Avatar of mattmanganon


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3 yrs ago
Current I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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5 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
5 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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Still can't help but crave something Star Trek after getting back into Star Trek Online.
Robert Linden

Rob watched Magneto continue to lose further and further control. Well, trying to appeal for the good of his family sure as hell didn't seem to help. God damn his spine was hurting right now, the rubber insulation wasn't doing as much as he had hoped. He needed to push through further. If he didn't stop Magneto here and now, he was going to pull the station to pieces. He looked back to the others, he was close to the epicenter of Magneto's freak-out and with all of the metal bending and flexing around him, he couldn't hear a damn thing that was happening back there. Most of the others attempts to communicate that he should maybe try something else getting lost in the din. Think, Rob, think. Nothing to really do but try and get further through to him. Maybe... He tried pushing himself further, through the shards of metal, putting his hands up to his face to protect from the shrapnel that was starting to chip away at the aluminium outer shell on his body. He didn't want to absorb anything coming at him because that would make him even more susceptible to the magnetic forces. He pushed his way through to within arms reach of Magneto, but that's when his legs gave way... But he didn't fall to the ground. Instead he seemed to get caught up in the swirling vortex of metal around Magneto for a second, thrown against the wall. He landed and absorbed his feet into the ground to keep himself in one position for a second to think. No, his spine had too much Adamantium in it, he wasn't getting anywhere close to Magneto with that. He had been hoping to maybe absorb the helmet to make him open to the psionic attacks for the others, but that most certainly wasn't happening. "CAN SOMEO-" He called, but the sounds of battle and metal were too much. Nobody was going to hear him, also, his sentance was cut short by metal shards flying into his mouth. His tonsils might be aluminium, but when they got pinged by a shard of steel flying at them, it made his gag-reflex want to blow chunks everywhere. As plant vines sprang across the walls to try and keep them together, Rob threw Mary a thumbs up in gratitude, of course, she had other things to deal with, so he doubt she saw it.

Well, appealing to the visionary didn't work, appealing to the father still had no effect... Maybe it was time to appeal to the maniac? Getting up, his feet unfused with the floor and he pushed his way past through the debris field. He was starting to feel the nicks adding up, he was going to die to death by a thousand cuts at this rate. "MAGNETO!" He called through the cacophony of broken station. "IS THIS WHAT YOU'VE BEEN REDUCED TO. THE MASTER OF METAL NOW A PUPPET DANCING ON THE STRINGS OF A SNAKE-OIL SELLING RAT?! YOU ARE THE ONLY HOPE FOR MUTANT KIND!!! ONLY YOU CAN BRING US THE AGE OF MUTANT PEACE WE WANT... NO WE NEED THAT AGE. ASTEROID M WILL BE A NEW EDEN THAT WE CAN GROW FROM!!! YOU ARE MAGNETO!!! STOP PLAYING HIS GAME, SNAP OUT OF IT AND BE THE MAN WHO WILL SAVE US ALL!!! ASARI SAW THAT IN YOU!!! SHE SHOWED ME I WAS WRONG ABOUT YOU!!! I DESIGNED THIS PLACE FOR YOU AND ALL OF THOSE WHO RELY ON YOU!!!" He was hoping that in his addled state, Magneto wouldn't see through the lies about him having drank the Kool-Ade, but it was more about getting him to pull himself together, stroke his ego to the point where it can break out and assume full control. "WE ALL FOLLOWED YOU TO THE STARS BECAUSE WE BELIEVE IN YOU! YOU ARE THE UNDISPUTED MASTER OF MAGNITISM! THE GREY KING OF GENOSHA! THE HERALD OF THE AGE OF MUTANT KIND!!! NOW START ACTING LIKE IT!!!" He roared at Magneto. If not even the maniac that wanted human genocide could break through Cortez's control, then they abandoning M might be their only choice. He just REALLY hoped that his 5 years of planning wasn't going to just be undone by a drug dealer and a bunch of trigger-happy X-Men. He put his hands up to protect his face from the barrage of metal shards, regardless of what happened now, it was time for him to pull back.
I got my proposal all ready to go: "What If: The Writers didn't need Peter Parker to suffer constantly for no god-damned reason?"
Robert Linden

Rob was taken aback a little by Pietro having a go at him for his Irishness, but quickly regrouped and shook his head "Bloody Yanks..." He mumbled under his breath , before Carolina ran over to Neil and he followed. He smiled as the Gender Terms were brought up. He tried his best with them, but he was very much a man before their time. "Just try your best to show respect." He replied in a "I dunno, i just try my best" sort of way.

