[img]https://live.staticflickr.com/3661/3630873831_3290100123_b.jpg[/img] More screams from the street as the creature leapt onto one of the men biting into his face. As the others ran the one remaining screamed and hit thee creature with the makeshift club fashioned from a chair leg. Only a few hit before the beast bleached a gush of stomach acid onto the man as he screamed and gurgled the rolling metal shop panel came down with a thud. The old man lit a oil lamp in the dark as he smiled. "That was quick thinking red. You're safe in here. This building has a sigil, so they dont want in. I doubt the other fellas will have anything to get in either." He moved to a chair in the corner and sat placing the lamp on a makeshift counter. The walls were aligned with pictures and a clock that wasnt working. The pictures were of people and a lake during the summer based on the swimsuits and other activities. In what might have been once a living room no a makeshift business front there was a few more chairs and a small end table in the center. The ceiling had a hole where a fixture should be but around the hole was a sigil burned into the plaster. "Now then, My name is Miller, Adam Miller. I run this sort of trading post here in town. Lets hear about how you came here and where your from, but first, what year is it?" The man leaned back in his chair and smiled.