So for anyone wondering, the game is already prepped, i'm just waiting for at least 2 players minimum to start the game, the link is not in the announcement, it is two comments up this one. Also i might just make a discord server for the game, but for a group of only 3-4 max i didn't think it was needed. Also... [quote=@Elite Minor] sounds cool. Kinda reminds me of the Dunwich stuff in Fallout 3 and 4 [/quote] LOL! 𝕐 𝔼 𝕊 !! Dunwich is definitely going to be part of this game, In fact lots of plot points from the Fallout universe and fandom are going to be here, already prepped many plans for that, and the Dunwich mystery is one of those rabbit holes into the lovecraftian of this story... without spoiling too much beyond what a fallout lore fan would be familiar with that is.