[color=plum]"Riiiiight. Though I don't many people with business stands that are fairly unpopular to give away food just to be nice. It's fine though, just means your naturally charming."[/color] the pale man said in a nonchalant manner as he took another bite of his Cheesedog, his lavender eyes watching Aaron before glancing around to examine people and the group members. As the others soon joined them, the girls of the group sitting across from the boys, minus Galahand and Jackson, Alver listened as the mother asked Aaron about the gator. Whom prompty explained what it tasted like. By description, it actually made the pale man curious as he absently bit into a piece of cotton candy as he listened to Aaron talk. It was actually nice being with people. A odd thought the ghostly man believed would never cross his mind. Yet, these people seemed nice enough, it was too bad there wasn't more people like them. It was then, Aaron asked Alver about more occurrences like the one earlier. The lavender eyes flicked to the blonde boy then to his stained shoulder. [color=plum]"Yeah pretty much. If they aren't avoiding me in fear that I'll suck their blood or something, they usually do something like that. When I was little, it was mostly paint buckets, now it's paint guns, church crosses, garlic or food."[/color] he answered before taking another bite of his food. Chewing slowly, he swallowed and sighed a little before looking to the rest of them. [color=plum]"What about you three? People always teasing you like that?"[/color] he asked.