As the Shards started firing, Rob hadn't been looking and wasn't so much effected by the shards of metal, smashing into his hardened skin, but some parts of him were starting to act weird, he quickly put himself between some of the other X-Men and Magneto. He then looked at Magneto to see it was him freaking out. "ERIK!" He yelled, before running over to him. He was lucky that Aluminium wasn't magnetic, but he quickly collapsed as he got close to Magneto. Yeah, the Aluminium on his skin may not be magneticly conductive, but that Adamantium that was keeping his spine together sure as hell was. The waves kept pulling the adamantium out of allignment, meaning that he was pretty much doing a Ministry of Silly Walks in a desperate attempt to stay upright. "ERIK, YOU GOTTA PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER! YOU GOTTA KEEP M TOGETHER, YOU'VE GOT A DREAM THAT NEEDS SAVING!!!" He roared at him over the din of shuddering and cracking metal. He then laughed "I HATE TO SAY I TOLD YOU SO ABOUT THAT CORTEZ GIT, BUT I DID TELL YE SO." He then looked at the others. "DEAL WITH CORTEZ, I'LL KEEP ERIK HERE COMPANY!" To be honest, Rob had had quite some time to prepare for a fight with Magneto. He understood that Magneto was a Mutant Supremacist and would rather murder a million baby humans than harm a single hair on the head of a Mutant, but he had always had that niggling paranoia that Magneto would try to kill him after M was completed in one of those Bond Villain "And now nobody will be able to reveal M's secrets, MWAHAHAHAHAH!!!!" twists. He grabbed one of the wires in the wall absorbing it, one of the lights near him went off as he grunted, using the rubber insulation to surround the adamantium in his spine. It helped, not perfectly, but at least he was able to move more coordinatedly now. He spat the copper of the wire onto the floor in a little ball then moved back into the middle of the hall and flung his arms and legs wide, trying to cover as much of the hall as possible, ready to absorb the next piece of metal that came flying and hopefully "COME ON, ERIK, YOU'RE STRONGER THAN THAT TOSSPOT, AND SO IS THE DREAM OF M! IT'S YOUR DUTY TO KEEP M TOGETHER! FOR ALL THE MUTANTS, FOR YOUR BROTHERS, FOR YOUR SISTERS... He turned to see Pietro hit by shrapnel and trying to hobble away "YOUR CHILDREN!!!" He breathed a little more heavily. "ASARI BELIEVED IN YOU. DON'T LET HER DOWN, DON'T LET THE CHILDREN DOWN!!!" He REALLY hated having to bring Jasmine and Asari into this, but anything to try and give Magneto the emotional anchor he needed to fight this right now. He'd deal with the fallout later. Right now, Magneto was in danger of tearing the whole station apart. ONE FATHER TO ANOTHER, YOU KNOW YOU'LL DO ANYTHING TO PROTECT THEM, SO PROTECT HIM NOW!!!" He roared with passion and fury "DON'T ME THE SHITTY FATHER THAT DOES THIS TO THEIR CHILD!!!" He pointed to the scar down his face, he had told Magneto about how his father had done it to him with a straight razer after his powers first manifested. DON'T BE THE HUMANS YOU'RE ALWAYS SAYING WE'RE ABOVE!!!"
Maybe interested. See how the OOC looks.
Robert Linden

