Avatar of The Elvenqueen


Recent Statuses

28 days ago
Current Low activity rn (putting this up bc I've gotten a few PMs lately and I feel like maybe I need a more obvious "Closed for RP rn" notice on my profile, pls ignore if not applicable to you lol
1 yr ago
"Lovely, big golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish. Even YOU couldn't say "no" to that!"
1 yr ago
new Puss in Boots film did not have to go this hard but they absolutely did and now I am obsessed with the characters oh no-
1 yr ago
Please forgive my inactivity. Got a lot going on IRL...so stressed that my brain feels like it hurts, ya know the deal...one day I'll be able to pick stuff back up again lmao
2 yrs ago
PC has officially been fixed! Small victory in the grand scheme of the crock of shit life is throwing at me rn, admittedly, but I'll take what I can get at the mo hahaha <3


Elven | Female | 18+ | {{ Polyam Aego Lesbian }}

1 x 1 Int Check (NEEDS UPDATE, TBA) ||Guild Art Thread || N/A GROUP INT CHECK ||

(I forget to post to the Guild Art Thread a LOT...if you're really interested in my artwork it would be better to go follow my deviantART or Tumblr account(s)! I post mostly Digital Art but occasionally dabble in Fanfic writing and Animation

{{ 》Profile Last Updated :: 04/10/2023 (dd/mm/yyyy) 《 }}


Art (c) Allergekko on deviantART (commissioned)



FANDOMS {{ I am LGBTQ+, polyam and multi-ship, CanonxCanon, OCxOC and/or OCxCanon* friendly and willing to double, just LMK! :'D
All "levels" friendly, from Free - Advanced. I tend to match roughly what you give me!
Dark/Gritty themes welcomed and often included, open to smut but also fine with fade-to-black scenes if you'd rather, again just LMK, I can roll with it either way! <3
1x1 or Small Group Preferred, Large Group Possible, But Selective }}

*Unless specified otherwise. Please check if there is an exception listed for the fandom you're messaging me for when PMing me! <3 I'm willing to give playing most canon characters against a partner's OC a try, but there's a handful of em that I just can't seem to get a "good" inner voice/feel for!

》》 Current Status :: OPEN / CLOSED to new threads atm! Check back later ^w^ 《《

{{ 》Current Int Status Last Updated :: 04/10/2023 (dd/mm/yyyy) 《 }}

Below is a list of my current/main fandoms, for a detailed list of plot and/or pairing interests please see my actual Int Check Thread!

Star Wars (KOTOR/SWTOR era preferred, but also open to "modern"-era e.g prequels, OT, TCW, Rebels/TFA-TROS, depending on plot ideas!)
Baldur's Gate 3
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit/Tolkien
Overwatch (WidowTracer/WidowTracerEmily is my jam <33)
Draconis Memoria series
ARK: Survival Evolved and/or Jurrassic Park/World, Dinosaurs in general are also always good! <3
Generic Sci-fi/Fantasy (Elves/Dragons/Mages/Beastmasters/Aliens etc.)
Warrior Cats (pretty much exclusively FanClans/OCs or an AU where canon characters are long gone)
General Animal Fantasy (anything Warrior Cats/ WSD-esque with groups of animals surviving out in the wild etc.)
Watership Down





》》NB: Very low-activity rn because I'm just generally not doing very well. Writing is hard and I don't feel up to taking up any more commitments; I'd rather focus on the few I already have and prioritise getting something out to those long-term partners when they need responses <3 《《


The Silver Zephyr (PM) -- SWTOR -- Lots of OCs -- with @Jengem

Reverse!Zephyrverse AU (PM) -- SWTOR -- Lots of OCs -- with @Jengem

The Hobbit LOTR Sandbox -- The Hobbit/LOTR -- Lots of OCs + canon -- with a friend over discord


N/A. Not looking to add/join any group RPs at this time, sorry y'all!



(*in order of most > least activity level)

Discord: the_elvenjedi || Toyhou.se || SWTOR Fandom Tumblr || General Fandom/Art Tumblr || deviantART || AO3 (Fanfics) || Youtube || Picarto (Streaming) (TBA) || Facebook (Close friends only) ||

Most Recent Posts

-Oh yeah, definitely a good idea to make them stay on the ship at least for now since they ARE pretty terrifying ahaha they can always introduce them later on once they're a bit better acquainted if it becomes necessary XD

-Ohh, good idea, yes! I hadn't thought of that, but good thinking batman! XD I shall work mention of it into my next post then! Which will be up for you by the time you're back tomorrow cuz I gotta hit the sack soon :P

Also, I love Vol already, just gonna put that out there. He's great XD

EDIT: post achieved! Excuse any typos in the beginning bits I wrote them right before crashing out last night hahaha
Looking forward to meeting Bol's mom though, didn't want to go too far ahead to give you an opening to do that how you like so I kinda focused a lot on Ari's reactions XD figured the "oh my God do I REALLY sound like that?! O_o" was a good little thing to add cause it'd be much more obvious in a mostly Republic base lol
Okidoki, no worries! Haha whenever you get round to it! :)
Jailed for breaking some guy's neck
I mean thats the thing. Im not sitting here floating my own boat. Ive definitely got experience under my belt when it comes to multi para posting. I used to be abel to consistently post probably a good 3 or so paragraph response without trailing off the subject matter. But i still cant even comprehend how people make those massive ones that are as rich with content as they are and how they stay on topic lol

