[hider=Atlas Michael Rossi // Son of Morpheus, Legacy of Hypnos] [color=gray][center][url=https://fontmeme.com/signature-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231215/1249fddf55edec3a8562a6040194c10c.png[/img][/url] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/0c8a7fa4569209bd8aa9c84855da7adb/tumblr_pm8eqiU45J1w7t7yzo3_400.gif[/img] [sub][b][color=6BC47C]Lorenzo Zurzolo[/color][/b] | [b][color=6BC47C]#6BC47C[/color][/b][/sub] [color=6BC47C][b]"[i]A sense of humour is the only divine quality of man. [/i]"[/b][/color] —[color=6bc47c][b][i]Arthur Schopenhauer[/i][/b][/color][/center] [hr] [color=6BC47C][sub][b]Name[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Atlas Michael Rossi[/indent] [color=6BC47C][sub][b]Age[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Twenty (20) // October 29th // Scorpio[/indent] [color=6BC47C][sub][b]Gender[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Male.[/indent] [color=6BC47C][sub][b]Sexual Orientation[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Heterosexual.[/indent] [color=6BC47C][b][sub]Ethnicity[/sub][/b][/color] [indent]Italian.[/indent] [color=6BC47C][b][sub]Years at Camp Half-Blood[/sub][/b][/color] [indent]Five years as a full time camper.[/indent] [center][hr][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/05/63/80/056380270c6684d4b063ad6280e8c8c5.gif[/img] [color=6BC47C][b]"[i]If I get too close // And I'm not how you hoped // Forgive my northern attitude // Oh, I was raised out in the cold[/i]"[/b][/color] — [b][i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fUfHerrgmQ]Northern Attitude - Noah Kahan [/url][/i][/b][/center][hr] [color=6BC47C][sub][b]Appearance[/b][/sub][/color] [indent][list][*][color=6bc47c]Height:[/color] Six feet even. [*][color=6bc47c]Hair:[/color] Brown and shaggy. [*][color=6bc47c]Eyes:[/color] Blue. [*][color=6bc47c]Body Type:[/color] Atlas is what some may consider your ‘average’ body type. He’s not particularly muscular or athletic, however he is healthy and toned from years of training. [*][color=6bc47c]Clothing Style:[/color] Casual: Jeans, sneakers, t-shirts, etc. He will occasionally dress up when needed. [*][color=6bc47c]Body Markings:[/color] A [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bb/29/ad/bb29ade17ac7fe5cb0a0a3bbe29d7023.jpg]’matching’ tattoo[/url] with his cousins that says “No matter what”. It’s located the inside of his right forearm. [/list][/indent] [color=6BC47C][sub][b]Personality[/b][/sub][/color] [indent][list][*]Cocky [*]Arrogant [*]Loyal [*]Charismatic [*]Emotionally Distant [*]Protective to the point of possessiveness. [*]Competitive [*]Independent [*]Goofball [*]’One of the Bros’ [/list][/indent] [color=6BC47C][sub][b]History[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Was born from spite, and will most likely die the same way.[/indent] [center][hr][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b8/25/d3/b825d30665a4ba39220e77eeb5968877.gif[/img] [color=6BC47C][b]"[i]I’m not sure if you should be scared of the world, or the world should be scared of you, kid.[/i]"[/b][/color] — [color=6BC47C][b][i]Atlas’s mother[/i][/b][/color][/center][hr] [color=6BC47C][sub][b]Cabin & Godly Parent[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Morpehus (God of Dreams, Lord of the Subconscious. // Cabin #21 [/indent] [color=6BC47C][b]Legacy[/b][/color] [indent]Hypnos (God of Sleep).[/indent] [color=6BC47C][b]Fatal Flaw[/b][/color] [indent]His arrogance.[/indent] [color=6BC47C][b]Weapons[/b][/color] [indent][list][*]A [url=https://pm1.narvii.com/7354/56a60ee05ed1df9ab194ceed940ac3c8eeb028der1-1103-1103v2_00.jpg]double edged sword[/url], called ‘Morte’. [*]His [url=https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/v8kAAOSw1kJjpxsR/s-l1200.webp]dagger[/url][/list][/indent] [color=6BC47C][sub][b]Demigod Abilities[/b][/sub][/color] [indent][u][color=6bc47c]Pertaining to Morpheus:[/color][/u] [list][*][color=6bc47c][i]Hypnokinesis:[/i][/color] As a son of Morpheus and a legacy of Hypnos, Atlas has control over both sleep and dreams. [list][*][color=6bc47c][i]Sleep-walking:[/i][/color] Atlas can take control of one target at a time, putting them into a sleep-like state and using them for his own bidding (like a puppet of sorts). He can only do this for up to thirty minutes, once a day. [*][color=6bc47c][i]Dream Manipulator:[/i][/color] If Atlas can picture your face clearly in his mind, he can enter your dreams when he falls asleep. When in your dreams, Atlas can manipulate the scene around you to be whatever he wants, down to the looks on peoples faces and the color of your shoes. He often uses this power for revenge, causing his enemies to have nightmares. While inside of your mind, he can also curse or bless your subconscious to have positive or negative dreams while he’s [i]not[/i] there. This power leaves his body vulnerable, so he prefers to do it in private and before he goes to bed. Other children of Hypnos, Morpheus and the like have been known to fight against and break free from this.[/list] [*][color=6bc47c][i]Shadow Travel:[/i][/color] Atlas can use naturally occurring shadows to help himself move across the world. He can step into a shadow in the back of a bar in Washington, and pop out in the bathroom of a cafe in France. Atlas cannot create the shadows through which he passes. The greater the distances, the more exhausted he becomes. [*][color=6bc47c][i]Feign Death:[/i][/color]Atlas can put himself or one willing target into a dream-like state that heavily resembles death. When in this state, your body becomes cool to the touch, your chest stops rising and falling with your breaths, and you're absolutely not going to move. Atlas can use this power to prolong life threatening injuries until he can get his friends back to safety.[/list][/indent] [color=6BC47C][b]Misc Information[/b][/color] [indent][list][*]The most important things in Atlas’s life are the women in his life - starting with his cousins Erin & Dany. He is fiercely loyal over his cousins, and would quite literally murder for them if need be. The young man really has more of an elder brother relationship with the two of them than an older cousin status. [*]He’s a whiz in the kitchen. [*]Owns a three year black [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/4b/59/77/4b59778f5b0702ac9aae7fbb86e06ea7.jpg]American Bully[/url] named Ombra. [*]Has a penchant for alcohol. [*]Partakes in the za. [*]Atlas dreams of a humble life; He eventually wants to move to New Rome and open a coffee shop. Only his closest friends know this. [*]More to be added as the RP progresses and I get a feel for this character. [/list][/indent][/color] [/hider] [hider=Lilith Montgomery // Daughter of Hecate, Legacy of Unetlanvhi] [color=gray][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211120/54d28df796e27e4a37e36cd26ddfa8e1.png[/img] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/9c218493-e889-4727-a84a-de493c894705.png[/img] [sub][b][color=00FFFC]Maia Mitchell[/color][/b] | [b][color=00FFFC]#00FFFC[/color][/b][/sub] [color=00FFFC][b]"[i]Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad.[/i]"[/b][/color] —[color=00FFFC][b][i]Henry Wadsworth Longfellow[/i][/b][/color][/center] [hr] [color=00FFFC][sub][b]Name[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Lilith Jade Montgomery // Lil, Lilly, Jade or Mo.[/indent] [color=00FFFC][sub][b]Age[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Nineteen (19) // May 10th // Taurus[/indent] [color=00FFFC][sub][b]Gender[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Female.[/indent] [color=00FFFC][sub][b]Sexual Orientation[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Bewitchingly Bisexual.[/indent] [color=00FFFC][b][sub]Ethnicity[/sub][/b][/color] [indent]Native American // Her mortal heritage traces back to the Cherokee Tribe. [/indent] [color=00FFFC][b][sub]Years at Camp Half-Blood[/sub][/b][/color] [indent]Seven total. Two as a summer camper, the last five as a year round camper.