"Yes, I was over at the explanation, however it isn't surprising that there was no one there, there aren't enough people to have someone there all the time, and as of this moment, no, everything seems structurally sound at the moment." Magneto replied to him. Well, he didn't seem angry at him, that was a good start. As Guin decided to, dismantle not specifically his plan, but a dumbed down and stupid version of his plan. He simply sat and patiently listened to her. Yes he realized that the movie trope of "Excuse me, does this rag smell like Chloroform to you?" wasn't entirely realistic, but as he had said in his plan, Chloroform was the general gas anaesthetic used in medical procedures for a good reason. Very quickly renderng the patient unconscious. It wouldn't take too long to rig something up, it was mostly just changing the air intermix ratio in Life Support in a specific area, say a confined area, maybe one of the smaller rooms they could lure him to, then they could keep him bottled up in until he went to sleep. The Major weak point of the plan was less the gas and getting him to the specific place then needed him. But as he had said, setting up the plan relied entirely on Pietro on using that super speed to grab him stuff and set it up and from the sounds of things, that was completely out of the window. He grunted. He sat back silently as everyone became 100% convinced that a wild bum-rush was the only answer. He smiled as he remembered back in the day when he thought exactly as they did. 17ish years old when he had a death wish and was the first person to voice his "Let's just take his head off. Last one alive is a pussy!" mentality. But he had priorities now. He looked over at Magneto again. First priority was keeping that man as far away from Earth and Humanity as he could. Partly because he had proven too many times he couldn't be trusted to let the nature of natural evolution take its course, but mainly... He feared that Jasmine had a little too much of her mother in her... That man could NEVER be allowed to get his claws into his daughters mind. Fill her with the idea that the only way this could end is with one big, decisive battle between Homo Sapien and Homo Superior. That was the reason for M. The only way this battle was going to be avoided. Magneto had to leave and never come back. As they began assigning jobs, Rob sighed.

"Attack Pattern: Suicide, my favourite... I'll give a pre-apology in case i accidentally absorb anyone's eyes out of their head." He groaned, preparing himself mentally for when they left. Suddenly, the walls began to rattle. "Ummm, Eric?" He asked, looking around... No if Eric was doing it, his Wheelchair would also be affected "Ummm... Eric?" He asked again, this less accusatorily and more questioning if his weird "Sight beyond sight" thing could tell what was going on. He grunted, he hadn't had enough time to rest, but hopefully it had bought him enough time. He suspected that end-game was about to happen. Falling backwards as he re-absorbed his Wheel-chair he lay for a second, re-alligning all of the absorbed molocules and his skin turning to metal, his spine reconnecting. He pulled himself back to his feet. He looked at Magneto "Whatever happens, M NEEDS to survive." This place was the last, best hope for peace. At that point he was thrown against the bulkhead in a blast of rainbow flames. Some days he missed the X-Men life, but it was at times like this when he had been punched, electrocuted, barbacued and now barbaqued again that he didn't... He got to his feet again. "What in the name of the sweet baby jesus was that?" He was unburned, aluminium skin was always a good thing for quick bursts of flame and being slammed against a bulkhead. While the others were looking around for their friends, he was more concerned with the rest of the station. "Sprinklers?" He asked out loud, as if commanding them to come on. Maybe they had been damaged by the burst. He had been staring at Magneto when the flames exploded him so he hadn't seen Max being the epicenter. He was about to try and rush off to one of the computer rooms, but as he saw the others were far more damaged than him. He walked over to Carolina "On your feet, lass, you're an X-Man and you've got a job to do." He had a quick feel over her to make sure nothing was broken. "You'll live, come on." He helped pull her to her feet just as that orange magical effect fell over them and Caroline would start to look a lot better. He looked over at Ed "And where's my healing?" He laughed a little. He then looked around to count off "Ummm... Aren't we 3 people down?"
Robert Linden

