[hider=Octavia Lunalari-Astaros] [center] [color=a464b0][h1]𝕆𝕔𝕥𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕒 𝕃𝕦𝕟𝕒𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚-𝔸𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕠𝕤[/h1][/color] [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ZgcGif3qfbECuvs2eleAV0uYwmOsQKFoAdPvCSUC4G4/https/i.pinimg.com/564x/67/1f/c8/671fc8816c8e6a746a90c37a937a56cd.jpg?format=webp&width=411&height=618[/img] [/center] [color=808080] [color=a464b0]✾ Name ✾[/color] Maiden Name Octavia Lunalari Married name Octavia Lunalari-Astros [color=a464b0]✾ Title ✾[/color] Princess of Lunaris [color=a464b0]✾ Age ✾[/color] 23 — December 12th [color=a464b0]✾ Species ✾[/color] Human [color=a464b0]✾ Magic Specialties ✾[/color] Dark Air [color=a464b0]✾ Age ✾[/color] 23 — December 12th [color=a464b0]✾ Physical Traits ✾[/color] Athletic-lean-muscular with hourglass shape 5’6” 130 lbs Blue-green eyes Brunette [color=a464b0]✾ Background ✾[/color] Octavia Lunalari was the first born out of three children when it came to the direct bloodline of the royal family. She was raised in the harsh landscape and environment of Lunaris like every other citizen — the royal family was known to be hands-on with their citizens and were not known to bask in their luxuries. Her and her siblings were raised with the foundational skills of hunting, survival, navigation, and leadership. If she wasn’t the princess, Octavia would have made an excellent guard. She always jokes, her younger sister, Sylestar, the middle child of the Lunalari family, would have been a better princess and future queen. [hr] [u]Odd opinion of the blight[/u] Despite the devastation wrought by the blight upon her kingdom, Octavia harbored a curious fascination with the mysterious affliction. While others viewed it as a dire threat to be eradicated at all costs, Octavia saw it as an enigma begging to be solved. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the blight than met the eye, that perhaps it held secrets waiting to be uncovered. Rather than fearing the blight, Octavia found herself drawn to it, intrigued by its origins and potential implications. She spent countless hours poring over ancient texts and consulting with the kingdom's most learned scholars, searching for clues that might lead to a deeper understanding of the blight's nature. While many questioned her motives and deemed her curiosity reckless, Octavia remained undeterred, driven by a thirst for knowledge that bordered on obsession. [hr] Octavia’s arranged marriage to Flynn Astros, the prince of the Southern land of Aurelia, was a source of considerable conflict for the headstrong princess. From the moment the match was announced, Octavia bristled at the idea of being forced into a union she had no say in. She resented the expectation placed upon her to marry for the sake of political alliance, rather than for love or personal compatibility. Despite her protests, Octavia found herself bound by the traditions of her kingdom, unable to defy the will of her parents and advisors. When the decision was made to establish Dawnhaven as a bulwark against the encroaching blight, Octavia's objections fell on deaf ears. She watched helplessly as her future was decided for her, her desires and aspirations sacrificed on the altar of duty and obligation. Forced to leave behind the familiar comforts of her homeland and marry a man she barely knew, Octavia's resentment simmered beneath the surface, a silent rebellion against the forces that sought to control her fate. Though she outwardly complied with the dictates of her station, inwardly she longed for the freedom to chart her own course, away from the constraints of royal expectations and political intrigue. [/color] [/hider] [hider=Cyrus "Sunni" Emberani the fifth] [center] [color=a93226][h1]Cyrus “Sunni” Emberani[/h1][/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTE2152X6LQ&ab_channel=BrentMorgan]Theme Song[/url] [color=808080] [sub]“I’m a gambling man, so let’s gamble.” “Anything and everything can be fixed. Sometimes it has to burn to the ground first.” “Do you ever feel like you are inside of your body but are not a part of it? I feel like that every second of the day.” “Everyone is promised one thing in this lifetime and it is death. It comes after us all so let’s have a little fun.” [/sub] [/color] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/3c/cb/80/3ccb80f3430e60d34abbdee17b9141d4.jpg[/img] [/center] [color=808080] [color=a93226]Name[/color] Cyrus “Sunny” Emberani the fifth [color=a93226]Titles[/color] Merchant of Aurelia [color=a93226]Age[/color] Twenty-six – July 21st (the hottest average day out of the entire year) [color=a93226]Species[/color] Human [color=a93226]Magic Specialties[/color] Fire & Healing [color=a93226]Physical traits[/color] Mesomorphic inverted triangle 6’3” 180 pounds Amber eyes Redhead [hr] [color=a93226]Background[/color] [center][color=a93226][h3]“A life for a life”[/h3][/color][/center] Cyrus ‘Sunni’ Emberani the Fifth was the beginning of the newest generation of Emberani. A day of birth was to be celebrated for it truly meant the establishment of blending families together. This day, July 21st, was bittersweet. Lady Noami Emberani (Fowler) was