Michael was biting his lip as he glanced at the skeleton covered by vegetation. He was busy wiggling his toes, flexing his fingers, taking in deep breaths, and moved his eyes to look at the ruined city. After finishing the exercise of grounding himself the panic attack passed. Were his eyes paying tricks on him? Did he somehow die going out to his car after work? What was this town? He had never ever heard of such a place. Least not in his state. None of this made any sense. Not a [b]lick[/b] of it. Pulling out his cellphone he sucked his teeth in annoyance seeing his cellphone wouldn't turn on. It was at 88%!! What was this nonsense. He glanced up at the skeleton before taking few cautious steps to the skeleton. This had to be a weird prank and once he discovered the skeleton was one of those cheap dollar store plastic rip offs. He'd be able to manage this somehow and get back at his coworkers. Lightly tapping the skull he heard a hollow thud as the skeleton that had somehow managed to stand the test of time fell apart. Michael had a knee jerk reaction as he cursed loudly leaping backwards from the skeleton. Immediately he was hit with a sense of wrongness. A strange sort of heaviness had descended upon him and his eyes darted about. It felt like his sudden outburst had drawn somethings attention to him and it was sending explosive shivers down his spine. He had to get out of here. No he [b]needed[/b] to get away from here. Quickly taking a gulp of air he moved down Redwood, keeping his head on a swivel taking in everything the area had to show. He seemed to be in a warehouse distract of some sort. The warehouses were dark and boarded up. Eventually he came to a large warehouse with a chain link fence. He saw a paved road going in and glanced in seeing three Penske trucks that each had a label on the side of them. Bosmithy Furniture they all read. He quickly moved into the lot and saw 4 weathered concrete steps leading up to the loading dock. A quick scan of the dock revealed nothing super interesting. Each of the back of the trucks were open and empty. Glancing towards the warehouse he saw a large shudder door. It was slightly caved in from impact. Michael internally grimaced. He had one similar in his shop and the amount of force to get one of these to bend in at this angle would be deadly to a human. He saw a steel door next to the bay door and grabbed the knob expecting it to be locked but surprisingly it was open and he was greeted with a mixture of stale air that smelled of dust and mold and dim florescence. It seemed this warehouse still had electricity somehow, thought it seemed many of the lights in the ceiling were either broken or not working making the warehouse dim at best. Making sure the door behind him didn't slam shut but barely close. He looked and saw the door had a deadbolt on it but he did not touch it yet. This part of the furniture store seemed to be a spot for the employees to either build furniture or make repairs to it. Most of the wood here was either rotten or suffering from extreme mold but after scavenging for a few minutes. He found a sturdy chair leg. It had two threaded inserts in it that would make for nasty puncture wounds when they hit before the wood. Some would find it crazy that Michael was arming himself. No any sane person [b]would[/b] find this move nuts. Michael however was unnerved at the feeling that followed him from the sign. He had spent almost 15 minutes walking without the sight of another human. None even any signs of birds or other animals. It was another 5 minutes before the feeling of being watched left him and then he found the warehouse. This makeshift club was the best he could do for now.