[/indent] [center][hr][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/206be3a3-c405-4e8c-8dcd-e849e02767c2.png[/img] [color=00FFFC][b]"[i]I hate holding babies and people tryna save me // Think religion is a business where you pay for God's forgiveness // Modern art is borin', politicians are annoyin' // I don't think love lasts forever and old music was better. [/i]"[/b][/color] — [b][i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWOcOChpqdY]Is It Just Me? - Sasha Sloan[/url][/i][/b][/center][hr] [color=00FFFC][sub][b]Appearance[/b][/sub][/color] [indent][list][*][color=00FFFC]Height:[/color] Five feet, four inches. [*][color=00FFFC]Hair:[/color] Milk chocolate brown || Naturally wavy || Falls right below her shoulder blades || Usually pulled back, or left free falling. Lilith doesn't spend much time styling her hair. [*][color=00FFFC]Eyes:[/color] Brown [*][color=00FFFC]Body Type:[/color] Lilith considers herself a pudgy hourglass shape. While her muscles do have definition due to training, Lilith still has a curvy figure and a fair amount of body fat. [*][color=00FFFC]Clothing Style:[/color] Casual | Lilith's Closet is full of band t-shirts and jeans. Most of her outfits are all black. She can nearly always be found wearing some sort of choker. She also owns a good amount of sweat shirts, hoodies, and crop tops. Her high-top Converses are her trusted footwear, though Lilith will wear a pair of boots here and there. She despises the color pink, and most of her clothing choices aren't super feminine. [*][color=00FFFC]Body Marks:[/color] ∞ An inch long scar under her knuckle, slightly on the left side of her index finger on her right hand. ∞ A scar in the shape of a near perfect triangle on the inside of her right ankle where she fell off a bike and her foot got wrapped in the chain when she was ten. ∞ Septum piercing. ∞ Nipple piercings. ∞ Both ear lobes are pierced. ∞ Industrial and helix piercing in right ear. ∞ Various scars cover her body from years of training and battles. [/list][/indent] [color=00FFFC][sub][b]Personality[/b][/sub][/color] [indent][center]Stubborn [color=00FFFC]∞[/color] Awkward [color=00FFFC]∞[/color] Honest [color=00FFFC]∞[/color] Loner [color=00FFFC]∞[/color] Loyal [color=00FFFC]∞[/color] Bubbly [color=00FFFC]∞[/color] Motherly [color=00FFFC]∞[/color] Dark Humored[/center] On the outside looking in, Lilith is one of the most happy, socially awkward people that you could ever meet. Always saying something goofy, and having a way with words, she's the kind of girl to have a handful of friends - though she prefers spending her time alone. Having social anxiety is perhaps the reason for her social awkwardness, which causes her to say and do really random things in public. Lilith is the type of girl that may come off as a bish from time to time. Rather this is because of her sarcastic remarks or the way she rolled her eyes - well, that's up to you. The fun, somewhat shy, bubbly side is the mask that Lilith wears on a day to day basis. However, that's the cover-up that she puts on. The truth is, Lilith suffers from depression. The girl tends to keep her emotions bottled inside and simply does her best to release them through writing, studying, and marijuana usage. Hot headed as they come, it's a fortunate thing that Lilith knows when to bite her tongue. If she blows up on you, you've had that shit coming for a long while. Lilith is a very loyal person, and will do practically anything for her friends. She doesn't trust or get attached to too many people, so when and if you hurt her, expect her to cut you out of her life completely. A promise means everything, and she will never break one. Lilith is honest to her core, and her respect is earned. She has no time for cruel or false intentions, and expects people to treat her with that same respect. She is typically found reading or listening to music. She enjoys YA novels like The Maze Runner, Harry Potter, and the like; There's also a good mix of adult novelists like Stephen King. With a close emotional connection to the night sky, Lilith enjoys spending hours outside at night staring at the stars. An even stronger connection to the ocean, she has no hesitation with driving down to Virginia beach for the weekend. Stubborn as can be, she sometimes has trouble accepting things as how they are. Her witty remarks often get her called sharp tongued; her dark humor winds up in her getting called crazy here and there. The young woman hates drama, gossip, and any other thing of the sort - though she has no problem listening to it. She just doesn't want to be an actual part of it. Of course, if you ask her how she is doing, you will receive a great and a goofy thumbs up. Not being able to express herself truthfully angers her to no end - though, just like her true feelings, she doesn't let it show. In short, the girl is a half read book. To know her, you must first know the whole story.[/indent] [color=00FFFC][sub][b]History[/b][/sub][/color] [indent][u][i][b]TRIGGER WARNING: Suicidal ideation, self harm, and very brief mentions of drug use.[/b][/i][/u] Born in the Underworld, Lilith was left by Hecate at a hospital in a small Western North Carolina town. A nurse - Claire - found Lilith and took her under her wing for the night until child services could get involved. Something about the child had caught Claire’s eye. The young woman adopted Lilith when Lil was roughly six months old. Claire immediately called up her parents in Ohio to tell them the news. Ecstatic, John and Christine jumped at the choice to have their only daughter move back home with promises of helping with the baby. Claire was determined to make it on her own, politely declining her parents' help, though they did frequently visit and exchange gifts. Growing up with a single mother who worked long hours, Lilith was often left to be cared for by babysitters. Claire was always sure to make sure that her daughter had whatever she needed. Lilith’s grandparents moved to North Carolina for Claire to help take care of Christine. Wanting to be with her mother during her final days, Claire spent most of her time either at work or helping the older woman. That left Grandpa John to look after Lilith most days. Being an only child, everyone did their best to make sure that Lilith had the best and was happy. Christine showed the girl how to cook and clean. John taught her how to change the oil in a car, how to fix a sink, and other things that would help her on her path to independence. Her mother Claire worked long hours at the ER, but was always sure to make time for Lilith where she could. At school, Lilith found her love for books. It was clear that the little girl had an active imagination, as she loved to tell stories to her class. Her grades were good, she was happy. All of her life, Lilith had seen strange things. However, around the age of eight, these things became more prominent. She started to see monsters on the playground, and ghosts at the mall. When she first started seeing ghosts, she didn't realize that these people were invisible to everyone else, not that they were dead. Little Lilith would talk to these ghosts in public, causing her to get questionable looks from her family, teachers, and strangers. At the age of nine, one of the teachers suggested that she speak to the school counselor, as it was a little out of the normal to still have imaginary friends at this age. Lilith didn't completely understand why she was being made to talk to someone, but she went along with a few sessions. She gathered quickly what was going on, however, and stopped talking about what she saw in public a little after six months of seeing the counselor. Hearing the teachers talk to her parents about seeing things that 'weren't there' started to make her think something was wrong with her. At the age of eleven, Lilith began to be bullied by the other kids. They had no basis for doing so - just the normal elementary school stuff. The children wanted someone to make fun of, and she just so happened to be the victim. This caused her to be an outsider, and pull away from most of the other children. She continued to see the ghosts and mythological things as well. Centaurs running across the fields; Cyclopes walking the streets. At the age of thirteen, she made a new friend - Kevin. Over a years time, she and Kevin grew close, sharing secrets and laughing together in the back of the class. Lilith even told the boy about the things that she saw. For the first time in a long time, Kevin was the only person that didn't think she was crazy. However, the other children were mean to Kevin as well. He was a quiet guy, and therefore he was different; the kids didn't like different. When Lilith turned thirteen, Kevin started acting strange. It was like he was on high alert, always looking out for something or someone. He hardly spoke anymore. He and Lilith grew distant. Two months after her thirteenth birthday, a hellhound tried to attack Lilith. Kevin defended her, but tried to act as if nothing happened after they had gotten to safety. Lilith wasn't about to stand for it. She kept pressuring her friend until he gave her the information that she wanted. At first, Lilith thought he was insane, but as she took the time to piece together the strange parts of her life with the new information, the more it made sense. Kevin proceeded to explain this to her parents as well. The decision to send her to Camp Half-blood was unanimous. She packed her bags and was sent to CHB that summer where she was given a place to stay. It was nice to have a place to go to with people who were like her, but it took some time to get used to. Her first two years at CHB, she just attended for the summer. While Lilith had been warned about the danger of being in the outside world, she still wanted to try and get the normal high school experience. High School turned out to be a nightmare for her. The kids got meaner, the monsters still tried to attack, putting everyone that she was around in danger. She began to blame herself for small things at first; nothing she did anymore was right. She wasn't happy with her appearance or