[center][h1][color=#DAEE01][b]Salvator Rasch[/b][/color][/h1][/center] Finally, this shitfest of a mission was complete. All in a day's work with the Intransigence, really. He didn't relax until his feet hit the ship's deck, though relax was a rather strong term in this instance. More along the lines of he wasn't prepared for imminent death at any second now. Salvator just dutifully followed along as the commander unit escorted them, more than familiar with this outfit's debriefing procedures at this point. Once they were within the meeting room, he held his questions as Kleo decided to speak up first. ...Alright, speak was a bit of an understatement. Should've figured that the kid was a human supremacist, considering how she'd acted on-planet. Not the rarest thing in the galaxy. Every species had this sort, and it didn't make any one species more or less racist than the rest. The kidnapping claim was more interesting. Salvator gave the odd human in the civvie outfit a curt nod before stepping forward, placing his palms down on the table as he stared the commander unit down. [color=#DAEE01][b]"Go easy on her, kid's lost a lot of blood. Though I have to ask if her kidnapping claims are true. Are they? Because at the end of the day, we both know that unwilling soldiers aren't efficient."[/b][/color] He didn't even bother trying to make a moral argument at this point. It'd just be brushed off anyway. [color=#DAEE01][b]"And speaking of whys..."[/b][/color] Salvator reached up to pull his hood down and remove his helmet, revealing a bald, blue-skinned voidhanger with a rather well-kept beard. He narrowed his eyes. [color=#DAEE01][b]"Last I checked, we were supposed to be on-planet to [i]help[/i] the local population. So why were we ordered to do the exact opposite? Explain how this benefits the cause."[/b][/color]