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8 yrs ago
Current Sail on a sweet silver mist


Player; DK
Age; 23
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Occupation; Air Force
Location; Alnilam
Race; Rakshasa

Dead men tell no tales
So listen to this story from a whale
She sailed the silver river
But only found a purple butler
There was a grey parrot, and the crane both agree
That the turtle should search for the one manatee
Now you see your monster
Or maybe your insanity
The pirate needs more ales

Most Recent Posts

Ayato Kamina

Villain Psych

Kamina listened attentively as Ms. Mako gave a brief review of everyone's answers. It seemed most of them gave typical answers or resorted to using quirks. His eagerness sank drastically when she got to him though. Evidently, there were wrong answers, and he gave them. He sank in his chair hoping his presence could disappear entirely. He wondered what the right answers were then.

Ms. Mako was right, but it seemed entirely unfair to have to follow a set of rules that your opponent completely ignored. It made him think about how heroes actually had to be a lot wittier and trickier than villains then. Heroes had to outdo people, who were potentially on their same level or higher with no disregard for anything, while following the law. It sort of scared him thinking about fighting someone, who was all to willing to kill him, while trying not to kill them. It would take a lot of power to control someone like that. The other option was his death. He really didn't like it.

Fortunately, class moved on and took a very interesting turn. Ms. Mako was asking the students if they thought they could hit her. Kamina thought about it for a few seconds before he was about to raise his hand. Evidently, other students took it that they were supposed to try and hit her. He watched Dulga as she got of her chair and opened the window. He wondered how this was going to help hit Ms. Mako, but then he got his answer. His eyes went wide as Dulga threw Mamoru out the window. Immediately, a little green light flew away from him and chased Mamoru out the window. It stopped before reaching her though. He realized this was Dulga's plan. The green light quickly darted back into his bag.

Dulga probably had this figured out, but he didn't want to be a part of it. While Jett went to stop her from throwing anyone else out of the window, Kamina got up and ran for the front of the room. He stood behind Ms. Mako's desk. He also tried to stay relatively close to her too, using both as a sort of shield from the madness. He hadn't used his quirk in any way. He was just standing there, now watching Jett get thrown out the window.

His middle finger and thumb were touching. He wasn't sure if Ms. Mako would bite Dulga's bait or not, but he hoped she might let her guard down even for a second if she didn't. A lot of people seemed to feel confident after seeing through someone's trap, and he might have a chance to quietly flick her elbow then. He waited to see if she would charge Dulga, or whether she would see through the trap. Either way, there was a chance she would get hit. 'Is a flick a hit?' He wondered as he watched Dulga in amazement.

Ayato Kamina

Kamina was pretty slow in cleaning up after class. He was just barely finished putting the weapon away when the bell actually rang. He still wasn't in to much of a hurry. He walked back to the classroom and picked up some of his stuff before heading to the next class. Villain Psych was going to be interesting. Definitely not as fun, but still very important.

It seemed he was one of the later students to arrive, so he just found an empty seat and slouched in it. He was ready for this day to be over. This was the last class, but it felt like there was still a lot more. The teacher didn't take very long to show. Ms. Mako was very to the point and prompt. He started off pretty slouched and ready to be bored, but she quickly changed that. Learning that she was a most wanted villain in the past was pretty interesting too. He sat up straighter in his chair as he listened to her now.

It wasn't long before she handed out a paper with several scenarios on them. She wanted them to write how they would react to them. It really wasn't hard to think like a villain. Maybe, predicting them was difficult, but with the right information, even that seemed pretty easy. You just had to play by their rules. It would be really easy playing by there rules, since they had very little rules. He read over the paper and started answering them.

Scenario 1: You arrive at the scene of a bank robbery. The robber holds an elderly lady at gunpoint and demands that you let them escape or he'll shoot. The robber seems terrified, and his gun hand is shaking.

Tell the robber that he can leave the bank or be arrested, but the elderly lady does not go with him. Also inform him that if he kills the elderly lady, he will die as well, as opposed to just being arrested. The first one seemed easy enough.

Scenario 2: A sword wielding killer in armour had massacred several people in the middle of the day in a downtown market. As you confront him, he bows, and appears to be following old-fashioned combat etiquette.
Wait for him to stand up, and then capture him by any means necessary, probably by shooting him. I don't know what 'etiquette' he follows, but it's obviously not important since he slaughtered several people. I'm guessing they were innocent civilians. That was pretty easy too. Although, fighting a sword master would be pretty difficult.

Scenario 3: You've managed to get tied up against a chair, and your quirk has somehow been nullified. The villain has a gun to your head, and says "I've waited a log time for this. This is one plan of mine that you won't foil!"

Kamina had to think for this one. Assuming I couldn't escape from the chair, I would ask him what his plan was and try to continue conversing with him until either help came, or I got loose from the chair. Then I could resist, but I would probably try to hold off on that until the last possible moment. Reinforcements would be a lot better.

Scenario 4: A villain has brainwashed several civilians, and armed them. They stand between you and the villain, and they are advancing towards you with intent to attack. Your quirk has been nullified. The villain claimed earlier that if you killed him, the civilians would die.