personality, and kept trying to change herself. It seemed like no matter where she went, she never fit in, not even at Camp. She has been a year round camper for the last five years. If you asked Lilith, she wouldn't be able to tell you what went wrong to make her feel the way she does. Maybe it was the bullying. Maybe it wasn't. Perhaps it was the death of her grandmother Freshman year that was really the final nail in the coffin. Whatever it was that set off her depression, Lilith could never figure it out. All she knew was that she was full of self hatred. Where she used to see the world in colors she now often saw things in shades of grey. Once known to have a decent amount of friends, the young woman now spent most of her time alone. High school came with its own set of problems. Senior class boys that used you and tossed you away; Girls that would make fun of you for the dumbest shit. The parties full of booze and other things. Lilith's grades fell off drastically during her second semester of her Freshman year, causing her mother to become concerned. Lilith shrugged off her mothers questions, locking herself in her bedroom most of the time she was home. The self harming started that summer. If you asked Lilith what led her to pick up the razor, she would tell you: "I feel too much." For Lilith, cutting was a way to control her emotions. She would much rather be in physical pain than emotional pain. With the self harm came the suicidal thoughts at three in the morning. While she never acted upon them, sometimes she wished that she had. She tried making friends at CHB, only to fail over and over. She was awkward, and always seemed to say the wrong thing. By the age of fifteen she had all but completely isolated herself from the world. The only friends she needed were her music, books and pens. She channeled her frustration and sadness into her training, staying in the practice arena for hours at a time. More often than not, Lilith came back to the Cabins with bruises and cuts everywhere. She aimed to try and be the best at something; swordsmanship and hand to hand combat seemed to be two things that it was good to be good at. To this day, Lilith still isolates herself, though she is trying to be more outgoing. So far, it only seems to work 10% of the time.[/indent] [center][hr][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/15eab43b01b061b244e6018ac36ba553/tumblr_inline_phswpy4wnr1txljbm_500.gifv[/img] [color=00FFFC][b]"[i]You're as clever as the devil, and just about as cocky as God.[/i]"[/b][/color] — [color=00FFFC][b][i]Lilith's granfather, John Montgomery[/i][/b][/color][/center][hr] [color=00FFFC][sub][b]Cabin & Godly Parent[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Hecate // Cabin Twenty[/indent] [color=00FFFC][b]Legacy[/b][/color] [indent]Unetlanvhi (Great Spirit of the Cherokee Tribe)[/indent] [color=00FFFC][b]Fatal Flaw[/b][/color] [indent]Personal Loyalty: Lilith would do anything for those she cares about. It's landed her in sticky situations time and time again; The young woman never seems to learn her lesson, and continuously puts herself in horrible conditions for other people. Her 'circle' is very small, causing her to hold the few she cares about near and dear. She often sees the potential in people more than what they have shown her they are. It takes a lot of wrong doing and heartbreak for Lil to actually cut you out of her life. [/indent] [color=00FFFC][b]Weapons[/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Her Stygian Iron [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSq2DTKpYB85BOv81KcOCFpf6gS38fIuNAoZghxALtIf9dQ7BZQt66ZtXA7gaDZs449h9k&usqp=CAU]sword[/url], Shadow, disguised as [url=https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.deviantart.com%2Fartbystarlamoore%2Fart%2FCeltic-Dragon-Fantasy-Key-Necklace-768136663&psig=AOvVaw1v7laW3UQlEb_xOsZkZPIj&ust=1702179389397000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCNiX_cC2gYMDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAY]pendant[/url] on her necklace. [*]Celestial Bronze [url=https://images.ontheedgebrands.com/cdn-cgi/image/f=auto,height=1000,width=1000,quality=60/images/A47-BK4732.jpg]throwing knives.[/url] Each of these are disguised as plain silver band rings on her right hand. The rings are located on her index, middle, and ring fingers.[/list][/indent] [color=00FFFC][sub][b]Demigod Abilities[/b][/sub][/color] [indent][color=00FFFC][u]Pertaining to Unetlanvhi:[/u][/color] [list][*][i][color=00FFFC]Spiritually Gifted:[/color][/i] Ever since she was little, Lilith has always heard 'voices' in her head. Little did she know that these were her own spirit guides. Through years and years of training, and lots of trial and error, Lilith can now safely and effectively communicate with her spirit guides. She does this mostly through tarot, using her pendulum, and keeping her eyes open for 'angel numbers'. She also still hears her guides voices in her head, but she can now chose when to receive their messages instead of having all of theirs and her thoughts jumbled as one. Lilith communicates with her spirit guides for guidance and clarity. While she will often ask her guides questions for other people, the answers can vary from super helpful to a simple 'fuck off'. Ultimately, these are Lilith guides, and they are here for her - not for you. Their answers are attuned to Lilith, and her life. While she might be able to ask her guides for guidance for you, they aren't going to be able to give you the clarity that you are seeking. When Lilith asks for guidance from her spirit guides for other people, it is easiest to receive answers back for the people who have the strongest emotional connections to Lilith. [*]Can sense when water or food sources have been poisoned/tampered with. [*][i][color=00FFFC]Wither and Bloom:[/color][/i] Lilith can suck the life out of anything living and natural, and can also give that energy back as she see's fit. She can use this power to heal people - though she isn't strong enough to bring anyone back from the brink of death with it (just like she can't outright kill anyone with it). Lilith can also heal herself by siphoning energy off of others.[/list] [color=00FFFC][u]Pertaining to Hecate:[/u][/color] [list][*][i][color=00FFFC]Ghost Whisperer:[/color][/i] Can see, hear, and talk to ghosts. [*][i][color=00FFFC]Animal Whisperer:[/color][/i] Lilith can speak telepathically to dogs & snakes, as they are heavily associate and believed to be the sacred animals of Hecate. [*][i][color=00FFFC]Into the Shadows:[/color][/i] Due to Hecates ability to manipulate shadows, Lilith can fade into the darkness and become a shadow herself. She can only do this a few times per day, seeing as how it takes so much energy out of her. Lilith prefers to use this power at night, seeing as how Hecates powers are stronger at night and it's easier to fade into black when it's already dark out. [*][i][color=00FFFC]Mist Manipulation:[/color][/i] Thanks to her mother, Lilith has a power known as Mist Manipulation, meaning that she controls the veil between the mundane and mythical worlds. For example, the young woman can make herself seem closer or further from you. She can also manipulate articles of clothing, hair color, and the features of someones face. She can disguise objects, create new objects, or make them disappear completely from view. Lilith can basically make you see what she wants. [*][i][color=00FFFC]Flame Keeper:[/color][/i] Lilith can bend the element of fire to her will. The flames that come from her hands are blue, though no one really knows the reason as to why. The only thing special about the fire that she wields is it's color. [*][i][color=00FFFC]Necromancer:[/color][/i] Lilith can call three dead warriors to fight along her side during battle. They can be defeated by decapitation. [*][i][color=00FFFC]Potion Brewing:[/color][/i] Through reading various potion books, lessons and doing some experimenting Lilith is a master at brewing certain potions. She sells them for profits around camp. [list][*]Jolly Good Fellow: Laughing potion. Takes fifteen minutes to make. Puts the drinker into a fit of hysterical laughter for an hour. Green in color. Side affects include laughing. [*]Heartthrob: Love potion. Takes a week to make, and lasts for two weeks. Red in color. The drinker will fall in to a deep infatuation with the first person they see after drinking the potion. Side affects include two hundred missed calls, sweet texts that make you want to puke, theft of all your hoodies and an annoying human pet that won't leave your side for a full fourteen days. [*]Happy Thoughts: Calming potion. Takes two days to make, lasts for eight hours. Clear in color. Drinker will experience a calming affect that will eventually result in a blissful, light sleep. This potion helps to calm the persons nerves after a trauma or before a test. It won't make you forget what is making you upset, but rather help you to handle it in a way that doesn't appear to be a mental break down. Perfect for people with anxiety. [*]Draught of Truth: Truth potion. Two weeks creation process, lasts until all three questions are answered, and appears a milky white in color. The drinker of this potion will have to answer three questions completely honest. Chose your questions wisely. [*]Nauseous Nonsense: Puking potion. Three hours creation time; lasts fifteen minutes. Appears orange in color, and produces a foul odor that is usually compared to that of gym socks. Anyone who drinks this potion will experience uncontrolled vomiting for a full fifteen minutes immediately after drinking it. [*]Busy Bee: Energy potion. Takes one day to make, lasts for three days. Blue in color. Affects include absolutely no sleep for a full seventy-two hours. After the affects wear off, this potion will cause the drinker to sleep for a full three days afterward.