The old man smiled. "I suppose for sitting through the speech and after surviving the first day a little food is the least I can do. We do have a stove and such but the power, water, and gas for the town only work during the day. So for now I'll just get you some water and jerky." He stood up and walked to the back room. Outside were the sounds of the things Miller spoke of clear as day. Shrill screeches, thunderous roars, and of course in the distance the screams of humans. As Miller returned with the dried jerky and a large jug the building shook. "It's just trying to get inside. The building shakes but they never break in." The man handed over the items, then took the seat in the corner once more. Best to get some rest. Its all we can do at night. In the morning do you have any plans? I'm not as young as I once was. Maybe you could help me out? I need a good pair of legs to reach the other members of the traders, seems I dont really get out much. It would be good to introduce yourself and get to know the safe buildings from the others seeing how you'll be here a while. Maybe you might find others out there that weren't so lucky to find our side of town. We use to have phones but at night things come calling. Not sure what or why but if you have a phone you can talk to them." He glanced at the thing in Michael's hand. "Is that a new type of time piece?" Throughout the night the building filled with the sounds of them from outside. Yet in the phone a soft whispering voice too covered over by static tried to tell you something. The voice was that of a woman. There was no signal from the phone symbol. Using the camera gave the room a odd look as if there was some sort of before and after filter. The buildings walls through the phone looked different as if the space was inhabited and renovated. The walls were painted a dark green and the floors were hard wood. There was a table and setting like the space was now a dinning room. Family pictures were on the wall but the thing that remained was the clock. The period looked to be late 1900s. The sigil on the ceiling was gone in the phone image. The old man was not showing up. Turning the camera to the reverse there was no image of yourself either. The whole experience was suddenly unnerving to say the least. [hider=clock] [img][/img] [/hider]