Avatar of Dervish


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3 yrs ago
Current Remember, nobody actually enjoys roleplaying if there isn't at least five shameful fetishes uncovered by the 2nd page.
5 yrs ago
Somebody stole my mood ring. I don't know how to feel about it.
5 yrs ago
Let's be honest, it's far more satisfying and challenging to actually imagine what a character looks like than paste a hundred gifs of a celebrity and call it good.
5 yrs ago
So, a team of players who are good at playing as a team in a team-based game are individually bad players. Seems kind of silly when you put it like that, no?
5 yrs ago
My goal these days is to have an RP that can actually finish, or the very least, last a few years. I see way too many die on page one to take chances


Lowering the site's value since January 2012.

Most Recent Posts

@Hank Care to start us off, friend? I will make time tomorrow evening!
<Snipped quote by Dervish>

CURSES. And I can't even deny it, because you have control of my true name!

The one who controls the Spice controls the universe
<Snipped quote by Captain Jenno>

Sorry, sorry! We had a killer storm today so my router's been kaput for most of it. I tried tapping a post out on my phone but it was... not great. Tomorrow or my name isn't Jenno Jennofski.

Your name is actually Geno Jennifer.

You cannot fool me.


"Rykarn, we're over here!"

Like a decidedly fatalistic game of Marco Polo, the intermittent flickering of the IFF signals and volumetric dust played hell with visual contact, leading Rykarn towards the sounds of Salissa and Partinaxs’ voices on one end and the unintelligible utterances of the Husks behind him. Everything bloody well ached, between the concussive forces of the blast and the countless dozens of claws that had tried to pry through his now battered armour, the krogan was rather looking forward to sitting down and drinking when this was all over.

After fending off a few more Husks with ferocious backhands and liberal use of his shotgun, the krogan soon heard the staccato of gunfire and the flashing of omni-blades through the dust, his comrades having reached him. At least they’d stayed the hell back when he set off the charges; it would be clean-up duty and containing what was left. When he caught sight of the cybernetic woman, Rykarn shook his head.

”You’re louder than the explosion, but thanks. Didn’t want to walk back alone with an entourage of monsters.” he watched as the turian Specter cut down yet another Husk with an incandescent orange blade. He looked about as good as Rykarn felt, he decided. With the krogan secure, Partinax ordered a retreat back to the line. Looking the Spectre over and offering an agreeable nod, he made an understated observation.

”You look like shit.” Rykarn said, his helmet concealing his grin. He followed Partinax back towards the firing line, turning on occasion to take a few more shots at trailing Husks, the shotgun doing gruesome work against the unarmoured Husks. Vella had apparently joined the rescue effort, and Rykarn was surprised to find that she didn’t show up on his HUD. His omnitool must have taken a hit.

"That was stupid!" The asari exclaimed. It was something Rykarn was far too accustomed to hearing from just about every outfit he’d worked for, save for the Blood Pack. Turns out when you get a bunch of krogan leading a bunch of vorcha and don’t give a shit about collateral damage, you get used to doing things that make even turians have second thoughts. Krogan were nothing if not pragmatic; if it fixes your problem but kills a bunch of your enemy, then it would be stupider not to do it. It`s not like he was on the bill for fixing the damn metro.

What Rykarn wasn`t ready for was the asari`s follow-up statement.

"You should totally teach me sometime!" she exclaimed, perhaps far too cheerfully.

The krogan grunted, tossing a grenade behind him. It detonated, silencing several shrieking vocals behind the group.

”Spend your next leave on Tuchanka and pick a fight with everyone you see. You’ll learn fast enough.” he said, continuing his stride back towards the others. Back in formation, it was a lot easier to stand their ground now that the source of Husks was restricted. There were still more than anyone could count and the dust destroyed line of sight, but it was starting to feel more like a fight they might win. His commander might give him crap for breaking the line, but he wasn’t about to make excuses. London wasn’t currently being overrun by Husks and they weren’t all torn into hundreds of bloody ribbons. End of the day, that’s what bloody mattered.
Starting on a post tomorrow. Sorry to see you go, Hellis.

@Dervish, collab time? Maybe we can do something to give Valen a worthy goodbye?

I didn't get the tag for this for some reason! But yeah, let's get to work on something after Roze gets that collab up, just to make sure we're all on the same page.
<Snipped quote by Dervish>

It reminds me of it going back to ME1 style With just a bit more improved. I'm enjoying it as well.

Which is why I'm feeling the regret of playing it before work and sacrificing all sleep

I know.

I'm running off of 5 hours sleep, if that.

Work suuuucked.
Is Andromeda any good? I've heard enough people complain about the facial animations but, ignoring that, is it enjoyable in terms of story and gameplay?

So far I'm really drawn into the game. There's a bit of uncanny valley going on with some of the character models, but I think the complaints are a bit overblown.

I haven't gotten too far into the story, but so far it definitely makes me want to find out more. Combat is a lot tougher out of the gate than the original trilogy, I find, but it feels great and punchy and so far it is really fun to drive the Nomad.
Gotta say, so far I am really enjoying Andromeda! I won't say anything because I don't want to spoil the whole discovery aspect, but I friggin' love the new galaxy map.

I'll make some time to reply tonight or tomorrow, pretty sure it's my turn.
<Snipped quote by BlackSam3091>

Unfortunately, due to the wishy-washy nature of organic love, we refer to this as a "Love Cube" or "Shrodinger's Infatuation", simultaneously hate and love at the same time while also having two feet in the friendzone. How can a bipedal entity have two feet on one side, you may ask? Simple. It doesn't.

Also loving how every character has said, in one way or another, "If Ellis puts one toe out of line-"

Well, when you freely announce that you were apart of the equivalent of Turbo Space ISIS, people are going to think you're a piece of shit.
I would have been severely annoyed had everyone blown my Mines up, and when I do my post Giles will have a few choice words for Rykarn >.>"
Nobody blows his stuff up but him; he's gunna make sure people learnt that pretty damn fast.

To be fair, it was a GM suggestion that another character detonates the mines. I actually asked permission to do so as to not be power playing or take agency away from other characters and it's like Sam said, it's a team-based game. A big reason I left Rykarn extremely vulnerable and likely in need of rescue (which happened hella fast, way to go Aegon and Vella) is because it was a huge risk he took and when you're dealing with literal thousands of monsters, you kind of have to make decisions on the fly.
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