[/list] [list][*]Though all of these potions have their certain colors, all of them are nearly tasteless. Some people may experience a slight after taste of strawberries from the love potion, lemons from the energy potion, etc. [*] These are the potions that Lilith specializes in, and are guaranteed to work. If you need a different potion made, you are more than welcome to ask. However the price may be high, and it will take a while to make through a hectic process of trial and error. While these potions do take a second or two to make, Lilith does try to keep of few of each in stock at all times. She's always looking to expand her skill set and is constantly working on mastering a new potion. Any one who helps test 'new' potions will receive a discount on their next order.[/list] [/list] [color=00FFFC][u]Witchy Ways: (Not an actual power/Ability, but I felt it should be listed here).[/u][/color] Lilith has spent a great deal of her time at camp studying lent grimoires', learning from fellow siblings, practicing her spell work, etc. She considers herself an Earth Witch, but is in the very beginning stages. She's been able to pull off some big spells here and there, but that has mostly been with other witches. Most of her spells are aimed towards healing, and while she knows about hexes, she has never performed any. Lilith also has a large knowledge of plants and their uses. She can identify a wide variety of plants, thanks to the teachings of the Demeter kids.[/indent] [color=00FFFC][b]Misc Information[/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Owns an enchanted [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9f/c5/9d/9fc59dd1a6f4c573e9a5b5ee00619899.jpg]brown leather rucksack[/url] that holds an infinite number of items. All items must be able to fit in the bag, however. This bag was a gift from her godly mother Hecate, and she's had it for four years now. [*]Her [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e5/80/28/e580280d85bd3bee14752f01d2d466c1.jpg]bedroom.[/url] Her shelves are littered with books, various growing plants, grimoires, journals, crystals and pretty much anything else she can fit up there. [*]Pets: A red and white husky named [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f7/2a/1d/f72a1d01de867181b37de956cef7189a.jpg]Nala[/url], & her Maine Coon [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/15/5d/9d/155d9da6f7ec7a12c2f0a726cfd4036f.jpg]Mavis[/url]. [*]Lilith does smoke weed, and tends to mix it with other herbs - such as dried lavender. [*]Emails her mortal mother regularly, and speaks with her grandfather on the phone. [*] Her all time favorite foods are Crunchwrap Supremes from Taco Bell & Crab Rangoon. Her favorite drinks are Red Bull and Mountain Dew. All of these items can be used in times of bargaining and can be used as forms of payment. [*]Is a sucker for a good concert or a day by the beach. [*]Likes hanging out in the woods for literally no reason. [*]Cannot shoot a bow & arrow to save her life. [*]Is a girls girl through and through. [*]Crushing hard Greyson Davies. [*]Obsessed with the 80's movie [i]'Dirty Dancing'[/i]. She can tell you ever filming location, knows all of the lore on the actors, listens & dances to the soundtrack all the time, etc. [/list][/indent][/color] [/hider] [hider=Jules Riley Emerson // Daughter of Hermes, Legacy of Loki] [color=gray][center][url=https://fontmeme.com/handwriting-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231209/a054df65ba029e6963258ddd3d3c6d65.png[/img][/url] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/c880a23576a64fe890ee0b78c9f10940/c3da3904bdced7b6-e3/s400x600/9ac000140419908df27705bb905e8b7369414962.gif[/img] [sub][b][color=E99FED]Milly Alcock[/color][/b] | [b][color=E99FED]#E99FED[/color][/b][/sub] [color=E99FED][b]"[i]Some days I am more wolf than woman, and I am still learning how to stop apologizing for my wild.[/i]"[/b][/color] —[color=E99FED][b][i]Nikita Gill[/i][/b][/color][/center] [hr] [color=E99FED][sub][b]Name[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Jules Riley Emerson[/indent] [color=E99FED][sub][b]Age[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Sixteen (16) // June 13th // Gemini [/indent] [color=E99FED][sub][b]Gender[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Female.[/indent] [color=E99FED][sub][b]Sexual Orientation[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Bisexual.[/indent] [color=E99FED][b][sub]Ethnicity[/sub][/b][/color] [indent]100% Hollar Raised Redneck (Caucasian)[/indent] [color=E99FED][b][sub]Years at Camp Half-Blood[/sub][/b][/color] [indent]Three years. Her first one as a summer camper, the last two full time. [/indent] [center][hr][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/b53bf1749b1e5472abfc6bd6454bbc96/c3da3904bdced7b6-2b/s400x600/306e41fc719a4206208d8726aac0a3b33e69b057.gif[/img] [color=E99FED][b]"[i]I'm a basket case // And I'm in a state // Or maybe I'm a loner in my darkest place // With a screw loose[/i]"[/b][/color] — [b][i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYG_IDI6MVE]Screw Loose - Hannah Grae[/url][/i][/b][/center][hr] [color=E99FED][sub][b]Appearance[/b][/sub][/color] [indent][list][*][color=E99FED]Height:[/color] Five feet, five inches. [*][color=E99FED]Hair:[/color] Dirty Blonde // Shoulder length [*][color=E99FED]Eyes:[/color] Blue [*][color=E99FED]Body Type:[/color] Athletic: Jules has the curves and definition of a womans body, but has always had a leaner look to her. [*][color=E99FED]Clothing Style:[/color] Casual || Jeans, tanktops, sneakers, t-shirts, flannels, overalls [*][color=E99FED]Body Marks:[/color] [list][*]Septum piercing. [*]Her shoulders are covered in freckles. [/list] [/list][/indent] [color=E99FED][sub][b]Personality[/b][/sub][/color] [indent] The first thing you notice about Jules is the mischief in her eyes and the deviance in her smile. Although she’s lived at Camp for a few years now, the ways of the south haven’t been lost on her. Jules is a loyal and hardworking individual. An independent, honest and stubborn nature means that the whole world is subject to hearing her opinions. Jules is an overall carefree person who is always in search of her next adrenaline fix, and will happily drag along anyone she can convince. Jules has been called a ‘menace to society’ on more than a few occasions (most often after her tangents about overthrowing the US government). She’s a wild soul; a barefoot, cursing, tree climbing, thrill seeker with a middle finger for any authority figure. Jules considers herself a vengeful vigilante, often taking matters of justice into her own hands. She’s a creative girl with a strong wit, and a big heart. The young woman wakes up each day just trying to be better than she was the day before. [/indent] [color=E99FED][sub][b]History[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Jules was born to a teenage mother in a small southern Alabama town. Kelly-Anne was known for getting into trouble and having a thing for older men. During a night out with her friends, Jules’s mother used her fake ID to have a few drinks at the local bar, and hit it off with a man who “had a few good stories and jokes to share” - as her mother would say. One thing led to another, and next thing you knew Kelly-Anne’s parents were condemning their sixteen year old daughter for having a child out of wedlock. They tried to convince Kelly-Anne to abort the child, but the young woman refused. After a few weeks of arguing, her parents kicked her out of their home and left her with zero resources. Kelly-Anne moved across town and ended up finding a new home with her best friend Amanda (Mandy) and her family. Jules’s childhood was chaotic. Her ‘aunt’ Mandy eventually got married and had five children of her own who Jules considers to be her cousins. Kelly-Anne dated off and on through the years while working as a bartender, though Jules never met any of her mothers partners. With so many people in the house, Jules was used to a noisy and fast paced environment from an early age. School wasn’t the best thing, but it also wasn’t the worst. Jules struggled during her early years with dyslexia and ADHD - just like all other demigods. Mandy and Kelly-Anne both did their best to help Jules with her dyslexia, but Kelly-Anne refused to ever put her daughter on any sort of medication, insisting that it would ‘take away Jules’s sparkle.’ Despite her foul mouth, inability to sit still, and overall need to be the class clown, Jules retained a C average throughout her public school career. The young woman has seen strange things all her life; Growing up in the south, Jules chalked it up to local folklore and legends, never imagining that the things she saw were real. She constantly was in and out of trouble with both her cousin and the local kids. Growing up in a small town, there wasn’t much other to do than steal some whiskey from dads liquor cabinet and break into the abandoned buildings and construction sites they could find. Small town ways kept anything from ever getting on to Jules’s record officially, but she spent a few nights in county out of the local forces hope that it would scare her straight. It never did. One of Jules best friends throughout middle school was a boy named James. He walked a little strange, but he always had snacks and would listen to Jules’s problems. One night, Jules convinced James to come along with her on a late night walk through town. They were having a good time for a while, but Jules had a strong gut feeling that she was being watched. Sharing her concerns with her friend, the pair began to head back home but were attacked by a Cyclop. They ran for their lives, eventually losing the monster behind them while James threw various objects in its direction. Once they had arrived at Jules house, the young woman broke down and began telling her mother everything; the strange sightings and that nights attack. Kelly-Anne could do nothing but sigh and shake her head, stating that she had a feeling something like this would happen one day. She went on a wild tangent about her own mother and how mental illness ran in the family. Kelly-Anne was adamant on having her child thrown into a psychiatric facility because ‘she was reminding her too much of her own mother’ - a complete 180 from her views on mental health during Jules’s childhood. Jules didn’t know what to think and begged James for help. She was only thirteen and didn’t know what else to do. James told her a story of a camp in New York for kids like her with ADHD and difficulties learning. It was only a summer camp, and school had already let out for the year - meaning that Jules could just pick up everything and go. She was young and confused, but she knew she could trust James, and a summer camp until her mother cooled off didn’t sound like the worst idea. Jules knew where her mother kept her extra cash from the tips she made at the bar, and snuck into her bedroom later that night to steal enough money for a train ticket for both her and James. The pair spent a few days hoping from different buses and trains to make it to New York. The journey was relatively smooth, and they got by without being directly attacked again. Once they arrived at the Camp, James began to explain more and more things to Jules. He went on explaining about the Greeks and their gods, powers, centaurs, something called ‘demi-gods’ - Jules was starting to think that James was the crazy one. It took a few weeks at Camp for Jules to understand everything that everyone was saying, and a few months after that to accept the fact that it might actually be true. She found a home with the Hermes kids and enjoyed all of the things Camp Half-Blood had to offer while secretly denying any truth to any of her new friends' tales - until the night she was claimed. Kelly-Anne wound up putting out a missing persons report for her daughter, which she eventually dropped after Jules managed to call her a few days after reaching Camp Half-Blood. Jules explained to her mother that James had invited her to a summer camp and that she wanted to stay there for a few months. Kelly-Anne reluctantly agreed after realising she didn’t have to pay for her child to be at the Camp. Over the next few months, Jules found a home at camp and tried to keep in contact with her mother until she received word from her aunt Mandy that Kelly-Anne had died in a drunk driving accident. Jules explained to Mandy that she had found a new home at this Camp and with her friend James, and received permission to continue her stay at Camp Half-Blood. Jules went back home that winter to see her family, and and ultimately decided that her being back home as putting her family in to much danger. She eventually came clean to Mandy and explained everything so that hopefully her second mother wouldn’t worry. Mandy was confused and upset, but she ultimately understood that Jules felt like she belonged in New York. She wished a young Jules well and sent her on her way. Jules now understands her heritage, and spends her days causing trouble and spreading days around Camp. [/indent] [center][hr][img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/9rRacglGbs68E/giphy.gif[/img] [color=E99FED][b]"[i]You'll do okay, kid. Just don't forget where you came from.[/i]"[/b][/color] — [color=E99FED][b][i]Jules 'adoptive' aunt Mandy.[/i][/b][/color][/center][hr] [color=E99FED][sub][b]Cabin & Godly Parent[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Hermes // Cabin 11[/indent] [color=E99FED][b]Legacy[/b][/color] [indent]Legacy of Loki; Norse god of Mischief and Artifice, Magic and Fire, God of Lies Serpents and Stories.[/indent] [color=E99FED][b]Fatal Flaw[/b][/color] [indent]Her need for a thrill: Jules will oftentimes put herself and others in danger just so she can have a good time. [/indent] [color=E99FED][b]Weapons[/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Celestial Bronze knuckle dusters disguised as golden bands on each of her pointer fingers. [*]Bow and arrow, disguised as her [url=https://tresorsdestbarth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/sea-glass-leather-bracelet-sculpt-by-hand-with-matching-clasp-or-a-tahitian-pearl-st-barth-summer-jewelry-beach-glass-one-of-a-kind-5d409666.jpg]leather bracelet[/url]. [*][url=https://fightingknives.info/DesktopModules/Revindex.Dnn.RevindexStorefront/Portals/3/Gallery/81c8b637-8fd1-4d1a-b3cb-6d66e008340f.jpg]Celestial bronze[/url] dagger. No disguise - she just keeps it strapped to her hip.[/list][/indent] [color=E99FED][sub][b]Demigod Abilities[/b][/sub][/color] [indent][color=E99FED][u]Pertaining to Hermes:[/u][/color] [list][*][color=E99FED][i]Enhanced Speed:[/i][/color] Jules’s speed enhancement goes beyond that of a normal demigod. She has the ability to run at speeds that make her look as if she’s a blur. [*][color=E99FED][i]Locksmith:[/i][/color] Jules has the ability to telepathically unlock any mechanical lock. [*][color=E99FED][i]Thievery and Manipulation:[/i][/color] Hermes gifts allow Jules to be a master thief, and this extends to her ability to be sneaky. Whenever in trouble, Jules is able to lie and manipulate her way out of it, similar to a form of charmspeak. She’s a master thief who goes undetected in ninety-nine percent of scenarios. [*][color=E99FED][i]Master of Languages:[/i][/color] Since her father is the god of travel and trade, Jules has the ability to speak and understand all spoken languages. [*][color=E99FED][i]Traveler of Realms:[/i][/color] Jules has inherited the ability to find and enter all godly realms, such as the underworld. She knows not to go where she isn’t wanted/welcome though unless under extreme measures. [/list] [color=E99FED][u]Pertaining to Loki:[/u][/color] [list][*][color=E99FED]Shapeshifting:[/color] Jules has inherited the ability to change aspects of her appearance at will such as hair color, height, etc. She can shapeshift completely into a snake.[/list] [/indent] [color=E99FED][b]Misc Information[/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Pets: Circe will bring home literally any stray or wild animal that she can get her hands on. She is the current owner of a possum & a raccoon. They are best friends, and Jules has had them for about two years now. Ben is the racoon, and the possum is Jerry. [*]Makes money around camp by selling fake ID’s and smuggling in outside goods such as alcohol. [*]Jules adoptives uncle was a local mechanic in their town. She can do basic car maintenance, and knows her way around an engine. She can’t do much, but she [i]will[/i] steal someone's alternator for being an asshole. [*]Is an excellent card player. Her favorite card games are spades & poker. [*]Goes barefoot wherever and whenever she can. [*]Will bring home any stray or wild animal she can find. [*]Can play the ukulele [*]Noah Kahan stan. [*]Jules is a crafty person, always working on some sort of DIY project. Her most common and favorite thing to do is make jewellery out of sea glass. [*]Smokes marlboro reds. [*]Has a strong bond with Jack Daniels whiskey. [/list] [/indent][/color] [/hider] [hider=Ryan Anastasia Reid - Daughter of Deimos, Legacy of Hel] [color=gray][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230425/007ff80ee1777a6f2a44ffb16ae1c14b.png[/img] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/0a069cae-dedb-45ea-923a-a28cce791124.png[/img] [sub][b][color=FF7B7B]@nonsalemwitch // Claire Estabrooke [/color][/b] | [b][color=FF7B7B]#FF7B7B[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][color=FF7B7B][b]"[i]If you're going to kick authority in the teeth, you might as well use two feet[/i]"[/b][/color] — [color=FF7B7B][b][i]Keith Richards, Keith Richards: In His Own Words[/i][/b][/color][/sub][/center] [hr] [color=FF7B7B][sub][b]Name[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Ryan Anastasia Reid (Rye, Ana)[/indent] [color=FF7B7B][sub][b]Age[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Nineteen (19) // October 27th // Scorpio[/indent] [color=FF7B7B][sub][b]Gender[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Female.