Cotton candy had been Reyna's choice of food that night, she didn't feel much like truly eating- so the sugar rush would have to suffice. Picking a bright blue one she paid the man with a smile, before ripping a piece off and slipping it between her lips. Melting slowly, she let out a soft sigh. Delicious. Scanning the area she re found her group (They were not hard to miss) and rejoined them just as Amy sat down with her trio of corn dogs. Reyna gave a light chuckle watching Galahad take the corndog in one swift bite. Her eyes traveled across to Jackson as he too savored the corndog, delightfully making sounds to let us know that it was good. "Does that actually taste good?" Amy asked Aaron. Just noticing that he was eating something different than everyone else, Reyna raised her eyebrow. She had tried alligator before but it definitely wasn't something she'd go out of her way to get. She listened joyfully of the conversations going at the table while she plucked slowly at her cotton candy.