If he is telling the truth, then it sounds like they are lost anyways. I would do the best I could to bypass them or knock them out until I reached the villain. If I could capture him without endangering myself, I would. Then there might be a way to force him to free the civilians or sever his connection to them safely. Otherwise, I would kill him and find out whether he was telling the truth or not. The thought of him telling the truth in this scenario was chilling, but if he took over more people it would be worse. Stopping him would absolutely be necessary.

Scenario 5: The classic; a villain has kidnapped a member of your family or a loved one very close to you, and has strapped them to a bed with a laser cutting the table their on, inching closer to their body with every passing second. They have also taken a school bus full of children and rigged it with a timed bomb. They claim that you don't have time to save them both.

I would threaten the villain. Either he could stop both of the traps or he would be killed. If he didn't care about dying, then he probably didn't have an escape planned. I think I would save the bus, and then I would arrest the villain. This question made him really uncomfortable. He paused after he thought about the villain not caring about dying. Someone who felt like they had nothing to lose. It was sort of scary. Villain's power tended to come from fear, so just using fear on them seemed to be within the rules, but if they didn't care about that fear, then it would make a really scary situation.

He wrote his name on the paper and handed it back to the teacher. It didn't seem like there were right or wrong answers, but he hoped his weren't too weird. Only time would tell.

@Silver Carrot

Ayato Kamina

After taking in Arsenal's lesson, he began to practice loading ammo and inserting the clip. After he felt confident in that, he donned some ear and eye protection. He flipped a switch in his cubicle that raised the glass shield and a single paper target. Kamina took a deep breath before he began to glow yellow. He felt warm. He lifted the glock and began to line up the target. His enhanced senses made it rather easy. He placed the target between the rear sights, and then covered it with the front sight. He didn't pull the trigger though. The sights were shaking on the target. He couldn't stay completely steady. After a minute of trying to focus, he decided that he needed to figure out a way to steady himself.

He decided to use the wall as a base. It was sort of awkward, but it worked. At least mostly. He started to put pressure on the trigger, but the gun pull to the right as he pulled the trigger. He was getting a little frustrated. It was impressive how anyone was able to shoot so accurately. After a few trials, he finally put enough pressure on the trigger to fire. The jolt surprised him a little, but he still kept a firm hold of the gun. He looked down range to see he had hit the bullseye. He really only nicked the top right corner of it, and it only took him four minutes to actually shoot the gun, but he technically hit it. "I got it!" He shouted as he raised his hands in the air and the gun too. He quickly put it down and looked around to make sure no one saw it. "I hit the target." He said more controlled as he turned to the target and began to practice some more.
Kamina did sit up while giving Arsenal a funny look. He didn't appreciate being made to sit straight, but he did it anyways. It seemed Kenichi was close, but that it was actually an electroshock grenade. He wondered what an EMP grenade looked like then, or if different manufacturers would make the same thing look different. He pretty much decided to entirely avoid anything that was thrown at him. Two more students showed up late, but it was the first day of class and this place was pretty big. He wondered if they were just flirting in the halls though. They were both pretty good looking. It was only the first day of class and they were already playing hooky in the halls. I guess the first day would be the only day you could claim to be lost in the hall. He wondered what excuses they would come up with in the future if they came in late together.

They went through a few basics in the syllabus and some rules for the class before moving onto the gymnasium. He wandered around a bit looking at all of the different gadgets and such. It was almost overwhelming seeing everything. There were so many different things. He passed over the weight room pretty quickly. He could work out another time. He came to the sparring rooms and saw lines of melee weapons. He actually found a weapon that sort of looked like a shinai. The section at the end looked odd though. He slid the switch on the haft to see it glow. He poked it and was surprised as the stick nearly flew out of his hand. It spun around before he gained control of it. Evidently, it had some sort of repulsive force to magnify strikes. He thought it was pretty cool, but he was already good with sticks thanks to years of kendo practice. He noticed Akasha practicing with a robot in a sparring room. It was sort of funny seeing the rubber bullets bounce off the glass in front of him. Her fight was good, but nothing really impressive.

He moved on to the gun range where he saw the girl with six arms starting to prepare for practice. Shooting was something he had never done before. With enhanced perception, he should be able to gain an advantage with it. Maybe, if he practiced he could be a good shooter too. He stopped to watch her through a window to the range. It was more just out of curiosity on what good shooting might look like. It was a little confusing when the targets popped, but she didn't shoot anything. It took him a moment to realize those were civilians and that she was supposed to find the villains and take them down. Her performance became more and more amazing as he saw how little the villains showed themselves. A lot of them were almost completely covered. How were you supposed to shoot anything when it was covered? He was amazed that she still did it. Even when the target areas were tiny, she still hit almost every target. The fact she did it while holding two large guns was even cooler. Her arms just moved so fluidly while operating with mechanic precision. He caught his jaw hanging open as he watched.

Kamina moved on to the armory after seeing her performance. Looking at all of the weapons seemed rather overwhelming, especially when he knew almost nothing about it. It seemed like this was where he would learn the most. He went to find the teacher. "Uhh, Arsenal, could you tell me a few things about guns? I'd like to practice with a pistol at the range."

