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6 yrs ago
Having actual free time feels so weird


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Shah and the Pigskin

This city, this Thysia – It was boring.

Shahari yawned, her arms stretched forward and tail stiffened until she felt that familiar release deep within her muscles. All the fatigue she’d built up over the day washed away in an instant and as she returned to her curled up position on this strange sandstone-tiled roof, she observed the colours of the sky begin to change.

The vibrant blue of daylight gave way to a spectacle of colours, no doubt painted by the Gods themselves. A deep red gave way to oranges and purples as the Itzala set. As the accursed eye moved its gaze to other parts of the world, a comforting chill and sense of peace came upon Thysia, one that blessed them every night, and one that Shah wasn’t particularly fond of.

The Thysians were a boisterous people during the day, but they retreated back to their homes and all but disappeared at night. Even the nocturnal beasts were hard to spot as soon as the Itzala went away, and so usually Shah was all alone at night, stalking the empty streets and alleys and jumping from roof to roof in an attempt to find anything to do.

Oh, to be one of the Pantheras back home!

Shah sighed, a smile finding its way onto her face.

’Us Pantheras hunt and hunt until we catch life by the throat, love!’ would preach Shah’s father right about now, ’No time to mope, so get up and get to where Shah knows she must go!’

“Duh!” She responded to her own memory and giggled. A groan came from the people sleeping in the room below her.

There was an issue, of course, she’d been prohibited from going where she needed to go.

And so she had resigned herself to jumping around at night. That had been nearly a month ago.

A flurry and not-so-quiet flurry of movement later and Shah had slid off the roof and landed amongst the rubbish strewn all over the alleyway below. From there, she simply followed her nose and ears. She found her way out of the labyrinthine network of alleyways and onto a main avenue - the kind the Suneater’s warbands would use to parade into town after a successful campaign - only now it was completely empty.

Completely empty, that is, with the exception of a lone stall. A stove full of stew bubbled quietly, the spotless countertop lit up by a pair of unassuming, unscented white candles. It was a nice kind of candlelight - not too bright and not too dim, perfect for Shah’s enhanced vision.

She approached the unmanned stall, sat down on one of the stools, and rang the bell.

The pot continued to bubble. A meaty scent wafted up from below the cast iron lid. She rang the bell again.

Then a third time. And when she was about to ring it a fourth time, an onion crashed and exploded on the ground next to the stall. Shah hissed and in her periphery saw what looked like a window closing. Nosy losers, the Panthera thought.

“No one here…” She muttered and stared at the pot of stew.

A moment later, she had opened the lid and stuck her clawed finger into the stew. She licked it clean, hummed as the savoury, smooth flavour coated her mouth, and went back for more.

At some point, Shah had actually figured out how to turn off the stove and had cooled the stew down enough so that she could scoop up entire handfuls.

She hadn’t eaten the entire time she’d been awake, after all! Two hours without food was probably long enough to kill her, so she hyper-focused on the stew in front of her and nothing else.

And out of nowhere, a large hand grabbed her by the collar of her dress and lifted her up into the air. She choked and coughed out a mouthful of stew and threw the stew in her hands all over the stall.

“OI! Caught ya, ya shitty cat!” Shouted a deep, gruff voice into her ear. She hissed back.

“Shah’s not done anything! Shah’s innocent, she only ate free food!” She explained even as she swung her claws all over, failing to scratch anything other than air.

“Free food?! Ya dirty li’l… It’s a SELF-SERVE! Three coins per plate! Readin’ too difficult for ya, ya thief? No one tell ya how night time stalls work?! Bah!” The stall owner spat at Shah and threw onto the counter, spilling the still-hot stew all over it and Shah.

“Shah’s food!” She cried and tried to scoop the spilled stew back into the pot with her hands.

“Your food?! ‘Cause of ya, I haven’t been able ta save a single coin for tha last three months! Always stealin’ food from me stall, always gettin’ away with it! I got a family ta feed!” The merchant slapped the pot out of Shah’s hands and pushed the Panthera off the counter and onto the gravel road. She gasped at the sharp sensation along the palms on her hands and knees as she landed.

“And now – ‘Cause of ya, this is another night I ain’t workin’! Oh, I ought’a…” The stall owner, whom Shah could now tell was a particularly massive Snouter, fell silent for a split moment, then opened a drawer and pulled out a cleaver. “... Ya catfolk have only made this city worse. I’ll show ya how Thysia treats unwelcome guests.”

