What to do, what to do? Zac thought to himself. He couldn't spend the entire night sitting on one lone rooftop for ages yet watching it might at least mean something would happen. If any form of trouble was coming tonight, what more perfect then trying to take out a bunch of heroes all at once under one building, retired and new. [i]We could blend in to the crowds,[/i] a voice whispered in his head, the symbiote Legion speaking. That had crossed Zac's mind, the symbiote could hide himself and he had the clothes to fit in, nothing fancy but enough that no one would really notice him if he slipped inside. The only question that stopped him would it be wise or right to do so? He was trying to keep their name in the good, that despite perhaps his vigilante justice, he still was a good person that fought to protect innocence. Then there was the question if something did happen, well where would a good place be to have the symbiote come in without anyone noticing and not bring attention to himself from others. In the end he decided against trying to blend into the party and remain on his watch but decided to change buildings so if anyone that might of been watching, since he wasn't really trying to hide much from view, would have to keep better attention in order to keep him in sight.