[/indent] [color=FF7B7B][sub][b]Sexual Orientation[/b][/sub][/color] [indent][color=ff7b7b][s]"Titties."[/s][/color] She's actually Bisexual, but boys be stinky.[/indent] [color=FF7B7B][b][sub]Ethnicity[/sub][/b][/color] [indent]Italian-American & Scottish[/indent] [color=FF7B7B][b][sub]Years at Camp Half-Blood[/sub][/b][/color] [indent]Five years full time. [/indent] [center][hr][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/6a8d9e6d-a829-4cb6-80b7-feaf183d678a.png[/img] [color=FF7B7B][b]"[i]I need my golden crown of sorrow / My bloody sword to swing / My empty halls to echo with grand self-mythology / I am no mother, I am no bride, I am king[/i]"[/b][/color] — [b][i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L62LtChAwww]Florence + The Machine[/url][/i][/b][/center][hr] [color=FF7B7B][sub][b]Appearance[/b][/sub][/color] [indent][list][*][b][color=FF7B7B]Hair:[/color][/b] Dark brown, almost black || Waist Length || Ponytails, braids, buns, free-falling. [*][b][color=FF7B7B]Eyes:[/color][/b] Baby blue. [*][b][color=FF7B7B]Height:[/color][/b] Short bean. She's 5 feet even. [*][b][color=FF7B7B]Body Type:[/color][/b] Hourglass. [*][b][color=FF7B7B]Clothing Style:[/color][/b] Ryan tends to dress in dark colors. Dark greens, reds, greys and blacks. The only time she breaks this rule is when wearing the CHB T-shirt. She enjoys wearing boots or heels when she can. Multiple bracelets, rings, and necklaces decorate her body at any given time. She's not shy to show skin, often getting scolded for her skirts, dresses, or tops being cut to short. [*][b][color=FF7B7B]Makeup Wise:[/color][/b] Dark eyeshadows, nude lip colors, lash extensions. Ryan usually sports a full, yet some-what light face of makeup. [*][b][color=FF7B7B]Scars, Tattoos and/or Piercings:[/color][/b][list]Ryan's body is covered in tattoos. ((I may add a full detailed list later.)) Various scars in different shapes and sizes decorate her body from self destructive behaviors, past situations, and just overall stupid things she's done in her life. Her nipples, septum, and ear lobes are pierced. [/list][/list] [/indent] [color=FF7B7B][sub][b]Personality[/b][/sub][/color] [indent][color=#FF7B7B]C[/color][color=#FE7A7A]h[/color][color=#FE7979]a[/color][color=#FE7979]r[/color][color=#FE7878]i[/color][color=#FE7878]s[/color][color=#FE7777]m[/color][color=#FD7676]a[/color][color=#FD7676]t[/color][color=#FD7575]i[/color][color=#FD7575]c[/color] [color=#FD7373]-[/color] [color=#FC7272]F[/color][color=#FC7272]l[/color][color=#FC7171]i[/color][color=#FC7070]r[/color][color=#FC7070]t[/color][color=#FB6F6F]a[/color][color=#FB6F6F]t[/color][color=#FB6E6E]i[/color][color=#FB6D6D]o[/color][color=#FB6D6D]u[/color][color=#FB6C6C]s[/color] [color=#FA6B6B]-[/color] [color=#FA6A6A]I[/color][color=#FA6969]n[/color][color=#FA6969]t[/color][color=#FA6868]e[/color][color=#F96767]l[/color][color=#F96767]l[/color][color=#F96666]i[/color][color=#F96666]g[/color][color=#F96565]e[/color][color=#F96464]n[/color][color=#F86464]t[/color] [color=#F86363]-[/color] [color=#F86161]Q[/color][color=#F86161]u[/color][color=#F76060]i[/color][color=#F76060]c[/color][color=#F75F5F]k[/color] [color=#F75E5E]W[/color][color=#F75D5D]i[/color][color=#F65D5D]t[/color][color=#F65C5C]t[/color][color=#F65B5B]e[/color][color=#F65B5B]d[/color] [color=#F65A5A]-[/color] [color=#F55858]L[/color][color=#F55858]i[/color][color=#F55757]f[/color][color=#F55757]e[/color] [color=#F55555]o[/color][color=#F45555]f[/color] [color=#F45454]t[/color][color=#F45353]h[/color][color=#F45252]e[/color] [color=#F35151]P[/color][color=#F35151]a[/color][color=#F35050]r[/color][color=#F34F4F]t[/color][color=#F34F4F]y[/color] [color=#F24E4E]-[/color] [color=#F24C4C]L[/color][color=#F24C4C]o[/color][color=#F24B4B]y[/color][color=#F24B4B]a[/color][color=#F14A4A]l[/color] [color=#F14949]-[/color] [color=#F14848]T[/color][color=#F14747]h[/color][color=#F04646]r[/color][color=#F04646]i[/color][color=#F04545]l[/color][color=#F04545]l[/color] [color=#F04343]S[/color][color=#F04343]e[/color][color=#EF4242]e[/color][color=#EF4242]k[/color][color=#EF4141]i[/color][color=#EF4040]n[/color][color=#EF4040]g[/color] [color=#EE3F3F]-[/color] [color=#EE3D3D]A[/color][color=#EE3D3D]g[/color][color=#EE3C3C]g[/color][color=#EE3C3C]r[/color][color=#ED3B3B]e[/color][color=#ED3A3A]s[/color][color=#ED3A3A]s[/color][color=#ED3939]i[/color][color=#ED3939]v[/color][color=#ED3838]e[/color] [color=#EC3737]-[/color] [color=#EC3636]G[/color][color=#EC3535]u[/color][color=#EC3434]a[/color][color=#EC3434]r[/color][color=#EB3333]d[/color][color=#EB3333]e[/color][color=#EB3232]d[/color] [color=#EB3131]-[/color] [color=#EA3030]P[/color][color=#EA2F2F]o[/color][color=#EA2E2E]s[/color][color=#EA2E2E]s[/color][color=#EA2D2D]e[/color][color=#EA2D2D]s[/color][color=#E92C2C]i[/color][color=#E92B2B]v[/color][color=#E92B2B]e[/color] [color=#E92A2A]-[/color] [color=#E82828]A[/color][color=#E82828]n[/color][color=#E82727]x[/color][color=#E82727]i[/color][color=#E82626]e[/color][color=#E82525]t[/color][color=#E72525]y[/color] [color=#E72424]R[/color][color=#E72323]i[/color][color=#E72222]d[/color][color=#E72222]d[/color][color=#E72121]l[/color][color=#E62121]e[/color][color=#E62020]d[/color] [color=#E61F1F]-[/color] [color=#E61E1E]H[/color][color=#E51D1D]o[/color][color=#E51C1C]p[/color][color=#E51C1C]e[/color][color=#E51B1B]l[/color][color=#E51B1B]e[/color][color=#E51A1A]s[/color][color=#E41919]s[/color] [color=#E41818]R[/color][color=#E41818]o[/color][color=#E41717]m[/color][color=#E41616]a[/color][color=#E31616]n[/color][color=#E31515]t[/color][color=#E31515]i[/color][color=#E31414]c[/color] [color=#E31313]-[/color] [color=#E21212]A[/color][color=#E21111]t[/color][color=#E21010]t[/color][color=#E21010]e[/color][color=#E20F0F]n[/color][color=#E20F0F]t[/color][color=#E10E0E]i[/color][color=#E10D0D]o[/color][color=#E10D0D]n[/color] [color=#E10C0C]S[/color][color=#E10B0B]e[/color][color=#E00A0A]e[/color][color=#E00A0A]k[/color][color=#E00909]i[/color][color=#E00909]n[/color][color=#E00808]g[/color] [color=#DF0707]-[/color] [color=#DF0606]A[/color][color=#DF0505]n[/color][color=#DF0404]a[/color][color=#DF0404]r[/color][color=#DE0303]c[/color][color=#DE0303]h[/color][color=#DE0202]i[/color][color=#DE0101]s[/color][color=#DE0101]t[/color][/indent] [color=FF7B7B][sub][b]History: TRIGGER WARNING FOR DRUG USE, CHILD ABUSE AND ANYTHING ELSE I FORGOT[/b][/sub][/color] [indent][list][*]Born in a small Mississippi town, Ryan was the only child [s]thank gods[/s] Georgia Reid was ever lucky enough to give birth to. Georgia was a heroine addict, and constantly put her infant child in the middle of her bullshit. If it hadn't been for Ryan's grandmother, Willow, winning custody of her at the age of three, Ryan is sure she wouldn't have lived to see her school years. Willow still cared for her daughter and never threw her out on the streets; meaning that while Ryan's grandmother had custody and was technically responsible for Ryan, Georgia was still very much in the picture and 'raising' her child. Unfortunately this created a hectic home life for Ryan growing up, as Georgia brought drugs and men in and out of the house as often as she could. Willow herself was prone to drinking most nights, and wound up in explosive arguments with her daughter. When Ryan began hitting puberty, her own mother turned aggressive towards her. Georgia accused her daughter of trying to sleep with whatever guy she brought home that weekend, and begged her for cash. Anytime Ryan told her mother she was lying about the things she had done, or that she didn't have money, Georgia would be physically abusive towards the child. [*]Ryan never really did well in school, mostly due to the state of her own life. Willow was constantly called down to the school to pick up her granddaughter for being suspended. Ryan was expelled from four schools in the district before her grandmother tried to home-school her when she turned thirteen. This quickly lead to Ryan getting involved with local drug dealers, sneaking to take her moms pills, and even helping her mother sell her 'product'. With Ryan no longer going to school, and Willows health on the decline, Georgia had more opportunity to manipulate and use her daughter in whatever way she wanted. [*]Ryan never knew much about her father. What information Georgia knew - if any - she refused to ever give her daughter. Willow died a few months before Ryan's fourteenth birthday, making things even more tense between Ryan and Georgia. After and extremely explosive argument, Georgia announced that Ryan would be going to 'boarding school'. Georgia claimed that when Ryan was born, she had contacted and found her child's father who said he wanted nothing to do with either of them. He had given her the address of a place in New York where she could go when Georgia 'decided she truly didn't want her anymore.' [*]Georgia drove Ryan all the way to New York before dropping her out in front of a random field wooden arch and telling her to 'have fun'. It didn't take long for Ryan to realize that this was more of a camp than a school. Chiron promised that Ryan could have a home here, but she's still not entirely sure that was ever true. Ryan had a relatively hard time coming to terms with being a demi-god and learning that her father was the god of terror. Sneaking her mothers pain pills and alcohol had turned into an addiction long before coming to Camp Half-Blood, and it didn't take long for Ryan to find a new connection. Ryan now spends her days at CHB getting high, causing chaos, and defying any authority figure that crosses her path.