“N-No, please! Shah thought - She thought the food was free! Please!” Shah sobbed, her heart nearly exploding and her legs having turned to jelly. She did her best to crawl away from the Snouter, but soon a brand new set of footsteps entered her earshot. Metallic and heavy, these footsteps rushed to her side, and she could tell the Snouter had stopped approaching.

With tears in her eyes, Shah turned to the armoured guard kneeling next to her, her eyes widened with hope, only for the guard to suddenly force her arms behind her back and tie her wrists tightly with rope.

Her hope was crushed in a second and as she was slung over the elephant-like guard’s wide shoulder and carried away, she could only stare back at the smug look on the Snouter’s face. Suddenly, she became aware of all the people leaning out of their windows and staring at the scene she had been a part of, and immediately she hung her head in shame. It was only made worse when the Guard grumbled.

“Might need to throw this uniform away now… Cat piss smell ain’t gonna come off.”

Shah whimpered.

“Joking, lass. I’ll give you a pair of new trousers when we get to the garrison.”


Shah was dressed in a plain grey set of trousers and shirt, no shoes, squeaky clean and lying curled up on the prison bed, staring at her bandaged hands.

How did she even get there? Was she an actual criminal now? Thysia made no sense, she was nearly killed and yet she was the one that ended up behind bars.

It was very early in the morning – the Hand was probably still high up in the sky, if her internal clock was to be trusted. By all means, everyone should be asleep, even the guard that had imprisoned her. But she could hear two sets of footsteps approaching. She perked up as the guard from before appeared and looked at her from the other side of the bars.

“Not lucky, are you li’l panther? To have a run-in with the Pigskins. Don’t worry, I went back to the scene while you were cryin’ in the bathtub and confirmed that what you ate was a chicken and beef stew.” The guard pondered for a second, “I guess not so unlucky after all.”

Shah hissed at the massive man and curled up even tighter. Making fun of her, arresting her, and now even trying to confuse her with riddles!

“Say, I rescued you back there, am I gettin’ a reward for that?” It wasn’t a question, Shah realised, as the guard immediately reached for his keyring and went to unlock the gate to her cell.

”Touch her and it’s your head I cut off.” A familiar voice erupted through the prison hallway. Shah could hear the light talon steps of the half-blooded Kestrel draw closer, as Konne marched towards the guard standing in front of her jail cell. Her face was a mixture of annoyance and pure anger as she stared at the guard. ”You’re to release her immediately, guardsmen. Orders from Lord Suneater himself.”

The guard stiffened up nearly immediately and simply unlocked her gate and swung it open for Konne. “Wouldn’t dream of touching her. Had many chances while she was washing and changing. Did nothing then. Saved her from the Pigskins, would’ve ended up in a stew downtown.”

Shah sat up on the bed and as soon as Konne walked past the guard, Shah ran towards her bird friend, grabbing onto her clothes while completely unaware of her claws. “Shah did nothing wrong! She thought the food was free, she really thought so! Shah is not a criminal, she’s a Panthera, can’t be bad!” Shah whined and nuzzled desperately into Konne’s midsection. “Konne!”

The Kestrel sighed, doing her best to unhook Shah’s claws from her clothing. ”I’m sure you didn’t know Shah. But you can’t just bound off into the night like that.” She replied, half-pulling half-leading Shah out of the prison cell. Before turning to the guard with a glare on her face. ”First thing in the morning, get your fellow guardsmen and arrest those Snouters. Harming the bride of Lord Suneater is a crime punishable by torture and I will ensure it is delivered.” She didn’t wait for a reply, instead continuing to pull Shah along down the hallway.

Soon enough they had found their way out of the garrison entirely and Shah was able to regain control of herself, or at least enough of it that she managed to retract her claws. Then, after a while of silent walking, she let out a deep and shaky breath.

“Shah goes out at night because her husband sleeps all night. She was banned from sneaking into his room to watch him sleep so nowhere to go but outside! But Thysia is dangerous, she realises now. Also need new clothes. Shah threw her old ones away because uh, the Snouter ate them. Yeah.”

As she spoke, Konne suddenly stopped, looking at Shah. ”You…snuck into his room? No. Don’t answer that.” She sighed. ”We’ll get you new clothes, and. I’ll try to think of something for you to do at night okay? Something not dangerous that doesn’t require you leaving the palace.”

