Mr. Miller gave a knowing nod of his head and sighed heavily. "Yeah.. That figures. I should try to help you by saying the fog is a random thing as anyone can tell. No one really knows why it takes people. I've been about for, 2024 you say? Well hell It may come a surprise or not but time really doesnt move here. I've been here since 1941 which would make me 83. However I was 62 when the fog got me back then so I couldnt tell you how that figures. Some people if they are still alive, have been around for longer. This is or was a town of Ashbourne, Vermont some might say but no one really knows if its even in the U.S. Now then, lets get you up to date." Mr. Miller folded his arms across his chest. So this town is a bit of hell on earth," He held up his hand for any questions to wait. "I dont understand it completely myself but there are things that will help you. One being a map of the town. There are 41 buildings in all and seven streets with five cross streets. The fog..." He spits on the floor. "The fog surrounds the town, if you run into it, the fog just spits you back out in town somewhere random. The weather never changes so you can't get a real sense of time. The only changes are the day time and the night time. I say that with the note that its not real as you knew them. Day is just the bright time which lasts about eightteen actual hours then there is the night." He leans forward in his chair. "Son, you dont want to be anywhere in the streets or a room without that!" He points up to the ceiling. "That sigil is the only thing that makes an area safe from creatures like the one out there or the other things you dont want to run across. Again dont ask, I didnt make it, and even when I tried to copy it in other buildings the damn thing doesnt work." His voice gets a dark serious tone. "At night The sky turns black but there are no stars. Just more clouds reflecting a red like they were on fire. Most of the buildings crumble to ruins and the few remaingin ones are half on fire. But the worst part are the things that roam about in the dark. Some of the easier ones like that skinless dog but then there are things... Well you better hope to never run across them because guns, blades, nothing works so just run. In fact if you are out at night just find a room that is safe." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Now I know this is a lot, hell I didnt know what to think of it when the guy Brad Hammon told me. So I get it I do, but its the truth. And there are some people here that went a little mad. Some turned cannibal because after the night the town resets. The food that was here on shelves and in rooms returns. People have fought and died because there is only so much and not exactly enough for three squares a day mind you. So they fight over things, some eat each other as its the only real supply source the town has is new people. Best I figure are three groups. Me and mine the trade group. Then the canibals they are always out scavenging for new comers to eat and stuff to take. But the third group well the are the believers. They hold up at the church at the far end of town. They have the only live stock of cows which kept them going. They always fight with others but we dont exactly have the weapons to give any side an advantage. Some how the fog drops people off and some people like us keep who we are. While others... well they change. Maybe they snap or the fog does it, whatever the reason some just go mad as soon as they get here. Those ones join one of the other groups. Now I'm sure you still got questions. I'll try to answer with what I know." Without warning the clock on the wall began to tick. "Its night. Some stuff that is broke in the day works at night. Best you stay here for now."