Amy held Jackson lightly with one hand, knowing that Jackson wouldn't fall, but ready to grip him tight. Just in case. She took a few brief moments as they rode the Wheel to study her companions. Her eyes were drawn to Reyna, who although Amy couldn't be sure, appeared upset. She caught her looking away from Jackson, and Amy looked to her son. Despite the circumstances of his conception, she wouldn't change having him for the world. She kissed the top of his head, and looked back to Reyna. She reached out and took one of the younger girls hands, giving it a quick squeeze, before returning her hand to the light grip around Jackson. Jackson looked about, at the others as well, and then wriggled out of her grip. He trotted over to the pale boy-and just when would she get his name?-and happily climbed up on the seat, with a little bit of difficulty as his short legs squirmed for purchase. And then Aaron asked the question. Amy looked out the Ferris Wheel, listening as the others answered. [color=bc8dbf]"It's not so much if you are against the norm. Its...if you challenge the...norm. Its if you challenge the religion that this town is obsessed with...then you are considered wrong. It just seems that this town is uneducated, in the...realness of the world"[/color] She looked back to the group, eyes automatically falling on her son. [color=bc8dbf]"It doesn't matter to me. But I know it will effect how people see him"[/color]