Reyna crawled in with the group with a smile on her face, she sat on the outer seat next to the door. Looking to the group she shook her head softly. What a group. Jackson caught Reyna's gaze as she watched him look out into the world with such wonderment and excitement that only a child could. Tears began to form in her dark almond eyes as she quickly turned away from them and looked outside onto the fair as the powerful ride raised steady and slow up into the night's sky. She was just fine. Tears didn't last long with her, especially in public. Turning back she looked towards the three, studying them carefully. The pale boy looked terrified and Reyna felt bad for him. Perhaps he had been afraid of heights. A quiet chuckle escaped her lips. "[i]How can a boy so tall be afraid of heights?"[/i] she thought to herself as the silence between them had been interrupted by Aaron. [b]“Am I crazy, or is this town...not right? It's like everyone in it are...”[/b] Aaron paused, [b]“...meanies.”[/b] Reyna cleared her throat, before speaking. [i]"I think there are a lot of good people in this town, just misguided."[/i] Reyna truly believed this in it's whole entirety. She had been bullied by friends and family a like- but she still had good faith in them. She crossed her ankles over themselves. She hoped they didn't think she was naive or childish for her thoughts.