“And Konne?” Shah climbed onto Konne’s back, careful enough to not bother her wings, in one well-practised move. “You saved Shah- You saved me. Thank you. I was scared…” Shah whispered into her friends’ ear, and then went on to nibble on her shoulder.

The kestrel let Shah onto her back, having gotten used to the half-blood’s desire to be carried at times. ”Lord Suneater ordered it. And. The palace would be less lively without you I suppose.” She glared at Shah nibbling on her shoulder, sighing again as she continued to carry her towards the palace.

Turn 8

Turn 8 has started, please check the MP Spreadsheet for your updated MP counts. Please let me know if any number is off and I'll fix it when I can.

Now for an announcement…


The Hands of Time move ever forward, as do its subjects. For the duration of this turn, you’re heavily encouraged to make at least one post (no matter how short) exploring any of Galaxor’s creations.

The way you interact with your chosen creation is up to you. You could write about adopting tech from the Dominion, you could write a simple short exchange between an adventurer from Sylann and one from the Dominion, you could even write and complete your own quest within the Dominion, free of all oversight and with full creative licensing (yes, up to and including which reward you get from its completion.)
@Ever Faithful

hi, I'll PM you an invite soon
Turn 7

Turn 7 has started, please check the MP Spreadsheet for your updated MP counts. Please let me know if any number is off and I'll fix it when I can.

With this turn change, a 40 MP cap has been implemented. Any MP that you accumulate past this point will instead go to a communal pool that I can then decide how to redistribute if needed. There have also been changes to the Quest System, which have been explained very generally in the Discord.

Quest Board

Mundane Quests (for mortals and heroes only):
- Copper’s Gone: A copper shortage has reared its ugly head, and with it the price and value of bronze has shot up immensely. An initial investigation led by a ragtag group of adventurers named The Rusty Nails has managed to track the source of the shortage to the mysterious closing of massive sections of the largest quarry in the Land of Origin, but before long communications from the group of adventurers ceased as well. At the moment, the Quarry continues to operate in a limited capacity, managing to ship out other metals such as iron, but there’s no telling how sustainable this may be. CLAIMED BY SAUCER

- Gloink, the Gallant: Tales abound of the heroic exploits of a human-shaped gloink covered in white armor. If these tales are to be believed, the gloink in question saved five kittens from a hungry hawk, defeated an Outer-corrupted squirrel in one to one combat, and even managed to help a construction crew finish their project before their deadline by working three nights in a row. The Gloink is beloved by the realm as a symbol of kindness and hard work… Or it was, until it was captured by a local militia who are now denouncing it as the one behind the cold-blooded murder of their leader. Now, people are split and can’t seem to decide what to do, and if nothing is done, the Gloink will be put to death by the militia. CLAIMED BY... KHODEX?

Divine Quests (for all):
- The Many Masks Masquerade: It is said that an enchanting place can be found deep in the wild reaches of the Inner Veil. A place so grand and so exotic that one could get lost in it for decades. A place where one could see everything there is to see – for a price – except for one thing. Everyone and everything, including the animals and insects, wear masks in the Masquerade. Anyone who takes their mask off while in the Masquerade, disappears the moment no one is looking at them. The Traveler of Arbor, a renowned explorer, has on many occasions shared that they would “kill to go back to the Masquerade one more time”, but also that he has “Sadly forgotten where it is or how he even left it in the first place.” CLAIMED BY WRONGEND
Turn 6

Turn 6 has started, please check the MP Spreadsheet for your updated MP counts. Please let me know if any number is off and I'll fix it when I can.
@ActRaiserTheReturnedYeah! Just PMd you it



Wise beyond measure and kind beyond words, the magnolious queen of the fairies sprinkles her magicks unto existence, and wherever the echo of her impossible beauty is felt all swoon and are smitten... and driven to madness and pain! Bitterly does she hide her countenance and her beauty from all, sadly does she by glamourous arts and phantasmic potions and crafts scatter from the eyes of all the very thought or memory of her face. Like a rippling mirage on sun-scattered sands is her countenance, hidden not beyond the Veil of the immaterial but within it, inside it - and only by the laughter of her Fae children - and by poor glamorous disguises! - will her existence be known!

