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10 mos ago
I have an RP idea in mind where you play either a militarized task force designed to eliminate paranormal activity, or something akin to the Umbrella Secret Service.
10 mos ago
I am trying to worldbuild god civs akin to the Time Lords or Xeelee, but so far I've yet to get anything concrete down. It is a tad frustrating, but I'll come up with something eventually. I hope.
10 mos ago
@Obscene: And that is true. I might try that with a character I'm making for a fic actually. Though they'll be no-nonsense in a largely jovial kind of way.
10 mos ago
Yeah. Static was just what popped into my head as the closest descriptor since those are less focused on the character's arc or internal struggle. Not the best wording to use admittedly.
10 mos ago
I just want more protagonists with that same resolve, or barring that ones who aren't confused young adults looking to find their place in life analogues.
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I'd be interested in this if there was still space!

Glad to hear it. There's still room, as I've only gotten two interested parties so far.
I'm mostly waiting on people to express interest, so yes, I am still interested in doing this. I have considered allowing one defector character at the very least, so that should be fine if you want to fill that role. But pretty much the entire team will be experienced given the demanding training Z-Com puts everyone through. Like it'll be a mix of actual military vets/active service personnel and civilians who went through the aforementioned training ideally.

Now some still might be green when it comes to combating zombies specifically, especially since I plan to have them evolve new symptoms over time and thus new defenses or abilities (etc.), but you've got enough training not to fall into a panic spiral or freeze in a combat scenario. Plus you have done a handful of missions before that involve thinning the hordes more or less, when it comes to Z-Com anyway.

I only mention that as the experience they're looking for in this regard likely has more to do with DarkWater's tactics, movements, plans, and so on rather than military or tactical experience in general.
Just tagging this for the future.
Considering an older member of society

I feel like I should ask.
What is the technology for synthetic bodies looking like?
Are memetic viruses (for instance, a sequence of flashing lights which infects an optical modification) a thing?
Can one hack an implant to produce more mental strain/capacity than it would normally require (For instance, forcing it to run one billion instances of BonziBuddy)?
Aside from vehicles, what else is Geonet required for?

To answer the last question:

Despite the poor conditions of the cities, there is one luxury that makes life there tolerable: Geonet. An upgraded internet with lightning fast connection speeds and overseen by a powerful AI; all citizens are connected to Geonet and their GEO-IDs serve as a means of identification as well as keeping track of their personal information. Using their GEO-ID, citizens can readily keep track of their money, health records, and even access public transit. A GEO-ID is typically a small green disk that’s linked to a specialized armband, but it can be attached to different articles of clothing (i.e. glasses, earrings, rings, etc.) or it can be directly installed into a citizen’s cybernetics. Due to being DNA locked to an individual, stealing or masquerading another person’s GEO-ID is NEARLY impossible. Despite GEONET being one of - if not the only - useful thing in the Megacities, there are some who elect not to use it, preferring a life of freedom without the watchful eye of City-Security on your back.
Ranth was next up to the metaphorical chopping block as it were. He took a moment to adjust his coat before extending his hand for Darren to shake, offering the resort's owner a friendly--albeit slight--smile before passing the man his name.


He paused for a moment. No more, no less. Despite having willingly suppressed a great deal of his powers, he still had a very keen sense when it came to the exact passage of time. It was something he'd unintentionally built up over the course of his wanderings throughout the surreal interspace of his home Verse - and to a lesser extent the Outside.

"Out of curiosity, what's the food like around here?"
Bump. Looking for partners for any of the above ideas. Specifically the devil and demon related ones.
Has Eviledd's character been approved yet?
I'm looking forward to it!
@Havoccultist The only thing I'm really opposed to is fandom stuff. It's kind of sandbox as you first described but generally, I kind of throw stuff against the wall with the first couple of posts and find the plot from there. I don't know if anyone is open to creating an opposing faction and different locations. I should perhaps write some rules down standards for characters and joining.

I think a few guidelines would be a good idea. Could give a more solid of idea of what direction/vein characters should be made in as well.
You've piqued my interest. One minor question, though...

What exactly are we supposed to be doing? I get the whole devil gangster/mafioso angle, but what's the overarching plot or goal? Or is it just sandbox? Cause of the latter you'll probably need to give more lore or info so we aren't contradicting the tone you've already established. And also checking sheets since what could fit the story is highly subjective to each player, and might range from demon to MLP "inspired" OC.
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