[hider=char sheet]Pokemon: Buneary Name: Jack Preferred Pronouns: he/him Reason for wanting to join a rescue team: To gain strength Brief Summary (or more) of backstory: Clans of rabbit pokemon have lived in the Land of Mountains since it first rose up out of the Void Sea, or so they say. They lived separately, as many pokemon did in the early days of history, but as time went on three families of Buneary, Bunnelby, and Scorbunny banded together in order to better survive the harsh living conditions and brutish pokemon of the area. In the beginning, each family was small and weak. It didn't seem to matter how tenacious they were; nature and neighbors cared little. Together, though, each family could better survive and all had something to offer each other. The Bunnelby were able to dig tunnels and form homes for everyone. The Buneary were able to sense coming danger and share their thick fur to keep out the worst of the cold. And the Scorbunny provided flames with which to cook and defense against danger with their strong legs. Through this cooperation, these rabbit clans prospered and flourished across multiple islands. That was many, many years ago. Nowadays, with the continued development of each island due to the work of adventurers and rescue teams, the ancient families that formed that alliance don't stick so close together anymore. There simply isn't the need to. Most pokemon, whether rabbit pokemon or not, or part of those three ancient families or not, treat it as an interesting fact of history and nothing more. Though there are some places where the tradition of working together remains, which is where Jack comes in. Up until traveling to Ancient Pillars, Jack lived on one of the Land of Mountain's outer islands. His warren was branched off from that original alliance. It was large and old, made up of Bunnelby and Buneary that practiced a simple, traditional way of life. It was a perfectly fine way of life, if boring for young members of the families. Jack and his best friend, a Bunnelby, would often leave the burrows to explore and pretend that they were adventurers, going off in search of pokemon in trouble, feral pokemon to vanquish, or ancient treasures to unearth. They were admonished for their recklessness by their elders, but that didn't deter them even as they got older. If anything, the constant nagging of "it's too dangerous" and "we weren't made for fighting" made them want to continue their 'adventuring' more out of spite. The two of them made a friendship pact by dyeing their ear fur with chople berries and did their best to emulate Team Cinderwave, even if they argued which one of them would be a better fit to play the role of Lavis. The two friends got their chance to really be a rescue team when a dungeon opened up beneath the mountain their families made their home in. It was a huge disaster that affected a large portion of the island itself, collapsing tunnels, trapping pokemon, and altering the terrain. Some rock and ground-types that had been living in the mountain itself were driven mad by the time any actual rescue teams made it to the site days later, making matters worse for survivors. There were some things Jack learned while doing his best to help: how hard the actual work was, how the elders were right and little rabbits actually [i]weren't[/i] cut out for it, and how quickly situations can change in a danger zone. When finally the area was somewhat stabilized, what was left of the warren regrouped. Jack had made it, but his friend had not. That was what Jack assumed, because when the two of them were separated he hadn't shown back up. He was missing, or worse. The surviving members of the warren all migrated to Ancient Pillars, together as one, where they patiently wait for the day they can reclaim their homeland after the dungeon is closed for good. Jack wasn't content to just wait however. He began training the moment his feet set down on the central island. His goal was to become powerful, stronger than any other rabbit before him. With enough strength he could actually help people, and return to that dungeon and close it himself. With this goal in mind, he applied to become part of a rescue team, seeing it as the fastest way to get what he wants.[/hider] [color=a2d39c]It took me some days to work out but I hope this is fine. I will add a picture later! Oh and if something doesn't work with the setting please tell me. And I have more questions about pokemon moves and stuff like that, but I will wait ^-^[/color]