[color=plum]"I don't remember reading 'Shun thy albino' in the bible nor have much choice in the 'challenge' matter considering I'm born this way. Unless I want to do the other thing that they look down upon, which is dying the hair. Makes me wonder which they would prefer at this point."[/color] Alver grumbled at Amy's reply but resumed staring out the window. [color=plum]"But maybe it's just a whole bunch of different reasons or excuses. Maybe they just want to feel better about themselves by looking down on others remotely 'off' even just a little. Maybe they think they are showing pity, or maybe they really are just a bunch of... Sour apples."[/color] The pale man said before glancing his lavender gaze toward Aaron as he spoke once more. Perhaps intent was indeed another factor, he himself could sort of relate. His parents had brought him up distant to others, hiding in the shadows. They were trying to do what's best for him, and he knew they loved him... But they still treated him as 'different' and something unusual. Could he hate them for that when they treated him differently but still loved him? As Aaron questioned the taller male of the group of a name, Alver simply blinked thoughtfully before innocently grinning. [color=plum]"Mhmmm a lot of names. Vampy, pale guy/boy, beanstalk, Ghosty, Mr. Starlis."[/color] he mused before looking to the blonde. [color=plum]"Why do you want to know?"[/color] Alver asked, genuinely curious. After all, this was the first time anyone bothered asking. It seemed so odd now having to be questioned on it. Most instantly came up with some sort of nickname and just called him that whenever they saw him. As a child, he got mad at it, but now he simply didn't care anymore. To have someone actually ask though... It was odd. To him at least.