pronounced deceased not soon after her son’s arrival into the world. Sunni lost something he never truly had and Cyrus Emberani lost his beloved wife — something he could never replace. The head of the Emberani family went into a justified state of depression even if he tried his best to hide it and ignore it. Everyone could tell that something changed on the day of his son’s beginning and his wife’s end. Absently, he was in no state to take care of Sunni so he put all the responsibility onto a wet nurse who lost her child during birth around the same time, Daisy Puckett, who Sunni refers to as ‘mother’ against everyone else’s wishes. She is the closest thing he would ever have to a mother figure. [center][color=a93226][h3]“Sunni”[/h3][/color][/center] The firstborn of the Emberani family was raised in such a strained household. His father had too high of standards for the young boy while his mother-ized nanny allowed him to be like any other commonplace boy. From a young age, he lived different lives. He was Cyrus the fifth in his father’s company and his dew-sweet nickname ‘Sunni’ was given to him by Daisy and her family for his sunny personality. Sunni loved being around the common folk and learning the ways of the average person of Aurelia. It was odd to peer out from fancy glass-stained windows and posh cushions when his father forced him to be inside and learn. He always loved dirtying his fine “silk” clothing that his father made him wear if it meant he made friends. During the times his father requested his presence in the Emberani household it was for educational purposes and learning to be the future patriarch of the Emberani clan. He had all the private education, tutors, and everything one could wish for. He was taught in the arts of language, creativity, science, mathematics, swordsmanship, riding, and more. Everything a high-class gentleman and merchant should know. When he could escape the household, Sunni could be found working out in his family's vineyards, and cotton plantations, and out with the servants of the family's household. He was always helping. [center][color=a93226][h3]“You’re a curse upon this family.”[/h3][/color][/center] The eldest son of the family was truly considered a curse by the other Emberani’s — his grandfather, Cyrus the Third, never liked him for the fact that he wanted to familiarize himself with the lower classes. He would argue with his family about the wages they paid the people and everything else. Sunni was someone who enjoyed creating smiles on others ’ faces — a little positivity in this cruel world. At fourteen, the Emberani’s discovered that Sunni was only as sunny as others allowed him to be. They came together to try and encourage Sunni to stop his foolish ways and get in line like everyone else has in the past. “Why would I stop helping our workers? Isn’t a leader supposed to help? Isn’t a boss supposed to be good?! I’m supposed to take on the family name and business when you retire and am incapable of doing it! And I will change this family like you and our ancestors before us never dared to do because of their pathetic greed —” That was the first time Sunni could remember his father hitting him so hard across the face. It began to show signs of bruising within moments of its happening. “You are a curse upon this family and have been since you were born,” the Emberani clan were known to be penny pinchers. They wanted everyone paying a high price and they paid the lowest. They were deal makers and bargainers —- a monopoly compared to other merchant families. Sunni stood there being quiet and he couldn’t remember everything his father was ranting and complaining about that consisted of him. He just remembered the heartbeat he could hear in his ears. How tears welled in his eyes. How angry he was that he was always blamed for everything bad happening in the family because nothing bad happened for generations. Nothing changed. Everything stayed boring, simple and plain. Disgustingly blank because of the fear of his father and his father's father. “I’m glad I am a curse! If a curse is exactly what I am! THE GODS ABOVE must realize that you needed something to change your ways but you are pathetically scared of change and the news that you try to drive me in the dirt. Hit me again Father and I will make sure you will never be able to use that hand. I will show you how bad of a curse I can be on this family especially you!” [center][color=a93226][h3]“A helpful and fair young man”[/h3][/color][/center] It was an odd take to ever consider an Emberani as actually helpful and not wanting anything in return except when it was Sunni Emberani being talked about. He was always in the bustling action of the merchant trade areas and the common folk places. The young man was a constant help with no questions asked. It has helped him mold into the person he is today — seeing different sides from different perspectives. Most of the time, the young man would wander around the city of Aurelia and try his best to mind his own business though he had such a hard time. An old woman carrying something far too heavy for her? He would stop what he was doing to help even if his father’s scornful eyes demanded other actions from his son. A group of young boys