Full of love, most resplendent love, is the heart of the Little god of the Little Things, and though she cannot wander in her splendour from the Veil, still is she a most eager and most munificent host. If her countenance is never to grace mortal eyes beyond her kingdom, and if she is not to dance there in the world of blood and soil or hold court, then mortals - and their eyes - must be brought to be graced by her! Could one such as her, who knows only love, wisdom, and kindness, wallow away in her exile and be thought a world-hating recluse, a veritable scrooge, a dragon on her mountain of gold, a most vile and evil hag? Why, let her love-drowned heart burst and perish before such would be said of her! Here in her court, where her countenance shines most sweetly on all eyes and brings only pleasure and delight, will the song of great hospitality and generosity be sung.

Musical Theme

Roisin Magnolia is approved! I particularly enjoy the usage of the word Glamour to describe beautiful magic, a combination I guess of the old and new meanings of the word.

You may post the CS in the Characters tab, as well as post in the IC as Roisin, at your leisure.
Hell in Heaven - Turn 5

Turn 5 has started, please check the MP Spreadsheet for your updated MP counts. Please let me know if any number is off and I'll fix it when I can.

Given that the vast majority of the fronts that opened up with the Outer Beast invasion have been wrapped up, I can announce that the first Transcendental quest has been completed! Rewards will be handed out in an upcoming post!

Enjoy our return to a relatively peaceful world, lads.
Hell in Heaven - Turn 4

Turn 4 has started, please check the MP Spreadsheet for your updated MP counts. Please let me know if any number is off and I'll fix it when I can.

The Transcendental Quest is still ongoing, and its state is as follows: The entryway the Outer beasts were using to enter the material realm has been sealed thanks to the sacrifices of Voi and Lareus, but the two Greater Outer Beasts as well as the Lesser Beast hordes remain, as do the many settlements that have begun to be created around the Blood Ocean. The Dream Realm has been taken over by The Eidolon as part of their deal with the Outer God called the Presence, an action which has indirectly saved the lives of many dreamers who would’ve had their dreams invaded by outer entities otherwise. The Astral Realm is under siege by hordes of Outer Entities, with Luminaries giving their all to hold wave after wave of invaders back.

With the entryway to the material realm gone, the finish line is in sight. Glory be to the heroic gods of Galbar! First cohort to actually earn their station!
The Unsung Guardians


Lareus sat, one leg on top of the other, on one of the ornate chairs at his favourite dream-scape. It was a field of vibrant grass, swaying to and fro to the rhythm of a gentle breeze. The God of Dreams closed his eyes.

“This is… the best dream in… my realm.” He said, taking in a deep breath of the lavender-scented air. Curious, considering there were no lavender flowers in the entire dreamscape.

“It is calm, like a freshly reincarnated soul…” Voi agreed, his raspy voice coming from the darkness beneath his hood. The two blue orbs that floated in the darkness dimmed. Voi reached for his cup of green tea with his bandaged hands and poured the liquid into where his mouth would normally be, only for the tea to go all the way through and splattered against the chair he sat on, spreading throughout his black robes. It didn’t bother him.

“So… are you ready to… go?” Lareus opened his eyes and exhaled loudly.

“I think so…”

With those words, the two of them stood up and the dreamscape around them shifted and shivered away into a familiar sight - That of an endless desert on one side and an endless ocean of blood on the other.

It was only through the use of the Dreamlands that Lareus and Voi managed to teleport where they did undetected, but it was a one-time use trick for now. Lareus knew that the Dreamlands would be overrun as soon as he stepped out of them, causing chaos and pain throughout the dreams of all mortals. He knew so, but he also knew that some things had to be prioritised.

The other gods were too busy, too self-absorbed to react quickly to the threat, so he had gotten in contact with his only friend and set out on a quest of his own.

Still, he winced.

“The ya-gos… the dream bubbles… I can feel it all coming apart… at the seams…”

“I will help you fix it all, once we emerge from this accursed lake…” Voi stared at Lareus for a moment, then he stretched one of his arms towards the side and a scythe made of smoke and raw arcana materialised. Lareus saw this and touched his index and middle fingers on both hands to his temples, causing his circlet to glow and melt and wrap itself around his fingers. Four rings, all made of Larite.

“It is an ocean… but so be it… in we go, friend…”

And so they walked into the Blood Ocean.


The Outer Beast, both Greater and Lesser, had no souls. Instead, they had what Voi had gotten to call ‘seeds’. They weren’t fully aware of their actions, not even at the level of a normal beast from within the Universe, but they still felt pain, they still felt the desire to reproduce… It was strange. What was stranger still was the fact that their ‘soul seeds’ were all in various states of growth. Some of them had even managed to awaken into true souls. Those kills were the ones that hurt Voi the most. To kill an innocent, if violent, creature from another world and doom its soul to an eternity within his weapon was a grave sin. One that he had decided to shoulder for the sake of all that he knew and had created along with his fellow gods, his family.

