Avatar of The Elvenqueen


Recent Statuses

29 days ago
Current Low activity rn (putting this up bc I've gotten a few PMs lately and I feel like maybe I need a more obvious "Closed for RP rn" notice on my profile, pls ignore if not applicable to you lol
1 yr ago
"Lovely, big golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish. Even YOU couldn't say "no" to that!"
1 yr ago
new Puss in Boots film did not have to go this hard but they absolutely did and now I am obsessed with the characters oh no-
1 yr ago
Please forgive my inactivity. Got a lot going on IRL...so stressed that my brain feels like it hurts, ya know the deal...one day I'll be able to pick stuff back up again lmao
2 yrs ago
PC has officially been fixed! Small victory in the grand scheme of the crock of shit life is throwing at me rn, admittedly, but I'll take what I can get at the mo hahaha <3


Elven | Female | 18+ | {{ Polyam Aego Lesbian }}

1 x 1 Int Check (NEEDS UPDATE, TBA) ||Guild Art Thread || N/A GROUP INT CHECK ||

(I forget to post to the Guild Art Thread a LOT...if you're really interested in my artwork it would be better to go follow my deviantART or Tumblr account(s)! I post mostly Digital Art but occasionally dabble in Fanfic writing and Animation

{{ 》Profile Last Updated :: 04/10/2023 (dd/mm/yyyy) 《 }}


Art (c) Allergekko on deviantART (commissioned)



FANDOMS {{ I am LGBTQ+, polyam and multi-ship, CanonxCanon, OCxOC and/or OCxCanon* friendly and willing to double, just LMK! :'D
All "levels" friendly, from Free - Advanced. I tend to match roughly what you give me!
Dark/Gritty themes welcomed and often included, open to smut but also fine with fade-to-black scenes if you'd rather, again just LMK, I can roll with it either way! <3
1x1 or Small Group Preferred, Large Group Possible, But Selective }}

*Unless specified otherwise. Please check if there is an exception listed for the fandom you're messaging me for when PMing me! <3 I'm willing to give playing most canon characters against a partner's OC a try, but there's a handful of em that I just can't seem to get a "good" inner voice/feel for!

》》 Current Status :: OPEN / CLOSED to new threads atm! Check back later ^w^ 《《

{{ 》Current Int Status Last Updated :: 04/10/2023 (dd/mm/yyyy) 《 }}

Below is a list of my current/main fandoms, for a detailed list of plot and/or pairing interests please see my actual Int Check Thread!

Star Wars (KOTOR/SWTOR era preferred, but also open to "modern"-era e.g prequels, OT, TCW, Rebels/TFA-TROS, depending on plot ideas!)
Baldur's Gate 3
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit/Tolkien
Overwatch (WidowTracer/WidowTracerEmily is my jam <33)
Draconis Memoria series
ARK: Survival Evolved and/or Jurrassic Park/World, Dinosaurs in general are also always good! <3
Generic Sci-fi/Fantasy (Elves/Dragons/Mages/Beastmasters/Aliens etc.)
Warrior Cats (pretty much exclusively FanClans/OCs or an AU where canon characters are long gone)
General Animal Fantasy (anything Warrior Cats/ WSD-esque with groups of animals surviving out in the wild etc.)
Watership Down





》》NB: Very low-activity rn because I'm just generally not doing very well. Writing is hard and I don't feel up to taking up any more commitments; I'd rather focus on the few I already have and prioritise getting something out to those long-term partners when they need responses <3 《《


The Silver Zephyr (PM) -- SWTOR -- Lots of OCs -- with @Jengem

Reverse!Zephyrverse AU (PM) -- SWTOR -- Lots of OCs -- with @Jengem

The Hobbit LOTR Sandbox -- The Hobbit/LOTR -- Lots of OCs + canon -- with a friend over discord


N/A. Not looking to add/join any group RPs at this time, sorry y'all!



(*in order of most > least activity level)

Discord: the_elvenjedi || Toyhou.se || SWTOR Fandom Tumblr || General Fandom/Art Tumblr || deviantART || AO3 (Fanfics) || Youtube || Picarto (Streaming) (TBA) || Facebook (Close friends only) ||

Most Recent Posts

I was going to bitch about something on my mind but then I read the last page of this topic and well...
@BrokenPromise @Wade Wilson @Mr Allen J @Buddha @The Elvenqueen @Gowi

Why thank you, I guess! XD
Update: soooo my brain has decided it is mush, and I want to do the start of their final confrontation proper justice so post may be postponed till tomorrow XD
Got half a post done, hoping to have the rest worked out by later tonight xD
<Snipped quote by Gowi>

It's futile to try to FORCE people to do something over the Internet. Especially RPing/Creative Writing which is just a hobby.

