[b][color=a187be]"You're quite the charmer it seems."[/color][/b] Alver said to Aaron as he sat down next to him. Aaron could feel his face turning red at the knowledge that Alver had seen that little interaction with the gator girl. The man's strange lavender saw right through him. [color=fdc68a][b]“Not by choice.”[/b][/color] Aaron mumbled, thought about it for a moment, then mumbled further. [color=fdc68a][b]“...I mean, I didn't mean to...y'know...I-I think she has just being nice.”[/b][/color] In an effort to stop his own embarrassed rambling, Aaron took a bite out of gator stick. Rescuing him, Amy asked, [b][color=bc8dbf]"Does that actually taste good?"[/color][/b] Aaron chewed thoughtfully, his eyebrows raising in slight surprise. [color=fdc68a][b]“It's actually pretty good. It's...chicken-y, but chewier, like steak. Gamey.”[/b][/color] He summed it up before realizing that he was talking while eating. Peering at this strange little collection of people again, Aaron noted to himself that this night felt like a special moment in time. How long had all of them been living in this town together and yet never really spoke at length? The town wasn't that big, and yet they had never spent any time together like they had tonight. How many of them went to the same school he did, trudged through the same halls, walked over the same tile floor, hell, even shopped at his convenience store? And yet never once had they met properly. A gaggle of outliers brought together by a youth night and a request from a pastor's daughter. It felt prophetic, and it felt right. Wanting to remember this moment as well, Aaron broke off a piece of the stick he was eating off of; one at the bottom, untouched by food, and stuck it in his pocket along with the penny from the ferris wheel. Curious, he eyed Alver's stained jacket and asked, [color=fdc68a][b]“Do you always get treated like that? People throwing stuff at you?”[/b][/color]