One step, one slash. Both near and far in that direction, a thousand soul seeds ripped apart and were sucked into Voi’s scythe like a whirlpool.

Visibility was zero. The Blood Ocean was so dense that after just two metres or so of descent, everything was already pitch black.

Another step, another slash.

Behind Voi was Lareus. As usual, his eyes were closed and his fingers were pressed hard against his temples. Lareus was the only reason they were getting swarmed by thousands instead of millions. His weapon was no weapon at all, instead it was a set of rings that augmented his godly abilities. The ability to force his way into the minds of any outer beast with even the slightest bit of soul growth and impose dream after dream on them was terrifying. To think that Lareus had such an oppressive power, and that he never used it against anyone before…

But that still left the freshly spawned beasts. Wide awake as they were and wired to hunt anything with a trace of divinity in their blood, they were bound to go straight toward the pair.

But a thousand were no match for Voi’s Scythe. A single slash was enough to rip apart a thousand souls and leave the beasts’ bodies in a vegetative state.

Step after step after step. The saturated mud below their feet squelched unnaturally as they approached the deepest part of the Blood Ocean, where the seabed had collapsed. Deep below, an unnatural glow emanated from the sprawling black pools from which the hordes of beasts spawned.

Just as they prepared to jump down into the abyss, the flow of the blood changed.

In a split second, the Blood Ocean was parted in two. Lareus screamed in the silence of the depths and shot forward into the darkness, a trail of glowing divine ichor left behind him.

Voi couldn’t see their attacker. He, a God, couldn’t see their attacker. He desperately looked around, something that he instinctively knew would do no good. His grip on the Scythe tightened. His shoulders tensed.

The flow changed again. He was too slow. The thing came from above.

Three long barbed claws came straight down onto his head and split his two blue eyes down the middle and left a large gash in his smoky form. He lost his footing and flailed. Out of the corner of his vision, he saw the millions of previously asleep beasts awaken and rush to the trail of Lareus’ ichor, devouring it like a swarm of piranhas.

As Voi’s back touched down on the mud, the thing that had attacked them appeared from the darkness and sat on his chest. It smiled at Voi, row upon row of sharp fangs in its mouth. It had no eyes or ears, for it did not need them down there.

That’s when Voi felt it, this beast’s soul wasn’t a seedling, nor was it merely awakened. It was something… More. Just how many of his brothers and sisters’ creations had it devoured to grow that much?!

Voi stirred. Now that he had a lock on the beast’s soul, he had no need for fear. He simply reached up and touched the thing, and it went still.

“You shouldn’t have revealed yourself, you were too proud…” Voi said. He sensed a large swarm a few metres away. Hundreds of thousands, killing each other and crowding around one divine presence, all for a chance to eat just one more drop of ichor. “Lareus…!”

Voi shot up onto his feet and swung his scythe wide in Lareus’ general direction. Shortly after, he felt the pulse of Lareus’ Artefact activating once more. It was weaker and the effect radius was smaller, but it was there. So Voi jumped forth and met up with Lareus, who floated in a small bubble of his own ichor, surrounded by the bodies of thousands of lesser beasts.

One of his arms, half his abdomen and an entire knee were gone, and the rest of his body was so badly damaged that Voi doubted he’d be able to move for the next thousand years. But, he was alive. Lareus looked at Voi.

“You look… Like you got a close look at a train’s wheels…” Lareus chuckled.

“What’s a train…?” Voi wrapped his arms around his friend and started to float down towards the pools at the bottom of the ocean, in the submerged caverns.

“I don’t know… I saw it in a goblin’s… dreams…” After some moments, when they were close enough to sense the peculiarities within the black pools, Lareus spoke again. “It’s not quite the… same as the way into the Dreamlands… but I should be able to… shut it down…”

Voi nodded.


The two gods stood at the edge of one of the pools. Voi had set Lareus down so that he could reach into the pool and get to work on shutting down the portal, and was now on extermination duty. Every few moments, the God of Souls swung his scythe and reaped the souls of whatever unfortunate Cantar individual remained within the caverns. He sensed no corruption within the unfortunate few left alive after the portal had appeared, but risks could not be taken, not now and after so much sacrifice.

