Avatar of Donut Look Now


Recent Statuses

19 hrs ago
Current As long as you meet the gay requirements and the crimes are against mega corporations, legally you can’t get in trouble… Right? >:3
3 days ago
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3 days ago
I think we’re talking about the wrong fight - obviously we need to know who would win in a Sailor Moon vs Goku battle
5 days ago
Every time I have to drive somewhere, I’m reminded how much I hate people 🥲
8 days ago
All of my cringe died when the forum went down and not even way back machine can grab it nyeheheh
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If you’re here to check why I’m online but not replying to you, odds are my computer just randomly woke up in the middle of the night. No, I don’t know why it does this lol

About Me

Names/Aliases: Don’t Look Now, DLN, Cait, Donut Look Now, DLN Cait
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Age: 28
Birthday: August
From: United States
Timezone: PST Currently
Occupation: Full Time Sales / Part Time Student
Languages: English, Learning Spanish
Orientation: Bisexual / Cis (Married)
Pets: Margot (10yr Australian Shep/Mix Rescue) & Luna (1.5yr Belgian Shep/Lab/Mix Rescue)

RP Style

POV: 3rd Person > 1st Person
Genres: Fantasy, Apocalyptic, Historical Fiction, Slice of Life,
Character Types: Cinnamon Roll, Submissive, Gentle, Chaotic Gremlin, Jokester/Comedic Relief,
Genders: F > NB > M
Tropes: Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Damsel in Distress, Tragic Backstory
Types: Casual, Advanced, 1x1
  • More than 1 sentence posts (Usually go for 1 paragraph)
  • Big overall plot w/ lots of subplots to keep it interesting
  • No OP characters
  • 50/50 collaboration
  • Equal amount of characters (1 for 1, 2 for 2, etc)


Hyperfixation: Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss


  • ‘Tempests and Slaughter’ by Tamora Pierce
  • ‘Finding Camelia’ on Manta
  • ‘The Last Straw’ on Manta
  • ‘Too Cute to Handle’ on Manta
  • ‘Raffine’s Plan: Save my Favorite Character’ on Manta
  • Midnight Mass
  • Sunny in Philadelphia
  • An Incurable Case of Love
  • The Resident


  • Social Path - Stray Kids, LiSA
  • Sweet Tooth - Scott Helman
  • Dysmorphia - girli
  • russian roulette - Ryan Mitchell
  • Pretty Lies - SouMix, Brad Arthur
  • d e a d - Madeline



  • Drawing
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Singing
  • Musical Theatre
  • Video Gaming
  • Sewing
  • Roleplaying
  • Photoshopping

Fandoms/Things I like:

This list will forever be under construction and never in a particular order


  • The Legend of Zelda (Favorite Game: Twilight Princess)
  • Sailor Moon (Manga, Anime, and Anime Reboot)
  • Rick Riodin’s Percy Jackson Universe
  • Fruits Basket (Manga, Anime, and Anime Reboot)
  • ‘See You in My 19th Life’ (Both the Manwha and the KDrama)
  • Studio Ghibli
  • ‘Sweet Home’ (Both the Webtoon and the KDrama)
  • ‘My ID is Gangnam Beauty’ (Both the Webtoon and the KDrama)


  • Scrubs
  • Shadow & Bone
  • Jane the Virgin
  • New Amsterdam
  • Bridgerton
  • Evil
  • Supernatural
  • The Walking Dead
  • Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss
  • Parks & Recreation
  • Community
  • The Good Place
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender / Legend of Korra (Animated Series)
  • The Owl House
  • Kipo
  • Never Have I Ever
  • Good Girls
  • Arrested Development
  • The Umbrella Academy
  • You
  • Dead to Me
  • Archive 81

International Shows
  • Business Proposal
  • Extraordinary Attorney Woo
  • Cinderella and the Four Knights
  • The Glory
  • All of Us Are Dead
  • King the Land
  • Squid Games

  • Demon Slayer
  • My Hero Academia
  • Black Clover
  • Parasyte
  • The Imperfects
  • Arcane

Books, Manga, Etc

  • Chibi Vampire (Manga)
  • Tamora Pierce’s Universe
  • Entwined by Heather Dixon
  • Books of Bayern by Shannon Hale


  • Stick It
  • Swan Princess
  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  • Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

I haven’t been playing video games lately, but once I pick them back up again, I’ll make this list

Most Recent Posts

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: On a Deathtrap - Chicago, IL

Not expecting it, I’m startled when Avery squeezes my hands, almost letting go of him completely before I remind myself to hold on still. His touch is comforting somehow, and I feel myself relax a tiny bit, especially when he slows down a little. Feeling brave now, I open my eyes and peek at the scenery flashing by. Okay, maybe motorcycles aren’t that bad. [color=FFF79A][/color]


Location: Caden’s Home - Chicago, IL

I take a moment to look around the room. “I don’t think so,” I say with a tilt of my head. “I think I’ll put the kitties’ litter boxes in the bathroom and probably will want a cat tree somewhere in here, but otherwise I don’t think I’ll be in here very often.” I turn towards Caden and wink.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Cass’ Shop - Chicago, IL

I grin. “Well, when we first met, I thought I might have a chance, but then after what happened in the morgue, you wouldn’t look at me and I thought there was no way it was going to happen, especially after I learned how old you are.” I shrug and still smile at her.

