Avatar of Letter Bee


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20 days ago
Current The second thread of my RP, Noble Arms: The ASEAN War, is 7 months old, but the overall storyline has lasted for 22 months.
21 days ago
I've been here since Oldguild.
1 like
21 days ago
Tomorrow will be a great day...
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25 days ago
5 days till Noble Arms: The ASEAN War, my RP, reaches the 22nd month of its storyline, scattered across two threads (the first lasted for 15 months and the second for 6 - 7).
2 mos ago
My Status? Good.


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Welcome; good luck on finding a roleplay!
@JosephBelz, move your OC to the Characters Tab, please?
Lorenzo Calungsod Emiya

"My wish?" Lorenzo mused upon hearing Gajah Mada's question, "It is to deny others their wish if it hurts people or tries to derail the salvation of Humanity."

He then spoke, "The Church may be flawed, but its central thesis, that the world has been saved from sin and its burdens by God becoming Man, dying, ressurecting, and keeping his Human nature so that Humanity as a species can share of divine grace, is worth beieving. To slaugther large numbers of Humans, to ruin their lives, to bring despair and pain and rage, when God hiself loved Humanity enough to become one of them, and to commit such slaugther under the belief that God wanted that... I'd spend my life denying any such wish."

A pause, then he continued as the computers in the shed contiued to give feedback from the Kyoto CCTV system, "But if you don't believe that, then there is another thing that can be believed - That Humanity is also saved in another way through the Age of Will; once Magecraft and Technology and even True Magic are rendered obsolete, Humanity will have ascended to the stars and able to change the universe through their own willpower. That is a future that has been set, but can also be gainsaid by enough effort. To try and prevent such is evil; to try and push it forward in a way that leads to slaugther and suffering and irresponsible shortcuts taken... That is also evil."

Through their bond, Gajah Mada would recognize this as the truth, that Lorenzo made a concious effort not to reach for ambitions above his abilities and foster contentment with how his life was now. His parents were still alive, the Church he served disliked but respected him, and his finances were secure.

He was genuinely doing this to save people, but at the same time knew well enough that some of them cannot be saved. He had already resigned himself to the deaths of those who would die despite his own best efforts; moved on in order to save the next ones. His faith in the established salvation of Humanity and the world kept him like this; more stable than most Magi and Churchfolk. How very much unlike a usual Emiya, any Multiversal observer would admit...

There were stray cats outside the Bounded Field, just beyond the boundaries of the Chapel grounds; these can be detected through CCTV. For a brief moment, Lorenzo thought they could be familiars, but decided not to commit random cat slaugther and thus give himself away early.

Instead, he'd just continue to watch...

@Randomguy @ManyThings
Don't double post; it's barely been 7 or 8 hours.
@Verjil, You might want to link to the Discord Server on the OOC Opening post.
@Shadrack Nor, welcome back!

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