[/list][/indent] [center][hr][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/9726c065-0224-4991-9e38-2e4d282d43d6.png[/img] [color=FF7B7B][b]"[i]You need some serious psychiatric help.[/i]"[/b][/color] — [color=FF7B7B][b][i]Georgia Reid, Ryan's mother.[/i][/b][/color][/center][hr] [color=FF7B7B][sub][b]Cabin & Godly Parent[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Deimos // Cabin 18[/indent] [color=FF7B7B][b]Legacy[/b][/color] [indent]Hel, Norse Goddess of the Dishonorable Dead. [/indent] [color=FF7B7B][b]Fatal Flaw[/b][/color] [indent]Her explosive temper.[/indent] [color=FF7B7B][b]Weapons[/b][/color] [indent][list][*][url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/14/17/e9/1417e9d3767697c36fe9a0c6ea6d6cf6.jpg][color=FF7b7b]Scorpion:[/color][/url] Her celestial bronze rope dagger. [*][url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1b/90/9e/1b909ec3da825f1ac9c06b88f6625d02.jpg][color=FF7b7b]Cleo:[/color][/url] a serrated dagger. [*][url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9f/a2/f7/9fa2f73b3b7b5e9eead4540960d65603.jpg][color=ff7b7b]'V' (Vendetta)[/color][/url]: a throwing spear. [/list][/indent] [color=FF7B7B][sub][b]Demigod Abilities[/b][/sub][/color] [indent][color=FF7B7B][u]Pertaining to Deimos:[/u][/color] [list][*][i][color=FF7B7B]Odikinesis:[/color][/i] Odikinesis: As the daughter of the God of Terror, Ryan can cause people to feel emotions of war, such as fear, hate and rage. Her ability works on up to five targets at a time, and lasts for fifteen minutes no matter the number of targets. [*] [color=FF7b7b]Shadow Manipulation:[/color] Ryan can use the shadows to form small shadow 'figures and objects', as well as weapons. She can also shadow travel, but only by herself and up to fifty miles. [color=FF7B7B][u]Pertaining to Hel:[/u][/color] [*][i][color=FF7B7B]Cryokinesis:[/color][/i] The ability to control ice. Ryan can throw shards of ice at her enemies, as well as create shields and other such things from the element. [i][color=FF7B7B]Necromancy:[/color][/i] Can see and talk to all spirits, though she cannot control or summon them. [/list][/indent] [color=FF7B7B][b]Misc Information[/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Just your favorite local drug dealer. Ryan makes her money around camp by dealing pills, acid, coke & mushrooms. [*]Her favorite alcoholic beverage is whiskey. Her favorite non-alcoholic drink is Cherry Coke. [*]The only thing she's allergic to is bullshit. [*]Is a pescatarian, though is a sucker for a good burger on rare occasions. She'll also eat turkey, but only at Thanksgiving. [*]Is actually a very intelligent girl, but has no want to apply herself to anything productive. Her favorite school subject is biology, and she hopes to work in the medical field one day. [*]Plant mom AF. [*]Owns a brown, fluffy chonk of a cat named Charles - or as she calls him 'Little Shit'. [*]Has literally [i]zero[/i] respect for authority. The reasoning for Ryan being expelled from so many schools in her childhood was from cursing out or trying to fight teachers - along with her penchant to be a bit of a pyromaniac. [*]Is prone to PTSD flashbacks of her childhood. She doesn't talk about her past much at all. [*]Carries around a black leather journal full of her deepest thoughts, spiciest fantasies, crappy poetry, and doodles. [*]Ryan is an graffiti artist. [/list] [/indent][/color] [/hider] [hider= Chevy Dakota Martin - Daughter of Hephaestus, Legacy of Athena] [color=gray][center][url=https://fontmeme.com/handwriting-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240525/58062f409c46b3baed249b063b0cf530.png[/img][/url] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f1/d9/b1/f1d9b15c4a4ed765d9debaee2458b67a.gif[/img] [sub][b][color=F57900]Sophie Cookson[/color][/b] | [b][color=F57900]F57900[/color][/b][/sub] [color=F57900][b]"[i]For mad I may be, but I will never be convenient.[/i]"[/b][/color] —[color=F57900][b][i]Jennifer Donnelly, Revolution[/i][/b][/color][/center] [hr] [color=F57900][sub][b]Name[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Chevy Dakota Martin [list][*]Firecracker [*]Chev [*]Kota[/list][/indent] [color=F57900][sub][b]Age[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Twenty // December 3rd // Sagittarius[/indent] [color=F57900][sub][b]Gender[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Female. [/indent] [color=F57900][sub][b]Sexual Orientation[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Bi-sexual. No lean.[/indent] [color=F57900][b][sub]Ethnicity[/sub][/b][/color] [indent]Caucasian. English & Irish.[/indent] [color=F57900][b][sub]Years at Camp Half-Blood[/sub][/b][/color] [indent]Five years, year round.[/indent] [center][hr][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4a/80/63/4a80635641b258a72b78af6d20f794f5.gif[/img] [color=F57900][b]"[i]Bitch I still do it for the Vine // I do it for the personal essay I'm boutta write // I do it cause my personality is bad vibes // I don't like myself and I don't like you either.[/i]"[/b][/color] — [b][i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ewa3Bt_c9I]Mic Check, Sophie Hunter[/url][/i][/b][/center][hr] [color=F57900][sub][b]Appearance[/b][/sub][/color] [indent][list][*][color=F57900]Height:[/color] Five feet, four inches. [*][color=F57900]Hair:[/color] Brown // Falls a few inches below her shoulders, Wavy // Messy buns are Chevy’s most common hair style, though she leaves it freefalling quite often. [*][color=F57900]Eyes:[/color] Brown. [*][color=F57900]Body Type:[/color] Slim; Defined curves, long legs, muscle definition from camp training and working in the forges. [*][color=F57900]Clothing Style:[/color] Casual: Tank-tops, jeans, band t-shirts, work boots, sneakers. Most of her clothing items are covered in various stains (grease, gas, oil - take your pick). Likes to wear large/chunky belts. Rarely seen without her leather jacket. Handmade jewelry made from leather, twine and the like. Has a few ‘nicer’ items in her closet, like her silver jewelry, her ‘good jeans’, and a few hand me down dresses from the Aphrodite kids. [*][color=F57900]Body Markings:[/color] [list][*]Tripple lobe piercings in each ear [*]Tongue piercing [*]Nipple piercings [/list][/list][/indent] [color=F57900][sub][b]Personality[/b][/sub][/color] [indent][center]Ambivert 🔥 Hot Headed 🔥 Hardworking 🔥 Creative 🔥 Charismatic 🔥 Loyal 🔥 Stubborn 🔥 Reckless / Thrill Seeking 🔥 Self Critical 🔥 Dark Humored 🔥 Sarcastic 🔥 Intelligent [/center][/indent] [color=F57900][sub][b]History[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]🔥 Chevy is the product of a short fling between Norma-Jean Martin and some random guy she found on her travels - just like all of Norma-Jean’s children. Chevy is the youngest of eight children. Her mother was an absentee alcoholic and drug addict who popped in and out of her children's lives at will. Chevy and the rest of her siblings grew up under the care of their grandparents, who honestly weren’t much better people than Norma-Jean. Chevy grew up as a ‘latchkey kid’. Her siblings were off busy doing their own things for the most part, though her eldest sibling and only sister,Montana, did what she could to help make sure all of the children were clothed and fed. 🔥 Once Chevy’s eldest sibling was able to save a bit of money, she and some of her brothers moved in with Montana. Her home life became a little easier with less hard drugs being brought into the home, and her sister was fully able to take over a parental role with their grandparents out of the way. She was still left to her own devices for the most part. Five people, their friends and significant others all living in the same single wide trailer wasn’t the most peaceful environment, so Chevy spent most of her teen years walking the streets in town or hanging out in the woods. 