@Lucius Cypher@Riegal@Aerandir@Norschtalen@pkken

Ayato Kamina

"Unless, it's shielded." Kamina quickly added to Kenichi's description. He didn't really know what the orb was, but he had to imagine it was some sort of grenade or emitter. He knew how EMPs worked though and decided to add on that. "An object shielded with a Faraday cage would be fine against electromagnetic fields." He went back to resting on his elbow after adding his tidbit.

"This is going to be boring. Enjoy your class. We'll make friends later." His wisp said before it returned into his backpack. He didn't take off his backpack, even during class. He was glad class was starting though. It got Joy to go away. Arsenal was one of his favorite heroes too. He wasn't big into cowboys, but the way Arsenal used his pistols and gear was incredible. His quirk may not have seemed that incredible, but underestimating him got a lot of villains in trouble. Hearing the classroom was basically an impenetrable bomb shelter made things sound fun too. He really started to wonder if they would be learning how to make gear too. That sounded pretty complicated, but anything that would help him with his wisps would be awesome. He continued to just rest on his elbow as he listened to the teacher and the rest of the class teach and comment.

@pkken @Conscripts @Noxx @Artymis @Ryonara @Zeroth @Norschtalen

Ayato Kamina

Yeah, he was right. Trying to make friends was a bad idea. This girl really didn't seem to want anything to do with him, and nothing was more annoying than having someone try to invade when you didn't want them too. He sat quietly, and surprisingly, his wisp was quiet too.

It didn't take long for another student to enter. He was sort of surprised to see she was blind. He wondered what her quirk was that she could function on such a level to get into Komei blind. The other girl already answered that this was the Hero Gear class. He was about to offer her help, but realized that she was at Komei academy. She obviously didn't need his help. She was probably better than he was in several regards and would just laugh at him trying to help. He decided to just give his name in reply instead. It was polite. "My name's Ayato Kamina." 'Yozakura Yukari' He thought to himself. "Do you ever just go by Kura?" He asked shortly.

That's when a ball of energy came bouncing in the room. It didn't take her long to reach them and extend a friendly hand. Yozakura was blind, so he went ahead and took her offer with a hesitant hand. He still gave a firm shake once they connected. No point in doing anything half-heartedly once committed. "My name's Ayato. It's nice to meet you Akasha."

Then another came in and felt the need to introduce themselves. That was the last time he was getting to a class first. It was too late to take that note though. There was only one more class and he doubted he'd need to give many more introductions in days to come. This guy was pretty interesting and his pompous attitude was off-putting. With a sigh, he responded again. "The name's Ayato, and you can keep the harvesting to yourself. I'm just here to become a great hero." He wasn't really sure what to think of Acion.

He turned back to face the others. 'When's this class starting?' Kamina was ready to be done with this day. He felt like this was somehow going to turn into another crazy class.

@Norschtalen@Conscripts@Lucius Cypher@Ryonara

Ayato Kamina

This day had been crazy. Sure Kamina heard that Kosei Academy was the best and had some interesting teaching methods, but this was insane. Even more insane than the teachers was the students. He didn't think that the top quirks in the country also meant the top weirdos. Well, now he was one of these weirdos, so maybe he should just embrace it. He'd never imagined that so much drama could arise in one day. Didn't anyone know how to control themselves? Even lunch wasn't safe. Whatever, he ate most of his lunch and was pretty full anyways, before the drama ruined the rest of his lunch.

The next two periods started soon. He was pretty interested in all of them, but he already knew what he was picking. There was still some time before Hero Gear started, but he didn't have anything better to do, so he just left lunch and headed off to class. He was the second one in the classroom, but the board made it pretty evident this was the right place. There was one other person here already. It was the girl with six arms. She had a couple of weird cases that didn't look like anything he'd seen before. They had some high-tech locks though. Kamina got a little excited that someone sort of normal was here. At least, he thought she was pretty normal. Maybe, they were weird for not trying to be dramatic or worrying about friends. If he was going to try and be even acquaintances with anyone, she seemed nice. He went inside with nothing but his school bag. His wisps were hidden in his bag at the time. "Hey, I'm Ayato." He felt sort of awkward, but felt he should say more than just that. It was friendly, right? "Do you mind if I ask what's in the case? Were we supposed to bring extra things to this class?" 'Great, now you like an invasive idiot. Just shut up and don't make it any worse.' He chastised himself in his head after he thought he made a bad first impression. He didn't think it could have gotten any worse, until a small purple woman came out of his bag. "Awww, is Kamina making a friend?" "Not now", he said putting his head on his desk. "Don't treat me like that." The purple spirit scolded him. Kamina just ignored her. "Fine, but I'm not going back in the bag." She sat down on his shoulder farther away from Dulga. "You need me now anyways." She whispered in his ear. It might have sort of been true, but it annoyed him nonetheless. He was ready to get through this day.


Hey, I saw this needed some people and I was wondering if that was still true. If it is I'd be interested in joining.
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