Rob immediately got a bunch of threats to punch him in the face. Probably not the most compelling threat, considering that his face was made of solid steel at the moment. Thing is, these kids may know this guy now as another glorious and brave member of the team, but Rob hadn't had the luxury of growing content with the kid. Considering every single time he had heard about this kid, it was because he was committing terrorist attacks with his Brotherhood allies, those hypersonic punches of his had put quite a few of his friends from the main X-Men as well as Gold Squad into the infirmary. Was he being an asshole? Maybe... Definitely... He did live by the rule of "If you're the only one in the room saying that you're not being an asshole, you're DEFINITELY being an asshole. At the same time, a simple "But he's changed" isn't enough to undo years of resentment. That being said, Rob could easily tell his position here was becoming a little untenable. He was stressed to all hell, his spine was starting to get that dull, tiny throb that was his bodies way of saying "T-Minus 30 Minutes until body shut-down." Being that when that happened, he had 2 choices, rely on these kids to protect him or throw himself on the mercy of Magneto and his Merry Murderers... Then again, if someone likened him to his own father, they would definitely be likened to equal threats of face punching. He put his hands up "Alright, that was uncalled for, i apologize." It was a half hearted apology to Pietro. One that they'd both be able to tell was really saying "I'm not willing to forgive however many years of terrorism because a bunch of people i don't know told me you're very sorry for hospitalizing my friends, but right now, the situation calls for everyone to be happy-families. So let's just draw a line under this and move on. Who knows, you may prove them right later on"

He stood and watched Guin explain her "Madly rush in and hope for the best" (What was known in the Historical community as the "Operation Barbarosa" strategy. And everyone knows how well that one ended.) Mary explain in great detail why allowing her to be in the same room as Cortez was probably the single worst move they could make right now, punctuated with her insistance on still going and he couldn't help but scrunch his lips, but then reminded himself of what the creature had turned Professor Grey into and then the terrible reasoning all made sense again. And being that he was content to leave his atoms in the current configuration as they were instead of disassembled and made to orbit the sun, he decided to let this one go... Nope, it was either his atoms splayed across deep space now or when Cortez made the Phoenix go nuts. At least right now he might be able to save someone else. "Look, before anyone has a go at me for "Trying to take over" I'm not, i'm just trying to make sure as many of us as possible survive, as well as this station." He brought his hands up and scrunched them into fists as he tried to get his train of thought past the minor pain in his spine, but then gave up. The Steel was re-absorbed into his skin and suddenly a wheelchair started to appear out of the back of his legs before he sat down. "Oh me mother tilly..." He gasped in relief as he sat down. "Anyway, Cortez is SMART. He didn't get where he was today just by allowing any old group of people to bum-rush him. Plus, the massive cavernous hole in your plan is that, whereas you are right, he probably can't get all of us if we bum rush him, he only needs to get 1 or 2 of us." He pointed at Mary "If he makes the Phoenix's power go ape-shit, we're all gonna be dust in seconds." He then pointed to Pietro "You're fast enough to beat us all up in the blink of an eye. If you get even faster, then the sheer force of kinetic-energy of your speed when you move past us would probably ignite the atmosphere by accident. And with any of the rest of us, frankly, we have NO idea how our powers will react to him pumping us full of his juice, any one of us could kill all of us depending on how our powers react. For all i know, i might start absorbing everyone around me's skeletons without even touching them. No, we need to outsmart him before we can out-muscle him..." He thought for a second. "Either we need to figure out how to make us immune to his power, or figure out how to control it when one of us inevitably does get hit." He continued to think as the party started moving on. He rolled along in his chair, trying to think his way around this. He was a scientist now, not a punk like his old days. Phoenix's power didn't melt Professor Logan's claws when she tried to kill him, so Adamantium must be able to resist it, but that only covers a small part of my body and i can't walk if i do that, also, that helps absolutely nobody else. Maybe generate some kind of electromagnetic field to screw with the targetting of his powers? Enough Radiation has been known to disrupt- No, it'd screw with us too, plus we don't even know if it'll do anything, too big a risk to bet everything on... Maybe use some of the Jeffreys Tubes to sneak around and ambush him... We'd need to get him into the right position, plus most of them are located close to the floor and not enough of them close enough together for us to all burst out and ambush him... We need a way to hold him, kinda like- It was at that point that the group ran into the other party He waved over at the people he recognized from before as well as...