🔥 When she wasn’t getting into trouble and mixed in with the wrong crowd or avoiding people, Chevy spent a lot of time hanging out with her older brothers and picking up on a lot of various skills. Her brothers simply treated her as if she was their youngest brother, wrestling and ‘toughening’ her up on the daily. Getting into fist fights, hot wiring cars, breaking into the local convenience store, tipping cows, and shooting rifles off in the middle of a field was a normal Saturday night in the hills of West Virginia. 🔥 Chevy had the tendency to see strange things her whole life, and in certain situations she was more than sure that she had set things on fire with her mind or something. Montana did her best to listen and reassure Chevy that she wasn’t crazy, but Chevy still didn’t know what to make of all of it until a letter from her estranged father showed up in the mail one day. The letter was a lot to take in - a jumble of words that Chevy couldn’t quite sort in her mind. Some of the words were familiar - gods, monsters, camp. Her brother Ford had mentioned something about living at a place called Camp Jupiter and being something called a ‘legacy of Mars’. Chevy just wasn’t sure how all of this now applied to her. She consulted Montana once more, asking her to look up this ‘summer camp’ online. They couldn’t find anything at the address other than a Strawberry field, so Montana called their brother, Ford, looking for any information that he could give. Ford informed them that CHB was the Greek counterpart of Camp Jupiter, and gave them a brief rundown on what all the letter meant and what-not. After spending a few mind-bending days discussing things with her siblings, Chevy and Montana made the drive to CHB. Chevy said good-bye to her sister and crossed the camp border where she was claimed by Hephaestus almost immediately and has spent every day at camp since. [/indent] [center][hr][img]https://img.wattpad.com/5798b100ffb39f6fd987e205b9d507804493a09a/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f31476177643146527241494169773d3d2d3737343434373833352e313562633963383964313366333037373436343133383636313830352e676966[/img] [color=F57900][b]"[i]My daughter is fire - mind, body and spirit.[/i]"[/b][/color] — [color=F57900][b][i]Hephaestus[/i][/b][/color][/center][hr] [color=F57900][sub][b]Cabin & Godly Parent[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Cabin #9 || Hephaestus - god of forges, fire, technology, craftsmen, sculptors, volcanoes, and blacksmiths.[/indent] [color=F57900][b]Legacy[/b][/color] [indent]Athena - goddess of wisdom, civilization, mathematics, strategy, defensive warfare, crafts, the arts, skills, intelligence and brilliance.[/indent] [color=F57900][b]Fatal Flaw[/b][/color] [indent]🔥 Like her brother Leo Valdez, Chevy often feels inferior compared to her peers. This causes her to be a people pleaser and to sacrifice herself physically, emotionally, or mentally in moments that she should not. Chevy’s mentality is “If I cannot be wanted, then I must be needed; And if I am not needed, then use me until I cannot be used anymore.” [/indent] [color=F57900][b]Weapons[/b][/color] [indent]🔥 Betsy, her most commonly used weapon. Betsy is a metal baseball bat, wrapped in celestial bronze barbed wire. 🔥 A 9mm pistol that has been engineered to shoot celestial bronze bullets. 🔥 A celestial bronze [url=https://noblie.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/1357-14.jpg]dagger[/url]. [/indent] [color=F57900][sub][b]Demigod Abilities[/b][/sub][/color] [indent][color=F57900][u]Pertaining to Athena:[/u][/color] [list][*][color=F57900]Weapon Manipulation:[/color] Chevy has inherited the ability to ‘bless’ or ‘curse’ weapons. These weapons include - but are not limited to - daggers, swords, bow & arrows, guns, etc. She can also conjure any weapon, and use it efficiently. [*][color=F57900]Psychometry:[/color] As a legacy of Athena, Chevy can touch an object and learn all of that object's history, including who created said object, who has owned it, and what said object may or may not contain. The objects she can ‘read’ are limited to weapons, physical books, and buildings. [*][color=F57900]Languages:[/color] Chevy can understand, read, and speak any and all ‘foreign’ languages. [*]Has Hyperthymesia. Chevy is unable to forget any second of her life, ever. [/list] [u][color=F57900]Pertaining to Hephaestus:[/color][/u] [list][*][color=F57900]Enhanced Forging:[/color] Like her father, Chevy has the ability to animate the objects that she forges. She can also work with any material and make it do what she needs for her forge-ing/crafting abilities. [*][color=F57900]Traps:[/color] The young woman has the ability to create & invent nearly undetectable and inescapable traps. She can also detect traps made by other demi-gods and the like. [*][color=F57900]Metal Sensitivity:[/color] Chevy can detect and call nearby metals to herself. She can detect metals up to twenty feet away. These metals are limited to things like iron. Chevy can also sense and locate faults/issues within a machine if she touches it. [*][color=F57900]Pyrokinesis:[/color] Like her father, Chevy has control over fire, heat, and lava. [list][color=F57900]Flame:[/color] Chevy can control fire/flames. She can make weapons, shields, orbs, whips - anything she pretty much wants to out of fire. She is also immune to fire and heat. Chevy can use existing sources of fire to teleport. [color=F57900]Heat:[/color] Chevy has the ability to raise her body temperature and the temperature around her. She can also sense body heat up to twenty feet away. [/list] [/list] [/indent] [color=F57900][b]Misc Information[/b][/color] [indent]🔥 Chevy is what some people may consider ‘jumpy’ or ‘on edge’. She seems to be forever looking out for a threat, always aware of the nearest exit. She also does not do well with ‘casual’ unexpected touching, and tends to shy or flinch away from it. 🔥 Chevy and her siblings are named after the state they were born in and the type of car they were conceived in. Norma-Jean would spend months out on the road and then drop whatever newborn she had just had out at her parents place for them to raise it. The Martin kids are named Montana Malibu, Dodge Carolina, Bentley Michigan, Honda Tennessee, Kia ‘Colorado’, Buick Texas, & Washington ‘Ford’. 🔥 She’s a whiz with nearly anything mechanical - locks, cars, guns, etc. 🔥 Enjoys pulling small pranks on her close friends, though nothing like what the Hermes kids can pull off. 🔥 Typically covered in grease, motor oil, sweat, dirt and the like from working in the forges. 🔥 Spends most of her time at camp in the forges, forests, or training grounds. 🔥 Mostly keeps to herself, but becomes a social butterfly around close friends or when drinking. 🔥 Is in regular contact with her mortal siblings. 🔥 Can punch like a child of Ares. 🔥 Smokes Camel Crush Menthols. 🔥 Her room is littered with designs/blueprints of projects she is working on. While she’s good with gears and wires, Chevy also likes to design architectural things as well. 🔥 Cabin #9 Counselor. 🔥 Her owl, [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/fb/e5/c0/fbe5c02425860f12dcff03f85f3a3cd0.jpg]Clementine[/url]. ‘Clem’ for short. 🔥 Proud owner of a great dane named [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/76/5d/94/765d94604ee84beac48a01f97ec7c560.jpg]Rex.[/url] 🔥 With the help of her sister Ky’vie, Chevy has designed a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8b/f5/ee/8bf5eef288e5b2afa64e157343a09c0c.jpg]mechanical dragon[/url] that she treats as a pet and often accompanies her on quests. The dragon goes by the name of Ignis, or Iggy if you prefer. Iggy is thirty feet long from her nose to the tip of her tail. The end of her tail is a celestial bronze spear. Iggy was crafted from various bits of scrap metal. Iggy [i]can[/i] breathe fire. The dragon can collapse into the form of an Iphone 15 for transportation and storage reasons. It takes approximately thirty minutes for Iggy to ‘unfold’ from her smaller form, and she’s relatively grumpy when she has to be close up. Therefore, she can usually be seen chilling lazily around camp. Additionally, the dragon is only large enough to carry Chevy, and perhaps ONE other rider depending on how much gear that Chevy already has loaded on. 🔥 While visiting some distant family in washington the summer before she came to camp, Chevy was out exploring in the wilderness when she thought she had found a lost puppy. She took the creature home, bottle fed and adopted it immediately. As the ‘puppy’ and Chevy have spent more time at camp, Chevy has come to realise that her dog is actually a wolf that goes by the name of [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/db/76/48/db76488f266b269934a163e5e5a24d40.jpg]King.[/url] 🔥 Rom-coms are her secret guilty pleasure. 🔥 Her favorite snack is pretzel sticks and peanut butter. 🔥 Grill master on the down-low. 🔥 ‘Dad rock’ is her favorite genre, followed closely behind by ‘hyperfem gay pop’, ‘feminine rage’ and country. [/indent][/color] [/hider]