell me where they are..." "Heh...Fuck you...kid..." he said with a smirk on his bruised face as he swallowed the cyanide capsule that Luke had just knocked out of his tooth. In a mere matter of minutes he was dead, his mouth covered in a pinkish foam. "Dammit..." whispered Luke as he let go of the brute's shirt, letting his corpse drop to the hard floor. Today had been nothing more than another unsuccessful attempt at finding Davos and the others.