Hi all! I have a few Slice of Life realistic type plots/ideas that I would like to try out. Honestly, my biggest craving for Slice of Life right now is something that has to do with one of the characters having a kid (or guardian ship of a kid, like a sibling or niece/nephew). But I'm also up for some steamy romances too X'D I'm looking for someone that can play a male character and can post 3+ paragraphs. I understand that with some scenes that have to do with a lot of back and forth, especially intimate scenes, it can get a little lower on the word count, just don't give me one-two paragraph posts every time. That will quickly loose my interest. I tend to write based on what my partner gives me and what's going on in the story. So if you give me a bit to work with, usually I'll give you a bit right back. If our story is a plot that DOES have a bit of smut in it, I would like to exchange a 'go and no' list of things we want to include and what not to include as far as intimate scenes go. That being said, I also still want a good bit of plot! So the highest I'll probably go is 60 Smut, 40 Plot. Though currently my preferred ratio is lower for the type of slice of life I'm wanting to do. ANYWAYS! On to the plots! [hider=Where There is a Flame, Someone's Bound to Get Burned] NOTE: This is a LONG plot. James and Amelia are just filler names, since I don't like writing guy and girl a lot in longer plots haha. The guy can be named whatever you want and I'll honestly probably change the girl's name. James had it all. He was the son of a big CEO for the company(big company of your choice. can be fake or real). With his father as CEO for this company, he never had to worry about anything. When he was ten, his parents divorced over his father cheating on his mother with a star model and his mother got custody over him. He moved with her to a small town, far away from the big city they had once lived in with his father. His father managed to get by without making any payments of child support thanks to his big lawyers, leaving Jame's mother to take care of him all by herself. She struggled for years financially, trying to support her son in a small one bedroom apartment, worrying that she would never be able to make a better life for her son. Jame was a senior in high school when all the stress and worry got to his mother. He found her dead in her bed after coming home from school one day. The doctor s claimed she had been overdosed with her anxiety medicine. When James checked he did indeed find the bottle empty, when she had just gotten it refilled days before. It devastated James that his mother had been so overwhelmed that she would go to these lengths. He felt a pure hatred for his father at that moment. He wished the man would have been the one to die instead of his mother, after all, he was one who had been too selfish to help his ex-wife and his only child. And three months after his mother's death, his wish for his father to die came true. While on the way to a conference in Japan, his father's private plane crashed. Being his father's only child, and considering the fact his father had never remarried, everything his father owned belonged to James. A whole fortune, enough to keep the boy set for life. But even when he was set for life, feeling the need to do something with himself, he decided he wanted to go to college(you can decide what Major you want him to have). He already had a football scholarship anyway, so he felt he should go ahead and use it. He began going to the local collage and it was there that he met Samantha Carter. She was a sweet innocent and pretty girl who had a strong sense of responsibility and a clear line of right and wrong with no grey in the middle. The two immediately hit it off and a relationship sparked between the two. They became close to one another, dating for a whole year. Yet, a whole year changes people. James, although head over heels for these all around good girl, began to fall into the same trap his father had fallen into. He became popular. Being the football star of the school and a now very rich man, he began drifting away from the understanding young man he had once been. He started giving his girlfriend excuses as to why he couldn't go on dates or come eat lunch with her between classes. And though Samantha saw James's changes, she continued to try and break through to him. She made attempts to see him when ever she could and though even when they were together he almost completely ignored her, she still felt the need to try. It a cold day in December when James gave Amelia the excuse he was sick and couldn't come to her house for the birthday dinner he had promised he would have with her for just the two of them. She tried to convince him that if he came she would take care of everything and all he would have to do was eat, but still, he said the snow and ice was too think to come anyway. When the call had ended, Amelia was very much disappointed, but then decided if he felt like he didn't want to come to her house for dinner, that she would bring the dinner to him. Surely it would be the best surprise for him! So, she made the dinner and happily drove