Gwyn watched the shuffling of tables with amusement. [color=00aeef]“Who has drawn the first slip?”[/color] She didn’t even get a chance to raise her hand before Dula make eye contact with her and smirked. Gwynn recognized this smirk as the polite equivalent of grabbing a snack to watch somebody make a fool of themselves. Gwyn flashed her eyebrows at Dula acknowledging her gaze with a similar amusement thinking to herself *I know something you dooonnt*. One of them was going to end up being wrong and the other would very much enjoy it. Dula gestured and more funny table shuffling ensued. The fact that no objects had fallen off of these tables yet was almost more impressive than the dragon eggs. [color=00aeef]“Come. Introduce yourself.”[/color] She walked up to the table and faced Dula. [color=82ca9d]“I am Lady Gwynn-Theophania Saven of the house of Cairnrel. Daughter of Theophania-Morgan Saven”.[/color] She had recited it often to various nobles. She looked down at the table and sarcastically muttered to herself in her native tongue, [color=82ca9d]“ah yes! The classic green rock and drippy knife”[/color]. It hadn’t occurred to her that Dula might actually recognize the language she spoke in. Her village was among the few that still spoke it however it did see continued usage when performing magic. This meant that there was a good chance Dula could recognize it, but only understood the phrases and words used in rituals. It was incredibly unlikely she would understand the full language, and impossible that she knew the village specific dialect and accent that Gwynn spoke in.