Honestly, as someone whose own post length varies dramatically depending on each RP, the best thing I can say to possibly help you out here is: stop trying to overthink it.
Not every advanced roleplay is 7-10 paragraphs of posting, every post. As I said it varies depending on the roleplay. Depending on not only how into the roleplay I am, but also on what is actually happening. Recently some of my more recent posts for a certain roleplay dropped down from our usual 7-11 paras, right back down to 2-3 paras, just because there was less to say in each post without getting too far ahead of each other

I would suggest starting out with a 1x1 in this area, find yourself a partner that doesn't mind fluctuating post lengths for a while till you can get back into it, you aren't going to improve and get back to that level if you don't keep trying :D (or heck, find a partner that doesn't care about post length so much as post quality, because really that's what should be important)
Beating up baddies!
Slightly shorter one from my end as well, but wanted to leave it open for you to do your thing with introducing Yerbol's parents :)

Have a good weekend, too! :D
Aria was all to pleased to skitter out of the compound and back to the ship, only to stop abruptly before the overhang at Yerbol's unexpected suggestion. In the back of her mind, she had considered the idea herself, but every time she tried to think about it in any great detail Aria found herself feeling upset again and she quickly had to abandon her train of thought or risk sinking back into that horrible feeling of all-consuming despair again. Though her throat tightened slightly, she found that Yerbol quickly ushering her onto Neta’s (it’d take a while to get used to calling the freighter ‘theirs’, it still seemed strange) ship and proclaiming that he had come up with an idea of his own helped her to maintain her calm demeanour.
It wasn’t long before they landed again and Aria found that they were in a very familiar valley. She nodded slowly as she let her gaze sweep over the peaks, letting out a quiet contemplative sigh. “Yeah, yeah...I remember.” Aria murmured, nodding her head. Glancing sideways at her friend, she stepped forward to head towards their last dig site, it would be the easiest place to start. “Then let’s find the best one. It’s got to be perfect.” she mumbled, crouching down there and scanning over the exposed crystals that glistened in the rock face. She looked thoughtful again for a moment, her jaw quivering slightly as she swallowed the lump forming in her throat and spoke up again:
“I’ve got an idea, something….something similar. I...I don’t know if it’d work but we must be able to work it out with the Force somehow.” her hands were shaking ever so slightly as she plucked the saber from her belt; it felt heavy in her hands, and the sharp curve in the hilt made it awkward to hold, she never understood how he had managed it, or why her father had chosen to build a hilt with such a design flaw in the first place. She’d never gotten the chance to ask, she wished she had. But there was no time to think of that now. Aria managed to activate the blade, letting out a quiet breath before she drove it into one of the fissures they had made on their previous excursion, letting it imbed in the facets of the crystals. After murmuring a few quick words and some careful restructuring of the crystal’s molecules to ensure it would not come out of place, she sat back again.
“I-I was going to keep it but…..the crystal probably wouldn’t re-imprint to me and I can’t figure out how you’re supposed to hold a hilt that shape anyways.” she glanced at Yerbol again and smiled. “I guess it’d also be like part of him was still here, watching over everyone. We could carve a little inscription underneath.” she suggested.

She felt better afterwards, like the weight of Roan’s loss wasn’t pressed quite so heavily down on her shoulders. She didn’t need the saber. She could do this. Keep going. They’d won, now. It was time to go and relax and….do things normal people did. And meet Yerbol’s parents. She tried not to overthink that part on their trip to Taris, instead occupying herself by focusing on their piloting. It seemed like barely a day had passed before the planet loomed into view. Suddenly her nerves got the better of her and she jumped to her feet as Yerbol shut off the engines, flitting back towards the map console, where both Tuk’ata lifted their heads in surprise and snorted at her in concern. She waved them off and they returned to their nap, Aria pacing back and forth until Yerbol joined her again, flashing her a concerned look.
“I-I don’t think I can do this, Bol…” she mumbled, teeth sinking into her lower lip. “What if...what if they don’t like me or they think I’m weird or a bad influence on you…?” No. No, she HAD to do this, she kept trying to tell herself. They were just his parents, for Force sake, she’d faced far worse things: murderous, backstabbing acolytes, bloodsucking tomb beasts, a TIE fighter crash, intangible apparitions and a vindictive Sith Lord trying to wipe them off the face of the galaxy, and yet the thought of engaging in conversation with her best friend’s parents terrified her more than ALL of those things put together...
@DirtyDingo Aww no worries man, we can wait! No point stressing yourself out over it, you'll only make yourself feel worse! :3
Aww haha don't worry about it, it just looks so tiny because the past page or two have been made up of MASSIVE posts O.O XD No point in purple prosing just to make it longer after all :P

Aaaa yay! I'm so excited for that, you have no idea! I can't wait to meet them XD
Apologies for this one only being one paragraph! ^^ I didn't feel comfortable bunny hopping everybody into the enclave or anything so hopefully it's okay to have it as a small post, just a minor blip I promise XD
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