Both gods bled still. Hordes of beasts swarmed them still. The only thing that kept them safe was Voi’s Scythe.

As soon as he was done shutting down the portal, they could both make a quick getawa-


Lareus’ thoughts derailed. The outcrop of ceiling above them collapsed and behind that collapse was a form that moved faster than either of the gods’ eyesight could follow. Was it the same as before?! Lareus’s head, the only part of his body that he could still control satisfactorily, shot around trying to get a good look at their attacker. It was only a split second later that he felt a chill wash over his body. No, it was a god!

A blackened form moved so fast that it was like it had teleported into their field of vision. It stood there in front of them long enough for them to get a glance. Its claws dripped with energies not unlike those of the portal they were trying to shut down, its maddened eyes lusted for blood and violence, its shape was familiar, but distorted at the same time. It could’ve been one of the Outer Beasts, if not for the divine essence that practically dripped from it.

It charged. Its digitigrade feet kicked up all the silt in the cave as it did, enveloping both itself and Voi in the thick cloud.

“VOI!” Lareus screamed. The muted whoosh of Voi’s scythe cutting through blood echoed off the walls. Once, twice. Then there was a crash and a rumble. Ichor flowed into the blood ocean once more.

The unknown god came out of the silt cloud and crashed into Lareus. “GAH!” He gasped as the thing’s claws pierced through his torso. Half a second later, Lareus found himself half-buried in the stone walls of the cave. His vision clouded, but a good look at his attackers’ face up close told him all he needed to know. That unnatural grin, the unfocused and bloodshot eyes, the very aura of Violence spreading out around its body… Misri. They’d never met, but he’d seen her in the nightmares of mortals.

“It’s Misri! Don’t worry about me, Voi!” Lareus screamed as loud as he could. Caverns in the distance collapsed.

It was quick. One moment it seemed like Misri had been about to tear his throat out, and the next Misri was gone and a slash of Voi’s scythe cut Lareus in two.

Standing where they’d been a few moments ago was Voi, his ragged cloak drenched with ichor and split eyes dimming.

As Lareus dislodged from the wall and started floating down towards the dark pool below him, he saw with his blurry vision how Misri flanked Voi and thrust her claws into his head. A bright flash enveloped the blood ocean when her claws shattered his already damaged crystal-ball like eyes, and then Voi’s gaseous body floated up to the cave ceiling.

“V-Voi…” Lareus stuttered and coughed. Ichor came up. Ichor flowed from his torso and his arm and his missing lower half. There was no saving himself. He knew that now.

And yet luck was on his side. Sensing the death of a God, the hordes of outer beasts above swarmed Voi’s body and, by extension, Misri. It was the opportunity that Lareus needed, and he took it.

Thankfully, even though it was no longer within his body, his Ichor was still a part of him. When it flowed into the dark pool that was the portal, the whole thing bubbled violently and started to evaporate, much like Lareus’ Ichor. Before all his Ichor was gone, Lareus gathered his strength and lifted his one good hand to his brow, The rings on his fingers lit up. He would put Misri to sleep for the rest of time!

But he was too late. Misri burst from out of the swarm and with a single slash of her claws, Lareus had no hand. What followed was a blur. Claws came down upon him again and again and again. They gouged his flesh and sliced his bones.

One last thought crossed Lareus’ mind before darkness took him. ‘We did it… Voi, we saved the world…’ And then he passed amid the fading sounds of beast on beast carnage.

Eventually there was no noise in the cavern other than brutal howls of victory. Misri’s dominance over god and beast had been asserted.


The cavern system where the Sparkfall Hivemind had once lived was now silent. There was no portal to the outer realms. There was no life, no energy. There were only bodies, ichor, and blood.

The last pool that made up the portal was now evaporating. It was so small that no beast could hope to come through, but even though that was the case, a force forced it to stay open for just a few seconds more. A cloud of smoke spread far enough to find what it was looking for – The bodies of the two fallen Gods. The smoke engulfed the bodies and chopped them to pieces and then extracted what they wanted – An incorporeal thing, the thing that the Khodex had uplifted and turned into a God. A thing that used to be insignificant, but through eons of honing and refinement had become special. The smoke shivered as the two bright specks of light were swallowed deep into it, and then as quickly as it came, the smoke retreated back into the portal, and then the portal was gone.

Only the two mangled bodies of the dead gods remained behind.

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