through the ice and snow(which at this time was somewhat dangerous with the winter storm coming in). She finally made it to his house and knocked on the door. She didn't get an answer and so carefully walked in. After searching the down stair sand finding he wasn't there, she came to the conclusion he much be sleeping off the illness up stairs in his room. Only when she got upstairs, she heard soft noises coming from his room. Confused she walked into his room and when she saw broke her heart. James was in bed all right, but he wasn't alone. Dropping the food she had brought on the floor in shock, she saw him laying on top of a very well known cheerleader, both caught in the act. She didn't even give him time to try and explain. She sobbed and turned, running down the stairs and out of the house as fast as she could. She had been so trusting. She had loved him with her all and never asking questions. She had thought he loved her too. And maybe he had at first. But it was clear to see this James was not the same James she had fallen in love with. The next day, she managed to catch him alone and confronted him. She had to know what he felt about her now. And as much as she wished he had said he had made a huge mistake and that the girl had seduced him, for the first time in a long time he spoke the cold hard truth to her. That she was pretty, but not pretty enough to be with him. That she wasn't popular enough, stupid, and worst of all that he didn't care about her anymore and had just been with her for the 'benefits'. That day ended their relationship. James continued his carefree life of partying and sleeping with whoever he wanted to, while Amelia did her best to continue her hardworking school life, keeping her grades up and being the good girl she had always been. Only, her life didn't stay too calm for long. After being sick for a week straight, Samantha went to the doctor, only to find out news that turned her world upside down. She was pregnant. Confused on what she should do and scared about the whole situation, the first thing she did was try to call James. He completely ignored her phone calls and she refused to tell him this shocking news over voice mail. She continued to call and when she finally decided he wouldn't answer her calls, she tried to visit his house and even when he was home he wouldn't answer the door. He just thought her to be desperate and trying to get back with him and so he refused to have anything to do with her. After many uncountable attempts to let him know what was going on, Samantha gave up on trying to get through to him. That day she decided she would just care for this baby on her own. And she really was on her own. James, though he had dated her for over a year, never learned about Samantha's past. She had always spoke about her 'family' but in reality that family had really been multiple Foster Homes. Her living in foster care for most of her life was what cause Amelia to strive in order to her best and be so responsible, and though it had made her a good person, she refused to give her baby up to the Foster system. She would just take care of it on her own. She left the town she had been living in and transferred to a new college an hour's drive from her old one, staying in an apartment a few blocks from her new college. Months later, she gave birth to her child. Years pass and Samantha graduated college the top student in her class and started a new job. The two meet again. But, he soon realizes she's not the same naive and trusting girl he had fallen for in college. She's not one to trust so easily anymore, more so him. Yes he feels himself drawn to her now just as much as he had been when they first met freshman year in college. And when he finds out about the child that is undoubtedly his, he can't help but be taken back to his own life with his mother. Feeling guilt how he had basically turned into his father by not only cheating on her, but also not taking care of his child when Amelia was clearly struggling to do on her own, he makes a promise to step up and become a better father than his own father had ever been, as well as to try and piece the broken and shielded girl's heart he had so easily and without care ripped apart years ago. The only problem is Amelia is doing everything she can to keep the herself and the child away from James and keep life for she and her child the way its always been. Them against the world. But, what happens when a scary repeat of what happened to James mother happens before his eyes with Samantha and the shield she had kept up this whole time breaks down right in front of him? [/hider] [hider=Unnamed Modern Forced/Tricked into Marriage Plot] The first plot idea I have is a modern day plot and kind of a forced marriage rp. Basically it would be a young woman goes into a country she is unfamiliar with to do some work at a big company for one reason or another. She was permitted to stay within this country for six months and so far has spent a few weeks there by now to the point she is getting the hang of things and getting to know people in her department. And apparently, more than just the people in her department have taken