Avatar of KatherinWinter


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Hello Everyone. Welcome to my page. Feel free to call me Ms. Winters Or Major Winters. Most people do. I have been with the guild over three years now. I have many RPs and 1x1s. Feel free to take a look. I am 45 (Yes I know I am older than most). I am an online college student going for my masters in marriage and family counseling. I have been happily married for 22 years. I have two gremlins. I love to read. We started a YouTube channel to share our randomness.

Most Recent Posts

@Animera No problem. The rest is fine. She's approved.
@Draconis approved
@Animera she can't do invisiblity that's a different gem.
@DeadlyPhoenix that would be fine. It would even things out.
@CajunRobinHood LOL I think ours are a year older but I would have to look at the orginal. As for the parents I would say frozen and no one talks about it.
@Mistress Dizzy oops wrong name

Name: Magnus Ramsey
Allias: Coeus (Pronounced, "siːəs")
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Parents: Douglas Ramsey and Tessa (Last name unknown)

Powers and abilities: Much like his parents, Magnus is an extremely intuitive individual. From his father, he inherited the ability of understanding language. While he has mastery over written and spoken languages, he is currently unable automatically body language and computer systems like his father. His mother's gift was a mind akin to the most advanced of supercomputers. Magnus has eidetic memory, allowing him to recall with perfect clarity anything he has ever seen, heard, or experienced. Additionally, his mind has unlimited storage capacity and the ability to think with inhuman rapidity. This allows him to analyze his surroundings and track the probability of various events coming to fruition. His incredible mind also gives him absolute control over his body, leading to increased agility and hand/eye coordination, as well as the ability to stop his heart, breathing, and metabolic processes for as long as safely possible. Much to Magnus' disappointment, however, he seemingly did not inherit his mother's short ranged telepathy, teleportation, or astral projection.

Personality: Having failed to exceed or even match all of the abilities of his parents, unlike so many of his metahuman peers, Magnus is driven by a strong desire to make his progenitors proud. Having grown up among ranks of beings that could lift trucks above their heads, shoot lasers from their eyes, and survive a storm of bullets, Magnus is acutely aware of his severe lack of offensive capabilities. Rather than seek out fights, he does his best to solve disputes diplomatically or subtlety defuse tensions whenever possible.

Bio: There really isn't much to say here. Magnus was not stung by a radioactive pest, inheritor of an alien parasite, sentenced to an magical existence of serving others, or son to a malevolent or unloving father. In fact, some would say he had a model childhood. He was raised by parents who, although having been on opposite sides of the hero/villain divide, had found kindred souls in each other and remained deeply in love, even to this day. Growing up, he maintained strong friendships among both the metahuman community and the rest of the population. His life might have seemed to an outsider, nonetheless Magnus was not happy. Having powers that would still allow him to blend in rather easily with humans, Magnus' parents had enrolled him in your average, run of the mill school. However, to Magnus' dismay, he would soon realize that having the mind of a supercomputer and the ability to understand any language meant that he was leagues above any of his human peers. He spent his entire educational career stagnating in a state of mental ennui. Finally, his parents could no longer stand seeing their son's gifts be wasted by understimulation. Calling on every favor they had accrued during their careers as Cypher and Sage, the two concerned parents secured their son a seat at the prestigious Academy of Heroes and Villains.


@Mistress Dizzy captain's app still needs approved by a second party.
@ladyonyx04 I didn't know you started an ooc
@Zahir that will work. I assume they don't live with the with the brothers in the mansion. So you'll have to figure out how to get them with Z and V. Their approved.
@Zahir only thing left you need to change is Afecjtion's age. If he's been a warrior he shouldn't be that old. At 10,000 he was around with the dinosaurs
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