trying to hoist up the walls for a new building? This was a perfect time to help out, learn something new, and show off his muscles to the ladies watching. The shops that his family owned had working areas in the back. Why couldn’t a man learn how to sew or embroider or crochet or knit!? It was a challenge and he loved it. Plus, the attention that he got from the beautiful seamstresses and little helpers was enough to keep him at it for hours. Sunni thrived off of curiosity and attention. It helped him learn so many different things and realize people were people, no matter what walks of life they began at, and where they were currently. It helped him be rounded towards others and understanding. This helped him realize that he was no better than others and others, not even royalty or gods should be better than anyone else. [center][color=a93226][h3]“A forgettable marriage”[/h3][/color][/center] To prove a point to his son, Cyrus Emberani the Fourth decided to arrange a marriage for his first born son, Sunni. Everything was distasteful about the situation and Sunni wanted nothing to do with the marriage. His father saw it as an opportunity to bring two higher families closer together, open trade routes, and lowering exchange costs — a business deal with more steps. The marriage only lasted a handful of days between the newlyweds before Sunni was able to convince his wife that this marriage would never be good for either of them. He knew that she didn’t love him even if she possibly could. Sunni knew that he would resent her and he didn’t want that for either of them. Neither of them wanted such a situation for either of them. They parted their ways without much of a hassle even if his father was furious that his son went out and divorced the young lady behind his back. That raised hell for roughly three months before his father realized he could truly never control his eldest son. At least the older man had stability in his wives and other children, right? [center][color=a93226][h3]“I thought by twenty-one, I would be in the grave,”[/h3][/color][/center] It was an odd feeling to be standing there at his twenty-first birthday party. For some reason, he always could imagine his biological mother being there even though he never knew her except for the many paintings around the house. His father made another attempt to get his son settled down with a woman. Sunni hated sitting there and talking to everyone about business or listening to all the women talk about themselves in such ways that made them look like an object instead of a person — it was all fake. No one truly cared what he said unless it was in their favor. Most would ask questions more than twice and he was bored of repeating himself. Sunni decided to sneak out of the event to have some fun around the city. Meeting up with his other family to enjoy the rest of the evening. They bar hopped, they danced on tables, they drank and ate too much to the point they puked on the streets, and they woke up the next day feeling awful. He rather be anywhere else instead in fancy clothes and in the middle of the stage of wealth and prosperity. Where no one was real. They were all as fake as he had to be. [center][color=a93226][h3]“What a change”[/h3][/color][/center] By twenty-three, Sunni Emberani had pushed his father out of the limelight and had taken over the family business completely. He was beginning to raise pay rates, lower the costs of certain goods, and influence change in the merchant world. His whole family stood away from him as they thought he was a fool. Sunni didn’t believe he was a fool for making these changes. He was doing things for the better. More workers of the Emberani household and business were smiling, doing better, and thanking him for the changes. That is all he wanted… to make people’s lives better. It didn’t do much to the pockets of his family even if they complained like it was the end of the world. [center][color=a93226][h3]“The burning of the Emberani household”[/h3][/color][/center] Roughly three years ago, Sunni Emberani was known to explode in the biggest fire tornado that Aurelia had ever seen. After twenty-three years of holding everything in… it shouldn’t have happened, but he let everything lose. His father was voicing down on him, a few of the wives put their two cents in, and even some of his younger siblings had complaints. All brainwashed by their husband and father. Sunni was getting sick of the dysfunctional household anyway but he didn’t mean to start shouting and yelling at everyone like a defensive animal. He felt like everyone was backing him into a corner and that was when all hell broke loose. The Emberani house went up into flames. The whole estate burned that day. The grass fried black. The trees became witched crooks of what the beautiful green was. All the pictures of his mother were gone. Everything from his childhood burned and there were no tears to be shed. Sunni smiled while watching that hellhole burn. Some recall him laughing, not in happiness, but in utter pain being released. To him, it was the most freeing thing that he ever felt, but he tried not to talk about it. It was weird to experience how many people treated him differently after that. The life of a wealthy individual was so absolutely overwhelming and after that —- no one wanted to stop and talk or bother him. It made him giddy and pleased. No pompous idiot who had too much money for their lack of words or morals wouldn’t stop him and try to make business deals. People were more careful of what they said in business deals. He loved the power that it gave him. [center][color=a93226][h3]“When are we leaving?”