[h2]Rei Mori[/h2] [u][b]Age[/b][/u]: 15 (almost 16) [u][b]Height[/b][/u]: 4'9" [u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: WIP [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/214/5/c/yo_by_raichiyo33-d7tgtxw.jpg[/img] Her eyes are more blue, however, actually they are blue. [u][b]Hobbies[/b][/u]: Gaming, cooking, having picnics, swimming, martial arts, sleeping, eating, diving, painting (art in general), gymnastics, yoga, meditation [u][b]Likes[/b][/u]: Gaming/Games, Food (fish especially), Art, Swimming, Picnics, Water [u][b]Dislikes[/b][/u]: School, Work, Books, Family, Church [u][b]Sexual Preference[/b][/u]: Pansexual [u][b]History[/b][/u]: The last child of three, Rei Mori was born on August the 23rd 1999. Even with an older brother and sister Rei was never made to feel like she was unwanted, at least not at first, as her parents spent equal time with their children. Though her family were Christian she never was never particularly devout nor sure that she truly believed in the existence of God. She has spent her life in this town, having never moved. It is something that frustrates her somewhat. Soon her parent's grew annoyed at their youngest and rather unspectacular child. Rei had no big ambitions like her older siblings. In fact from a young age she took a rather unbothered view of the world. She barely paid attention in class and really didn't try. The only things she enjoyed were art, swimming and martial arts (starting with Judo), and still are to some extent. Her parents did everything to try and make her try, to put some effort into something that they viewed as important. As they grew frustrated their fondness of their youngest began to diminish. Of course, they still paid attention to Rei. But now it was to make sure she wasn't failing at school as she seemed to have her mind set on. It's just that Rei doesn't really care. Growing up Rei knew that there was something different about her. It wasn't very noticeable when she was a young child, she was comfortable enough as a girl. It was just those days, here and there, where she wanted to be a boy, or just didn't want to be either. It was as she aged that these periods of time where she didn't want to be female extended. At the age of ten he spent a year trying to convince people to call him by masculine pronouns and begging his parents to allow him to cut her hair. Of course, they refused. His parents at first put it down as a stage but after a year they had their doubts. It was around this time that Rei began to feel slightly more feminine, but no less masculine, almost as if she felt both male and female at the same time. She didn't particularly care whether she was called she or he. But still she had the wish to cut her hair short, because in her mind it was more gender neutral than the longer style she wore it in. Her parent's still refused and began to try and work out what to do with their daughter who couldn't seem to decide what gender she wanted to be. They were in denial for a little longer before taking what action they felt they could; consulting the church. Given the advice to no allow their daughter to change as she pleased, and to pray for her, they set on this course of action. As she hit puberty the problem on got worse for Rei. With the hormones and the emotional effects of that she found that she felt different almost every day; switching from male to female to both to neither. It was a difficult time for her because with it came the beginning of sexual attraction and yet another problem - she was attracted to girls. In fact she found she was attracted to all genders. This added in with the mix of genders just made her parents disapprove of her more. She began to do even worse in school, if that was even possible. She never had many friends thus no friendships to damage. While on the outside she tried to be normal and tried to put on a show for people at school, because she didn't want to deal with the bullying, on the inside she was cracking. She began to put coping mechanisms into place, some harmful to herself, to deal with this. While things are still not good for Rei they are beginning to improve. She has become more confident in herself and her changing gender, thankful for the fact that she retained a reasonably boyish figure and has a relatively gender neutral name, though it is far from accepted by the people around her. She has met a few people through the internet that are similar to her, gender fluid as she found out, and contacts them regularly in secret - after all if her parents knew they would confiscate her phone and laptop. She has finally put a label to her sexuality, pansexuality, though is yet to have a relationship with anyone of any gender. In a moment of rebellion she died her hair a dark blue-purple, though she didn't manage to cut it before her parent's caught her. Currently she is trying to be a boy as best as possible, wearing more masculine clothing, however she is beginning to feel more neutral gender wise. Even so she tries to just by, continuing as the person who quite frankly can't be bothered with anything.