I think people who get into RPing to "COMPLETE" an RP are foolish.

The sooner the "RP community" realizes that dropped RPs are a completely NATURAL AND EXPECTED RESULT of the Creative Writing Process, the sooner we can truly begin exploring our limits as writers.

RPs that END/Complete pretty much don't exist lol.
(And there's nothing wrong with that.)

Just gonna scoot in here but a lot of the issue isn't the fact that said RPs don't get completed or are dropped. It's that people don't have the courtesy to shoot said former partners a quick "hey sorry, I've lost interest and don't think I can continue this, peace out!" (Or something to that effect)

Yes I am guilty of this myself but damn I at least make an effort to let people know when I get to the point of knowing I'm never gonna be able to write another post for a certain RP

As others have said it's also possible to get to satisfactory endpoints with RPs, I had one with a year-long or so run time that my 1×1 partner and I came to a mutual conclusion had run its course, so we wrapped it up and started a new one in a different time period within the same fandom

I got another one that's nearly on the year mark now where we've successfully completed one "act" to its conclusion and coming up onto the conclusion of the 2nd "act" as well, and still going strong looking at a start of a possible 3rd act after a short break

So it is perfectly possible to complete RPs or reach satisfactory endpoints, or to have long-running RPs, the key is for all players involved to have the right level of interest and dedication in both plot, setting and characters.

As a side note this is largely why I prefer 1x1(x1, at a stretch) to group RPs, because communication and keeping to that level of dedication is easier between only 1 or 2 people. I find that 98% of large group RPs I join 'die' or run their course within a few months because the hype dies down and everybody loses interest, and because the plot depended on a diverse group of people to run properly it's not humanly possible for the remaining 2 players who are still interested to keep the RP running and so the group fizzles out to go do other things etc. C;

So I wanted to leave the set up of Chufion Prime pretty open to you since that's kind of your/Illesia's thing, so I went for an attempt at some form of strategy before they get there

If you need me to add anything else in or if any part of the 'plan' exposition doesnt make sense of course let me know haha c:
Figured with Illesia being so powerful they're not going to win without a bit of divine intervention of some description, and it seems like an interesting concept to play with that the Force is some kind of living being they could procure better favour with? *shrug* it IS a little out there I will admit so if it feels like "too much"...xD
Yerbol suggested that they split off, so Aria could collect supplies for the (undoubtedly long) journey ahead of them while he programmed the co-ordinates into the navcomputer. She figured he wouldn’t ask for time apart if he didn’t feel like he needed it, so Aria agreed and the two Champions peeled apart as Yerbol headed back to the ship and Aria instead made her own way through the academy to pick up rations (ugh, food in a bag again, how she hated it….), an assortment of medical supplies “just in case”: medpacs, extra kolto injections, bandages, and (by twisting Pedia’s arm a bit and promising to only use it if ABSOLUTELY necessary) some painkillers, as well as some spare clothes which they were bound to need if they wanted to be at their best when they faced Illesia. The Champion had been so focused on worrying that she would forget to ‘pack’ something important that it took her until they left the medical bay to realise that only one of the dogs was trailing after her. This was unusual, since both of them were normally stuck to her side like glue and in fact appeared to hate being apart from one another, casting a questioning glance back at Chwuq as they headed through the main atrium and enquiring as to the whereabouts of her mate.
The larger hound simply snorted and replied with an anxious whine.
“Oh I get it, leave the boys to have some guy time, huh?” the Champion tried to make light of it, but her resolve was crumbling somewhat. Chwuq could tell, she knew that. Setting down the things she had been carrying, Aria paused to plop down onto the ground with a heavy sigh. Dutifully, Chwuq wriggled into her lap and bumped her head underneath Aria's chin, which hurt a little but Aria simply smiled and scratched between her ears.
“Daddy was right you know, you HAVE gone soft. You aren't supposed to like cuddles.”
A soft snarl of protest implied that both Tuk’ata were still just as capable of tearing something limb from limb if they perceived it as a threat to their pack leaders. “Just between us girls, though, Chwuq...I am worried about him.” the Tuk’ata responded with an empathetic grunt and another headbutt that nearly broke her jaw.
“I just wish he'd...TALK to me, you know? I know it was difficult for him and it's not easy for him to remember what happened but I can't….I can't HELP him if he doesn't talk to me.” there was only so much she could pick up on through their Force bond without prying into his mind of her own accord, and that felt too much like invading her lover’s privacy for Aria to be comfortable with.