[/h3][/color][/center] Sunni might have been the most persistent when he was informed of the prince’s plan to leave Aurelia. He had wanted to leave the city for about two decades or more. Now there were official reasons he could escape his family along with keeping power in the family business. It would torment his father, yes, but he truly did not care. He wanted — no — he needed to escape this unchanging sorrowful pit of a city that hid behind sunshine and rainbows. He wanted something real. [/color] [hider=Family tree] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1126198822020841482/1236368566475816971/Cyrus_Emberani1.jpg?ex=663912f4&is=6637c174&hm=a5cbe0d9ea183cb0322adbf32060fafede92058c003a89aab55172d25982183f&=&format=webp&width=1098&height=618[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Pleiades Porter] [center] [h1][color=479ca9]ᖘ꒒ꍟꀤꍏꀸꍟꌗ ᖘꂦꋪƬꍟꋪ[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1234867968802951179/1241909999639466074/34b11589f942624d198ac7b60a2fc693.webp?ex=664bea51&is=664a98d1&hm=bad4b602e97e72cf0dd06123bf7c2603f7e7f57e7e8ea60b9d0bc5c865c01913&[/img] [sub][i][color=808080]Everything new is a little scary until you try it. I promise I will make it worth while.[/color][/i][/sub] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MfeuuQkfLY&ab_channel=AustinGiorgio]A dash of music[/url] [/center] [color=808080] [color=479ca9][b]Name[/b][/color] Pleiades James Porter [color=479ca9][b]Age[/b][/color] 29 [color=479ca9][b]Physical Traits[/b][/color] Pleaides is a man who stands at 6'3 and weighs roughly 155 pounds. He has broad shoulders that v-lines into a thin waist and hips. He has lean muscles. The man has a gentle and majestically slender physique that has a collar of dark feathers that sport nicely against his green-grey pale skin. The perfect way to describe the man is that he started the saying "bird-boned" in people. [color=479ca9][b]Races[/b][/color] Blight-born [color=479ca9][b]Kingdom[/b][/color] Lunaris [center][img]https://img.freepik.com/premium-photo/fallen-angel-with-dark-wings-his-back_556412-5803.jpg[/img][/center] [color=479ca9][b]Blight-born traits[/b][/color] Pleiades was known to be a "monster" before he was changed by the blight. The man was crippled and riddled with illnesses and disease. He was one of the luck-unlucky children who survived a plague roughly two decades ago in Lunaris – Shivering Meningitis. The transformation was literally bone-breaking. It broke his whole skeletal structure, reformed him, and gave him bird-like qualities. The tumors, the limbs or phalanges that he lost, and the grotesque appearance of him were gone. It was replaced with beautiful sea-pale skin and dark feathers. Intense moon-appearing eyes. He was now beautiful. [u]Strengths[/u] [indent] [i]Wings and hollow bones[/i] sprouted after the transformation and they are completely usable. He can fly with them. Use them as protection against harsh weather (sand storms, wind storms, snow storms). The blight might not need to stay warm but they are like warm cozy blankets if used properly. The hollow bones allow him to fly. [i]Magnetic detection[/i] is ingrained in all bird species. This allows him to be aligned with the planet's magnetic field and have the best sense of direction. With the special cells that occurred in his transformation, like regular birds, Pleiades can store this data in his mind's mental map. [i]Communication[/i] was an oddity at first though Pleiades discovered that he could make different sounds with whistling or other techniques and understand birds. He can communicate with birds just like he can communicate with other blight-born and humans. [i]Enhanced stamina and endurance[/i] Both of these increased when the transformation was finalized. He can travel longer distances without much stress in a variety of ways. He can go hours without taking breaks like a regular human would need when it comes to walking, swimming, flying, or practically anything. [i]270 degrees[/i] is what he can rotate his head. Just like an owl. [i]Talons[/i] are on each finger Pleiades has. They are elongated nail-talon-like structures that have replaced his fingernails. They are dangerous and can cut up to 3 inches into flesh. [/indent] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/10/1b/5d/101b5d44841b512f66da847d9c915053.jpg[/img][/center] [u]Weaknesses[/u] [indent] [i]Weaker bones[/i] since his skeletal structure foundations changed to be similar to birds. It is very easy to break his bones for they are brittle and fractures to him lead to multiple breakage points. [i]2x his weight[/i] is roughly 310 pounds of food daily though Pleiades does not need food as humans do anymore. He feeds off sexual activity, lust, and pleasure. He tends to be very active with people. [i]Windows[/i] has become a giant issue for him after he transformed into a