"Eric..." He tried to play this off as he saw the man who was technically his boss. He was with the rest of the group. And Rob was in his old X-Men outfit... "Eric, i can explain. There was explosions, i couldn't find a space suit so i grabbed the only thing with weather protection." At least he was confident that Eric wouldn't accuse him of being a traitor, being that Magneto seemed to be working with the other X-Men as well. "Were you over at the explosion? I heard it but your goons abandoned the command center and i wasn't able to reach them for a sitrep. How's M's structural integrity?" He asked. He knew Magneto had a weird connection to the asteroids natural electromagnetic field, he had used his powers to detect problems the computers couldn't before. if Asteroid M was still in one piece then they were golden, but that was the problem with Asteroid M to start with. Building a space station was hard enough, making it able to survive hundreds of pissed off beings with the ability to spout fire or brimstone or nuclear blasts from their finger tips was an entirely other thing... It was at times like this when he specifically was annoyed Magneto had vetoed his idea to have Power Dampeners in the holding cells. He could have stripped them out, installed them in a cargo bay and lured him in. Then it's as Guin said Gangland beat-down. He might be able to cook some up, but it would take time, not exactly a commodity at this juncture. Currently the only thing he was focused on right at this very second was continuing to make sure everyone kept breathing...

"Wait, breathing, that's it." He mumbled. "Someone needs to make a run to the infirmary." He looked at Quicksilver, seeing that the supersonic runner was the most obvious choice. "Grab as much of the anesthetics as you can, preferably chloroform because of it's low vaporization point. If we can distribute it into the right part of the life support system in the section he and his croneys are in, we can render them all unconscious. And even if it doesn't take them down, it's gonna knock them for a loop at the very least, make them a little easier to take down." He looked around as if to ask for approval. "I know i said i wasn't gonna give orders, but if anyone has a better idea that doesn't involve blindly charging at him and half of us trying to kill the other half, then for the love of the almighty, PLEASE tell us so we can do that instead." He asked. The plan had plenty of things that could go wrong, but at least it was a start and it was the least suicidal plan that didn't involve bugging out yet. Then again, Rob was the first to admit, he was a scientist, not a strategist.
Recently got back into Star Trek Online and now i'm craving something Star Trek related.
Could be interesting, would everyone just be playing different Disney canons or Disney themed OC's?
Robert Linden

Was a little taken aback by the sudden outburst, falling on his backside as his body reacted, his skin turning to steel, with the adamantium keeping his spine together all flooding to his face in some kind of instinctual attempt to protect himself from the inevitable vaporization. This had the unfortunate side-effect of making him conductive again and writhed around, rather ungracefully in pain, until someone managed to stop the guy generating it. He at least managed to hold back the indignity of screaming. He grunted as he regained control of his power back from his instincts and the pain, shifting the molocules back, his adamantium once again reattaching his spinal chord. He slowly managed to wobble back to his feet, before seeing the others who had showed up. He panted heavily. He had been holding his spine together for 20 minutes, 20 minutes of near constant use. He was starting to feel the strain, it didn't hurt yet, but he could feel it was gonna start soon. Like tensing a muscle.

Personally, he didn't understand what part of "I'll follow your lead, but i'm just trying to help!" was trying to order people around, but again, the galactic god of genocide was not exactly known for allowing its hosts to think clearly. Frankly, the fact that his atoms weren't disassembled and then splattered across the hall was something anyone should consider a win at this point. He slowly jogged towards the group as they met back up. "Magneto Jr, i know you." He managed to pant out, pointing at Pietro, clearly a little winded from the few zillion volts that had danced across him "You and you i don't know-" He pointed at Guin and Bethany. "Robert Patrick Linden, A.K.A. Upgrade, Xavier Institute Gold Squad class of 2007, at your service" He stopped again to catch his breath as he extended a hand to the 3 of them, even if he had already met Pietro, he still believed in good manners. "I think bidding a hasty retreat is probably for the best. Again, leave Magneto and his people up here to think their smug, superior thoughts without bringing the rest of us into it." He sighed. Honestly, anything to get the X-Men off the station. While they were here, the chances of a fight that punctured the outer layer of the asteroid base was high and he rather didn't like the idea of ANYONE getting turned inside out via explosive decompression.
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