Avatar of Jazz


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Well. Can say that with having a kiddo of my own, a partner that has taken the financial reins while letting me figure all this out. I only hope I can get into a decent routine.
5 yrs ago
Hey everyone! Things are slowly coming around. Still alot to do and now a new Laptop to get into that direction! :3 Maybe now I can get back to roleplaying like I've always wanted!
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7 yrs ago
I have to an important decision in my life to step away from roleplaying till i can get my life in order since it is in a web of confusion and uncertainty. I still wish to talk to you all. Im sorry.
7 yrs ago
Craving a Bleach Rp. Hmm.....
8 yrs ago
9-11 never forget
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Hello! Those looking at this I would like to Introduce myself:
My name is Jazz as you may know, I have been in the guild a few or so years before it had crashed and was rebuilt. I like video games: ranging with XboxOne and PC. I absolutely Assassin's Creed, Halo, Witcher and Splinter Cell. I rarely play but still try. I have a kiddo of my own and a small part time job and a partner who is letting figure out how to be a mom while I also get a routine together of how to go about the day to day.
I also like to draw but not a huge pro with my style close to manga/anime like. But loving the chibiness. Love my music, and its ranged kind not exactly specific on genre but more bands and their songs. Some of a bands songs I like, some of theirs I dont like.
As you may know I roleplay but can rp so many before I am over loaded. I like to roleplay many different fandom based roleplays and some I would be willing to try:
-Witcher -Halo -Assassin's Creed -Marvel -Transformers -Fate/Stay night
-Nauto -Star Wars -Yu-Gi-Oh! -Black Butler -Supernatural
I am usually up for anything if you wanna give me a holler. I usually do 1x1s cause I don't like making alot of people wait on me for a post since my post time is based on anything. I have a phone I like to look at these but I dont like posting from it cause of the autocorrect on it. Other than that I like crossovers sometimes, romance, humor, adventure. Not too big on horror rps. Its the whole imagination within me saying thats real and stuff when I know its not yet isn't too freaked out with Haunted houses. I usually cover my ears since some of them are really really loud and my ears hate the loud noises.

Anyway. I can male or female characters, im not tooo picky. You need a male character and if hes a fictional character, I might be able too, same goes for female. I can even do male x male or boy x girl, though havent done a girl x girl so there is that.

PLEASE BARE WITH ME! I am trying to get back into my roleplaying way but not as much as I use to. I try to post one or twice a day mainly based on how many roleplays I have. I am trying not to disappear like I use to but back then I was trying to pick the pieces of my life up and was trying to focus on my own survival.

I am very very very thankful to the people who have stayed with me through those hard times I had and were hella patient with me while I got my life in order. You know who you are and I am blessed to have you as friends. While I am still getting it all together, I am better where I am now and coming back stronger than I was before

I live in Oklahoma, US. So central time for me. I maybe online but most times during the weekday I am working within the evening.

I also have a twitch, trying to be a streamer: m.twitch.tv/jazzspartan013/home

Most Recent Posts

Maltoran carefully laid him down on the bedroll closest to them. "He must be at his limit. He needs rest."

Orion wished he could help on that front. He only had the medical knowhow for most things. Not the psychological know how. "Take deep breaths for me. If so, place a hand on my chest to follow along." Starting take slow noticeable breaths for Ash.
Orion was confused. He wondered what going on. "What kind of voices?" Speaking a little louder in hopes she can hear him.

Maltoran dropped his knife and reached for Shinlo, to snatched him back before he ended up in the flames.
It was Team Koruko's turn. Kuruko went next, drawing a card, he places a card face down in the monster zone, one card face down in Spell/Trap zone and ends his turn.

"Last time I remember Ishizu played cards that were Egyptian themed. Most of them are fairy type. However Marik's new deck is unknown to me, but he may go for something similar close to their culture." Yami explains to Serena.

Marik draws his card for the start of his turn. Examining his hand, he places a card in his field spell slot. "I play the field spell, Nercovalley! Also playing the monster Gravekeeper's Descendant (Atk:1500/Def:1200) with the power of my field spell, and Gravekeeper's gain five hundred attack and defence. Making my monsters attack now two-thousand." Marik explains. "With that I end my turn."

Cora pulls his attention to Yugi when asked what brought her here. She looks toward the duel thinking about it. "Honestly. I come here to have fun. I love seeing the bonds that are formed from dueling. I've come every weekend for the last year when I found out about its existence. Dueling is my passion." She explains to Yugi.

The other of Team Kuruko, Kainyn draws, placing another monster face down as well as a card in the Spell/Trap zone. Ending their turn.
Orion looks to Ash, noticing that she looked zoned out. Unsure what was going on, Orion waves a hand infront of her face before he gets his hand close to the ear and tries to see if a snap might help despite how much she could hear.

Kanarus shakes his head. "I don't think so. He said his goddess gave him the power."
It seemed to click for Cora when Yugi explained about his past and now current Deck. "I understand. It takes time to find a deck that resonates with you. Almost like a a soul mate of sorts. I can't wait to see it!" Almost goshing at the fact of someone using a deck that would be meant for them. Not knowing the past deck and what had happened between everyone and the Ishtars.

"Good luck to you." Yami says before they left the bleachers. "Go get'em!" Joey and Tristen cheers in unison.

"Duelists at the ready!" The Announcer says once the Duelists are at their spots. Screen posting their Life Points, and flipping a coin. It landed with the Ishtar's going first. Marik let's his sister going first.
Orion compensated as he looked, moving the tool from her ear quickly and helped her out. "I'm sorry. But good news, they are not infected. They will heal in time. I should have something for vertigo and nausea." He uses one arm to put the tool away. "For now, lay down and rest. After we eat, I'll give you the potion for it. It's effects react better prior to eating."

The assassins shakes their head to her question. "We have not. This is quite new to us." Kanarus says.
Cora seemed confused as to what Yugi was talking about but shrugged it off and figured she would see soon enough.

The duel was a close call on both sides but it was a win for Team Ryuki. It was then the Ishtars, Ishizu and Marik against Team Zurabi.

"Ready sister?" Excited but slightly nervous since it had been sometime since he dueled.
He raised his voice a little so she could understand what he was saying. "This is just a precaution. You are most likely experiencing Vertigo." He says as he checks her ears to make sure they were okay. Not knowing what else that creature could have done.

Carth was laying down watching everything going on when he hears a howl. He perks in the direction. After a few minutes or so, Krona comes back with four rabbits in her mouth, having ahold of them by their tails. Maltoran whistles to her of which she comes and lays them beside him.
Seto returned his brother's hug, a soft smile on his lips.

Yami thinks about it. "I don't think so. But anything is possible. He could have descended from anywhere from back then."

Cora had looked away from them before looking back to the Duel that had started. "Team Tsubaki, and Team Ryuki. From what I can see of the board, The Ishtar's are next after them. We are next. Then after there is a pair I don't recognize. Lastly is Yami and Serena." She explains.
Orion nods. "I understand. At least you have not lost you're hearing completely. This will take time. I will have to check for infection." He has a magnifying glass with a cone to make it easier to see specific things. Let me your ears so I can get an idea what's going on." He says.
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