”I’m glad you gave me a chance.”

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Spider Monkeying with Avery - Chicago, IL

Just when I feel myself start to get used to the bike and think about opening my eyes, Avery pushes to speed more and I tighten my arms around him. I swear he laughed at my reactions to the bike, but all of it was thrilling. In a car, you have a barrier between yourself and the environment. On a bike, it felt totally different, like at any moment she could fall off. Already holding Avery as tightly as possible with my arms, I squeeze my legs in too, sure that my knees are digging into the driver a little.


Location: Caden’s Home - Chicago, IL

A small smirks lights up my face. “I feel like you would find me cute in a garbage bag.” I say with a small shake of my head. So far, I got everything casual, like t-shirts, shorts, and socks in a pile.

“Oh, should we make a closet like yours in here?” I ask Caden.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Cass’ Shop - Chicago, IL

I pull up to her shop and put the car in park, taking the opportunity to drink more of my raspberry tea before I get out of the car. “It’s a good thing I didn’t invest in a lot of rose quartz then even though I was sure it was going to be the only way I’d date you.” I joke lightly. I wonder if my mom found any rocks that vibed with her in her collection.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: About to Die - Chicago, IL

I climb onto the bike behind Avery, full of nerves as I do so. At this point, I do feel like I can trust him, but that doesn’t help me calm down just yet. Pulling on the helmet, I place my hands on Avery’s shoulders and hold them. When the bike actually starts going though, I feel a scream bubbling up my throat and immediately wrap my arms tightly around Avery, squeezing my eyes shut and trying to hide my face in his back despite the helmet on my head.


Location: Caden’s Home - Chicago, IL

Swallowing my last bite, I nod to acknowledge what Caden had said about the swing. I would want to think on it more later. When Caden points out the bags and boxes that still cover the room, I pout a little. “Kiki should be putting this all away - she’s the one who bought most of it.” I say with a shake of my head before I hop down off of the table. First things first, I want to start organizing all the shopping goodies by category.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Caden’s Home - Chicago, IL

I glance over at Cass with a smile. “Or what you’d find in a white girls apartment.” I joke with a smirk. “Actually though, with all the new age hype, it’s probably easier to get crystals now, right?” I mean, even my mom had gotten into the craze a little bit and had a plethora of gems she was convinced helped. “Wait, is all the metaphysical stuff about crystals true?”

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden’s Home - Chicago, IL

I shift my weight from one foot to the other while I think about it before I shake my head. “No, no… I’ve just never ridden one before so please don’t get me killed.” I say with what I hope is more of a smile than a grimace.

“Between Caden and my da, I don’t think you’d be long for this world if you did end up murdering me.”


Location: Caden’s Home - Chicago, IL

I tilt my head to the other side, setting my fork down before I pick up Caden’s phone. “O-oh.” I say as I scroll through the information and my cheeks flush. “Oh.”

I hold his phone out to him, not really sure how to react to this. “I mean… I’d try it at least if you wanted to, I just didn’t expect swings to evolve to… this.” I busy myself by engulfing the rest of my breakfast down.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Driving - Chicago, IL

Nodding, I chuckle. “I guess that makes sense.” I say, placing my hand on her thigh as I drive. “If you’re going to hoard, I suppose magical ingredients as a sorceress makes the most sense.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden’s Home - Chicago, IL

I cross my arms as I glare at Avery. “Funny, I was going to ask the same thing of you.” I say before making my way over to him and the motorcycle. I worry my bottom lip as I look the bike over.

“You know how to drive this, right?” I ask. I mean, I know he’s usually Caden’s driver, but motorcycles made me apprehensive.


Location: Caden’s Home - Chicago, IL

I tilt my head at Caden while I nibble on the bite of food on my fork. “A more exciting swing?” I ask in mild confusement. “Have swings evolved into something else over the years?”

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: SUV - Chicago, IL

I nod. It made sense that it’s for supplies. I close Cass’ door and get behind the wheel, putting my arm behind her head as I back out to head to her store. “You just happen to have everything for a Hindu temple fountain ceremony?” I ask in a teasing tone.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden’s Home - Chicago, IL

I make my way out towards the garage. I enter it just as Avery starts inspecting the bike. “Well, I feel underdressed now.” I say, looking Avery up and down. ”Should I be scared that we might crash now?” I ask, putting a hand on my hip as I start to second-guess my choices.


Location: Caden’s Home - Chicago, IL

I sit on the table once breakfast is set out and the staff leaves. I break the yolk of the egg over hash browns and start eating happily as Caden walks in, swinging my legs. “Wonderful.” I say at the news that the contractor will be here. I look around the room, remembering how Caden had introduced this room to me on my first day staying here.