notice to her. None other than the heir to the company himself, who has been working to take control of the company from his grandfather, has noticed the young woman and secretly taken a liking to her, coming down to her department under the excuse of doing something else, only to watch her as she works and even getting jealous when any of the other males gets near her. Finally, the grandfather of the young man states he has seen the young man do well within the company and has decided to finally hand over the company to him, on one condition; the young man must get married first, that way the grandfather knows the young man plans to keep their bloodline going so the company will stay in their name. The only problem is that the grandfather's health is knowingly going down hill fast and the man knows if he doesn't get married soon to be handed the company, one of his other relatives will inherit it instead. Thanks to this, wheels begin to turn in the young man's head and he comes up with the devious plot to get his wife, whether she's willing or not. He creates a plan and hires a fake 'government figure' to pay a visit to the company. The young man calls the girl into his office and there the 'government figure' tells her that her time here permitted has ended, claiming she was only supposed to stay for six weeks and not six months. Thinking this is a huge misunderstanding, she quickly goes to her work desk to get her papers, only to discover them mysteriously gone. Unable to prove her right to be there, she is stuck with no other choice but to prepare to leave the country. From there, the young man would do one of two things: He would either act all helpful by saying he has found some papers to extend her stay since she is such a good worker in the company and all she has to do is sign them to be able to stay longer. Excitedly she would sign them without even thinking to read them over, unknowing to her that they are actually marriage papers he has tricked her into signing. Or, from there he would just come right out and give her the option to marry him in order to stay in the country, telling her how much it would benefit the two seeing as he would get his company and she would be able to stay and continue her work. She would agree, thinking it would just be a 'on paper' marriage, when in reality what he wants is the real thing. Either way, lots of dramatic and comedic stuff would happen This is basically a romantic/dramatic comedy. [/hider] [hider=Army Man x Civilian Plot] Another plot I had that didn't include the characters having a child of their own, but the woman raising one, was a young woman having to take care of her little sister after their father dies in war. In the war, their father became a sort of 'mentor' to a young solider and when their father dies, he asks the young man to look after his daughters. So, low and behold, the young man moves to the deceased solider's home town and becomes neighbors with the girls, who are of course dealing with their grief and trying to pick up the pieces of their lives after their father is gone. [/hider] [hider=Abusive Relationships and Affairs] Another idea thats kinda more risky X"D Is a woman and her kid living with the woman's current boyfriend (kid's father), where the father is abusive toward both, mainly the woman. The male lead comes in, basically falls in love with the woman and adores her kid, but of course, she's married. Sooner or later, maybe through the kid, maybe through physical evidence of beatings on the woman, he finds out about the abuse and a few things could possibly happen throughout the course of the rp. We don't have to include them but these are options. -One could be that she asks the guy (at this point I assume she could see that he cares about the kid) to take custody of the kid (the dad really doesn't care, so it wouldn't be hard to sign over rights) to keep him safe but she herself is too scared to leave. -Another is of course an affair between the male lead and main female. Could be with or without him taking custody of the kid. Her hating her boyfriend but scared to leave, yet loving the male lead and craving the affection and love he gives her. Honestly, if we didn't want them having kids yet, this could be another one where its just the male lead trying to save her from the abusive guy and a kid comes later (could be an interesting thing if they don't know if the kid is his or the abusive guys). Lots of options there.[/hider] I'm also up for pretty much any ideas you can throw my way. Some pairings I'm also interested in but don't really have a specific plot for are: Boss x Worker Cowboy x City Girl Ex x Ex reconnecting(finding out his ex has a kid, could be his or not depending on what we want to go with) Guy x Girl that was Human Trafficked (probably rescuing her from the situation. the guy could have been a customer or just someone she knew before she was trafficked) Prince x Princess (I know, not slice of life, but it is a craving I have, espeically either arranged marriage either with each other, or the princess being arranged to marry the prince's brother) Anywho! If any of these interest you, PM me please! :)