blight-born. [i]Distractions[/i] which cause him to obsessively focus are shiny objects or intense-strong smells. This might cause him to lose his focus or not be able to think about anything at all except what shiny object or strong smell is around. [i]Phobia[/i] of cats. Also, he adopted an allergy to cats after transforming. [i]Anxiety disorder and attachment issues[/i] like any other bird. Pleiades get swallowed whole in isolation. It brings out his basic emotions and is torture to him. He cannot handle being alone for too long even if he tries to pretend he rather be alone. After a while, he will begin to take on signs of anxiety or attachment disorder if he's alone for too long. [i]Allergies, toxins, etc... [/i] were adopted after the transformation. ☠︎︎ = Death and ⚠︎ = causes him to be sick ⚠︎ Heavy metals can cause anything from simple illness to seizures to death. ☠︎︎ Avocados will cause illness and then death. ⚠︎ Onions and garlic can cause mouth, throat, and stomach sores for Pleiades. ☠︎︎ Salt can cause death. ⚠︎ Smoke and similar materials are very toxic to Pleiades. This can cause severe illness or even death upon too much exposure even in low quantities in the sense of being too close to a fire or candle. [/indent] [color=479ca9]Sexual[/color] Feeds off sexual interactions like a succubus/incubus, causing a person to hyper-fixate on wanting more against their better judgment and sacrificing their own needs. [color=479ca9]Backstory[/color] [indent] Pleiades James Porter was born lower middle class in the kingdom of Lunaris to James and Apple Porter. The family business was news. They were mail carriers, printers, newspaper delivers, and anything that had to deal with the daily gossip of the city. The Porter family could be considered comfortable in all dynamics of their life. A handsome, well-respected father, and a beautiful sweet mother with four children including Pleiades. Pleiades was the second son and child of the Porter family. Life was pretty good up until the age of thirteen when the plague ravished Lunarian lives. Plenty of children were lost during the coldest month of the year, more were left scarred and ruined from the disease that riddled their bodies, and Pleiades was one of the lucky but unlucky few to live the disease. After the initial recovery, he was wheelchair bound along with being miss-shaped with his skeletal structure. He was missing body parts because of the disease along with hearing loss, and sight loss, and he could feel the scarred tumor-turning lumps all over his body. It was hard to look at oneself in the mirror after a little over a decade of being flattering just by looks. It was humbling and torture at the same time. His whole life was planned out for him until the plague. Now he was useless and a burden to his family. He might not have been able to see the stares of people but he could imagine the faces they would make with the whispers and comments that clouded his mind. He was truly a monster... ugly... disgusting. The young man lived in such a depressive state until the blight happened eight years ago. He was roughly twenty-one at the time. It was difficult to say what happened since he didn't remember it very well. Everything hurt to the point that his vision went black though he could feel everything. It was like he was sleeping without being asleep. Nothing outside of his mind could be heard at the time. This must be it. This must be death. Pleiades always knew there was nothing even though his mother would take him to the holy buildings and the priests to be blessed upon and in God's good grace. Why did he have to wake up in darkness? Non-moving and non-directional. Pleiades woke in the forests. He was far away from any civilization and he assumed that his family cast him off like a bad omen. They must have thought he died upon getting sick again. What happened? That was when he saw his hands and arms. His hands were stark black as if they were burned, his fingernails were long and sharp, and his skin was a pale sea green. Without much of a touch, he touched his forearm and accidentally cut himself. It was painful and the only thing he could focus on until he realized that he could move his body in a way he hadn't been able to for almost a decade. The man was standing and staring at himself in shock [color=479ca9]– I didn't die –[/color] was the beginning of thoughts of confusion and fear. Everything was a blur of panic, stress, and full-forced emotions. Pleiades couldn't go back to his home, he had no idea where he could go, but he was found by others like him. It might have been perceived as pathetic and he couldn't explain it at all – he was emotionally devastated to be alone. Before this transformation, the only thing he could hope for was loneliness, and now he wanted anything but that. After being brought to the settlement of a variety of others who called themselves "blight-born", Pleiades began to find where he fits into society. This society. A place where he was wanted by others and useful in people's eyes. He was useful. People needed him. With his newfound self, Pleiades began to work on himself and learn the skills that he was given – skills that must have been blessed by a forgiving and merciful God. [/indent] [/color] [/hider]