“I think I like the theme of the room still - we could add a swing so it really ties everything together.” I say teasingly.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Cass’ Home - Chicago, IL

Knowing what is probably going through her mind, I’m grateful that Cass drops the subject. Far be it from me to make people change their own nickname just because it reminds me of my sister. I grin at what Cass tells the cats before heading to the SUV to open the door for Cass. “So, why do we need to go to the shop for, by the way?”

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden’s Home - Chicago, IL

“Just so you know, I really hate you.” I tell him, flipping him off before I close the back doors and head back to my room to change. I have leather pants and a leather jacket that I could wear, even though the pants were geared more towards the club scene. They were genuine leather though, so it should work. I have a silent debate on whether I want to wear heels so Avery didn’t tower over me, but ultimately decide to go with some high top sneakers.

Now if only I could figure out why Avery is so good at getting under my skin…


Location: Caden’s Home - Chicago, IL

I don’t even have time to say it back before Caden kisses me deeply. I’m a little stunned, frozen in place, before I remember to move again. “I, uh, love you too.” I mumble with a stupid grin before I head into my room. Luci and Mika greet me almost immediately.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Cass’ Home - Chicago, IL

I nod, agreeing with her. “It is, but I can deal with it, I promise.” I tell her. Unable to help myself while she’s looking up at me like this, I kiss her lips softly. I would go for a more passionate kiss, but I remind myself we still need to stop at Cass’ shop before going to see the contractor. When I pull away, I smile at her.

”We should get going - do you have everything you need from here?” I ask her.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden’s Home - Chicago, IL

I still regard Avery dubiously, but my stomach growls at just the thought of food. “I’m only agreeing because I’m hungry.” I tell Avery. “And I have my own leather, so Sarah doesn’t have to lend me anything.” Okay, so not a date, but am I jealous of Sarah?


Location: Caden’s Home - Chicago, IL

“So I was close at least.” I say with a sheepish look, ears warming at how he laughed at me. “Kids these days with their fancy words.” I shake my head in mock disappointment.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Cass’ Home - Chicago, IL

I shake my head. “Don’t be sorry - two people can have the same nickname.” I tell her, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

“It’s not insensitive of you at all. It definitely took me by surprise when Nero called Kimiko that, but nothing you should be apologizing for.” I lean down to kiss her forehead.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden’s Home - Chicago, IL

My jaw drops at the absolute audacity of this man. “You absolutely did that on purpose!” I accuse, almost following him outside before I stop myself. “Also who is Sarah??” I had my own leather pants and jacket to wear, but honestly I’m still in shock from what just happened. Wait - is he asking me out on a date?


Location: Caden’s Home - Chicago, IL

I stick my tongue out at Caden with a roll of my eyes, but beam happily when he kisses me. “Ooh, can I have those potato things, hashtags? And eggs? Over-simple?” I ask excitedly, already wiggling as Caden leads me. “I didn’t get any of those words right, did I?”

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Cass’ Home - Chicago, IL

I pause, having to get used to hearing someone else referred to as Kiki, but that’s quickly forgotten as Cass goes on before burying her head in my chest. Despite everything, I can’t help but grin as I hold her close. “So, the only thing we talked about was that she’s part fox-spirit, because I asked her what she was. I started to tell her about the stories my mom used to tell me and Kiki- my Kiki - growing up.” I kiss her head again, finding Cass’ protectiveness of me endearing.

“One of those stories was how we’re blessed by the fox and Kimiko said something odd like she was insinuating my family is no longer blessed. Then she looked like a deer caught in headlights and Avery came over to join us then. She started acting very chipper towards Avery in an attempt for me not to ask any follow-up questions.” I chuckled at how awkward that moment had been.

I grab Cass’ face gently and tilt it up so she can look at me. ”Caden invited us to join him for dinner tonight, is that okay with you?”

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Caden’s Home - Chicago, IL

I’m already feeling warm in my cheeks and ears from Avery’s comment about enjoying company in the shower, but his next question makes me sputter. “I-I’m sorry, what?” I ask him, eyebrows furrowed and face surely as red as a strawberry. I try to find a reason for him to ask that and come up blank, so I just continue to stare at him, frozen in place. What the fuck??


Location: Caden’s Home - Chicago, IL

I grin widely up at Caden once he shows me the drawer of shirts. “That’s for me to know and you to find out.” I say. I really thought he might not own any since I’d never seen him in one. “When do you actually wear these? Cause you dress like this, I gesture to his ensemble with my free hand. “For staying in and wear nothing to sleep.” I tilt my head to peer up at him.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Cass’ Townhome - Chicago, IL

I luckily stabilize myself when Cass throws her arms on me, grateful we didn’t tumble down the walkway and that I left our drinks in the SUV. “Easy, girl.” I say with a chuckle, running a hand down her back to soothe her. “But now that you’ve told me you told her not to bombard me, her reactions today make much more sense.” I say, shaking a little with laughter before I kiss Cass’ head.

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