“You sad….Yerbol hurt?” Chwuq whined questioningly.
“In here, maybe. Yeah. And I can't help him feel better if he's not ready to tell me what's hurting.” Aria tapped the beast between the eyes gently, which only seemed to confuse Chwuq more. They were intelligent enough to pick up on Yerbol's worries but of course not able to offer Aria any more solution than she could come up with on her own. With a strained laugh, Aria patted her flanks and prompted them to leave the academy and return to the ship. Dropping the supplies in the cargo hold, she frowned as she thought she heard Yerbol's voice from the cockpit and wondered for a moment who he was talking to, though it didn't take much to figure out the topic of the conversation.
“I don't want her to think less of me….” she shouldn't have eavesdropped, she knew that, but somehow Aria couldn't help herself. Maybe, if she could catch even a snippet of the things he hadn't yet told her, she could try to help. Trying to be as quiet as she could (which was met with stern growls and huffs of protest from Chwuq, who seemed not to approve of this “sneaking around and hiding from one’s mate”), Aria inched closer to the cockpit and listened in as Yerbol confided in his furry companion.

She found she couldn't hide her presence from him for very long. Certainly, the longer she listened to what he had to say, the more she just wanted to offer him any form of comfort she could. Apparently she had not done a very good job of keeping up the charade (or perhaps Taral had smelt her coming and tipped him off) because at that moment Yerbol turned to face her with an embarrassed smile.
“Hey, I'm not judging. “ she mumbled, sidling into the cockpit as Taral brushed past her to leave the duo with some privacy.
“How could I ever think less of you?” the Champion muttered in answer to his statement, stepping slightly closer as he moved towards her and wrapped his arms around her. “I think you were very brave for holding on long enough for us to find you, for trying to help me even after everything she did to you.” Aria sighed softly, stretching up on her toes to press her forehead to his. “And I will NEVER be angry at you for doing what you had to, no matter what it was. And...you can talk to me, about anything. Or not talk at all, if you just need me to be here while you get angry or cry or...do whatever you need to to help you cope. I'm here to help you in whatever way you need me to, that's what people do when they love each other.” she promised.

Another smile pulled at her features, Aria closing the distance between them to place a gentle kiss on his lips.
“Together.” she promised quietly. “And this time she isn't going to get away. We'll get her, and then when it's all over we can go somewhere relaxing and just try to forget it ever happened.” she let the contact between them linger for a few more moments before stepping away to announce that she and Chwuq had successfully retrieved enough supplies for the several hour journey. With the navcomputer programmed, they could spend most of their time trying to prepare for the inevitable confrontation with Illesia. This involved a lot of mutual meditation as well as discussions (often including their beastly Companions who would no doubt offer their assistance when the time came) where they would reflect upon what they knew of Illesia's abilities and fighting style and try to come up with how they would get the better of her between them.
“I remember my father telling me once that beings who fed on Force presences or life essence aren't always as invincible as they seem.” Aria had hesitantly spoken up about halfway through their travel time as they moved to check their progress in the cockpit once more.
“That while it is their greatest strength it can also be their greatest weakness, because once you start taking energy like that you can't stop, or it weakens you considerably.” the Champion chewed her lip thoughtfully as she recalled Renso’s concepts of the Force being a living thing in and of itself, as far of a stretch as it was there was a possibility they could tip the balance in their favour simply by the fact that they treated the Force with respect rather than treating it as a power source to be siphoned as they saw fit. This was going to be difficult, no doubt Illesia had chosen this moon because it could bring a great source of power to her. “We have to find a way of cutting her off from that ability to siphon energy, from what you've mentioned it seems as though she relies on it, her other abilities may not be as strong so if we could find a way to tip whatever energies are on that moon to OUR favour instead of hers, she might be weak enough for us to finish her off.”
Until they arrived and could take stock of their surroundings first hand, of course, it would be nothing but speculation...

Awwww no I can totally see him and Taral having a broraderie thing going haha the guys gotta stick together right? XD

Also agree that Bol deserves some time to just vent, poor fella :w: *wraps him in a blanket* Ari's gonna help you kick Illesia's butt for what she did to you haha

Mine will probably be a little shortish as well but will get themmon the track to Chufion so you can set that up in your nrxt one c; will aim to get it out later tonight or before work tomorrow. I'm on kitchen duty tonight so a bit less time for writing xD
No worries! haha Hope you have a good weekend though! :D
No worries, friendo! Never a rush for a post on my end haha But ooo congrats! :D *throws confetti* xD
@KaijuBaragon 8/10, not a band I've heard of before but I really liked the style they used, the lyrics were pretty neat and the video was cool too :)

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