Outside of the corporate building, what looks like a taxi pulls up to the front of the building. The two guards there were curious as to who the visitor was. The taxi driver, though, did show some nervousness to the passenger he was dropping off. The drivers fears, though, were calmed when the passenger gave him a tip along with the fare money and a pat on his shoulder. The two guards at the gate, though, had their hands on their pistol hostlers when the man stepped out with what looked liked a nasty looking rifle and a japanese sword, the rifle just being slung onto his back and the japanese sword at his side in it's sheath. One of the two, though, recognized him as sort of a regular here. "Hey. He's cool", the first guard said, taking his hand off his hostler. "You sure? This guy looks like he's ready to storm the place one-man-army style", the other said. "He's a mercenary. Though a frequently hired one by the president's father. Guy's name is Marius "Kyosuke" Twilight." The other guard's eyes widen in recognition of the name. Even he had heard the stories about that man. Although he quit his civil security job due to being accused of treason, he exposed his higher ranking official to treason against the IISO which led that guy, Hazama if that was his middle name, having the biggest death mark slash bounty in all the known Monolith's out there. While this Marius guy was a merc, he heard rumors that he had either brought in or even killed some nasty individuals or Gastra threatening innnocent lives. Whether those rumors were true or not he didn't know. But what he DID know was that this corporation was known to hire the guy when they needed some expertise over some gun-crazy individuals with no brains. "Marius", the first guard said with a salute. The second guard then saluted him as well. "Hello", Marius simply said with the nod. He then said, "Can you please inform president Kiri that I'm here for work by her fathers orders please?" "Of course. Though I should have figured as much that he'd ask you to come", the first guard said. Pointing to the second guard, he nodded and headed inside to pass the message to the front desk so they can contact Kiri. Marius simply waited patiently outside with the remaining guard. Based on what he was told, this job could get nasty...