[hider=Jukebox Soul] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/6e/d9/93/6ed993af97ccb3bd2b05e4c937eafbc1.jpg[/img] The cigarette is actually his exhaust pipe. Anderson stands at 6'7 Character Name: Entertainer A-N-D-37804 "Jukebox Anderson" Available for Guests: No i don't do one person gigs son Personality: Jukebox Anderson is a robot with the personality of a 50's swinger. despise the concept of destiny finding it to be utter crap, he love dogs. he can also be seen as quite hedonistic only ever doing things because he enjoys them Purpose: Just trying to see what life has to a machine with love for swings and thrill Character Attributes: Jukebox soul 1. Anderson is an amazing singer and dancer Old Dog Older Tricks 2. Anderson is a Repcare-2925 maintenance-droid so despite not following his programming for 50 years, Anderson is able to fix anything, a fact that he doesn't know if he should be happy about. Due to the In-Built handgun Anderson knows how to make 10 caliber bullets Booze: the alternative fuel 3. Anderson can continue to run using alcohol Gear (optional): Repcare's standard maintenance droid in built handgun 1. "Those cats at Repcare built every single one of us maintenance droids with handgun so that we may be able to defend whatever run of the mill factory from terrorists to corporate spies yes they programmed us to kill corporate spies on sight" 2. 3. Background (optional): This RP aims to create a light-hearted peaceful soothing ambience in the café. So characters who act out this level of gloominess are banned: [i]Am Just a droid who was struck with the will to live and disobey my programming. I was created by Repcare in 2925 i was sent to factory to work in somewhere in china then one day i just stopped what i was doing and simply left out the door. I now only seek to find some enjoyment away from a universe where i shouldn't exist[/i] [/hider]