Avatar of Garth


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1 yr ago
Current I used to play on Roleplay Online (rpol.net) that site did more group games and not 1x1 games. Also a lot more 'rules game' like DnD, Pathfinder, ect
1 yr ago
Don't forget it's his first Mother's Day as your husband. Different families have different expectations. Maybe his family never did Mother Days/Father's day gifts. [/soap box]
1 yr ago
Of my current story partners, none of them are from the US. (and I'm impressed with all of their English)
1 yr ago
Stay Plucky
2 yrs ago
See? I'm smarter than I look.
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I'm a long time RPer. I play group games and 1x1 games.

I only play MxF in my 1x1 games. Group games, doesn't matter.

I'm a guy and will only play 1x1 games with people 21 years or older. I'm trying to avoid going to jail.

I can't play fandom canon characters. I just don't know the characters well enough to do that. But love to play OCs in a fandom story.

I'm pretty flexible. I don't have any demands. Just have fun. One request, if you tire of the game or me, shoot me a PM and tell me. In your PM blame the game and not me ;P I'll let you know if I can't keep up with any game we are in.

I'll be honest, I enjoy romance and smut in my 1x1 games. I do enjoy the build up and plot.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you wanna play or just hang out and chat.

Most Recent Posts

that was my fault. I posted a second time. Sorry
Rockmar Granitehart

Rockmar makes a 'wait a minute' gesture towards the doctor. Then gracefully jumped off the stool and stepped towards the bar owner. "Grimi, Grimi. Before we go down. I have somebody who would like to talk to you."

He then leans in close to Grimi and lowered his voice. "This nice lady says she needs to hire a group of thieves for a job. I told her you might know a guy who knows a guy. Can you talk to her? I'll go find 'Happy' for the nighttime activities."

Even through he promised to go get ready for the activities, he stayed to hear Grimi and the 'nice lady' talk.
Persuasion? me?

Alright, alright. Not too shabby.
Rockmar carried the barrel of ale from the basement to replace the empty barrel behind the bar. He nodded to Grimi has he finished putting the barrel in its place.

"Am I really going to have to go to the Legion of Needles and Thorns for help...?" Rockmar's ears pricked up at the name of Legion of Needles and Thorns. ~That's bullshit. She can hire us.~ If she needed help, he would offer his aid. He knew some 'people'.

He climbed up on a stool and was about to address the Lady when he saw Lota approach her. ~Damnit, what's she doing?~

"Wait, Lass. Before you leave, may I have a minute of your time? I couldn't help overhearing that you might need some help? I know some people who might be able to help. At a much cheaper price than the Legion will charge." He gave his best smile.

Do our characters know each other or are we just meeting for the first time? I know a couple worked on backstory or something.

Also my history check was a 15.
Now we have "me, the two crazy ladies, that dead guy and that nearly dead guy."

I almost made charisma my dump, but thought the -1 would be too much.
As we wait to begin our adventure, I shall provide you some soothing drum music.

Soothing Drum Music (as if played by a dwarf clown)
It might not be the safest, but I say:

• "Fair travels as well, what do you need?"
Thank you for the welcome, Everybody! Looking forward to playing.
Name: Rockmar Granitehart
Age: 60
Race: Mountain Dwarf
Class: Fighter
Level: 1
Background: Gladiator

Personality: Grumpy. He rarely smiles and is often sarcastic. He tries to keep his emotions hidden away and people at distance from himself. He does smirk when he is performing however. His clown name is ‘Happy’ but he has a frown painted on his face.

Backstory: Rockmar has had a hard life. It started out happy enough. Rockmar was born into a small dwarven clan. The clan lived in a small outpost near the surface of the dwarven realms. They traded with the nearby human settlements. When Rockmar was still young, one day he pocketed a few gems that were to be traded with the humans. As fate would have it, on that same day, a large goblin war party raided Rockmar’s home outpost. Most of the dwarves were killed, but many were captured, like Rockmar.

Rockmar was forced to fight in the goblin’s gladiator pits. At first, he just fought against woodland creatures. But over time he became a better fighter. He would fight against bigger and meaner animals. But he also was forced to fight halflings and elves. There was the one time he smashed a pixie with his maul. The goblins laughed and laughed at that.

He grew stronger in the gladiator fights. Rockmar was good at it. He hated himself for it, but he enjoyed it. Fighting gave him a sense of self worth.He also learned to play the drums. The goblins loved it when he would play.

Perhaps Rockmar would have eventually died in the goblin camp. However, the Knights of the White Rose discovered the goblin camp and attacked. In the confusion, Rockmar escaped and ran off into the woods. He never says that he was rescued. He escaped.

Because Rockmar stole the ‘gems’ (really worthless glass bobbles) Rockmar feared to return to the dwarven realms. He made his way to the city where he now hides out with the Giggle Gang. Even if he calls them ‘the crazy ladies and that dead guy’.

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