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That sounds great. Since a thousand years have based since our characters were alive he would definitely want to learn all he could about what happened to civilization after his death.

Also earlier you were talking about a DnD like system, and while DnD can be good for narratives things, there are plenty of other systems more suited to narrative play. There's a game called Dungeon World which would probably be better suited to narrative play. I haven't read it so I can't be sure but it's Powered by the Apocalypse (PbtA) and other PbtA games I've played have been very good for narrative driven stories.
@Thinslayer so a type of character I generally enjoy playing is someone who is a knowledge seeker. I remember in another post you mentioned characters being fighters of a sort, which generally doesn't fit well with people wanting to know things. But maybe he could have a particular interest in long forgotten combat techniques and warriors' philosophy. It's a bit rough right now but I think with some polishing it could work.
I've been looking at the thread for a few days now and thinking about if I want to join or not, and I've decided that yes I do. No clue what kind of character I'll make, but the world seems interesting
I'm still having fun, and for me at least the deadline is a good thing. It encourages me to post even when I think I have nothing to say.
I always find smaller groups easier to work with, but at the end of the day I'm pretty indifferent to if we recruit more people or not.
Cain appreciated that Juniper offered to stay with him, going through files with another person was so much nicer than doing it alone. He didn't even mind that she wanted to come up with some hashtag for her social media thing. Cain didn't really understand the whole social media thing, it just never appealed to him, but he appreciated that it was something she enjoyed so he wouldn't rain on her parade.

More exciting though was Albert opening the door to his secret Bed and Breakfast. Cain nearly jumped out of his chair, there was bound to be much more comfortable seating than the room they were in now. His current seat was fine, but his bottom was starting to go numb, there was a reason he enjoyed his coffee beyond the taste. It gave him an excuse to get up every couple of hours and get a reprieve from sitting.

Cain gathered up the files and walked through the door. The B&B looked quite cozy, and it seemed to have a mind of it's own. "Fascinating," Cain made his way to the couch and sat himself down, setting the papers on the table in front. "I feel this will be a much better environment for working. As long as Juniper has internet access I'm sure we'll be fine."
Got it, I edited out the reference to Ivan in my latest post
Since it seemed like everyone was going I left it up in the air if Cain joins or not. If it's decided he should come with then he'd go, so we can just get moving
Cain was a bit distracted by the feeling of what could only be the Detective's magic as it washed over the City. By the time the sensation had faded it seemed nearly everyone would be joining Argenti to go speak with his contacts, and do whatever else they wanted to do. Cain accepted the key from Albert, the flower on his was a tulip. Key took out his key ring to loop it on as he spoke to the group. "As much as I would love to join the adventure with everyone, I suspect they type of people you'll be meeting might clam up if too many people approach at once." He got the key on the ring, it looked nice, a bit showy, but not too showy.

"I'll stay here and go through the victims, hopefully I can find some kind of connection between them other than them all being Innocents." Cain glanced at Ivan as he said this. The shape changer hadn't mentioned if he was staying or leaving. Cain looked to Argenti and the others who would be leaving, "unless, of course, you think it would simply be easier and safer if we all went together. In which case I'll gladly join the escapades." As Cain waited for the answer to his question he took out his phone to add Juniper. He sent her a text, simply saying "It's Cain".
I've gotta say I really appreciate the post deadlines. It works well for me specifically. I know I'm always last but without the deadline I just might not post at all. Tonight after work I'm seeing someone but I should be home early enough to get something out before I go to bed. If not then I guess this is my warning that I might not post. Though Cain is on team "sit around and read the documents" so I feel like it's not a huge deal if I post in a couple days rather than tonight. But I'll do my best to do something tonight.
The thing with posts being slow (or in my case pitifully short) is that we're basically in the set up phase right now. Once something actually happens I'm sure posting will be easier.
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