[h2][center]Geralt of Rivia & [color=BFBFBF]Zenkichi Hasegawa[/color][/center][/h2] [center]Carnival Town[/center] [center]Lvl 13 Geralt (96/130) -> Lvl 13 (97/130) (+1 pending) [/center] [center]Lvl 7 [color=BFBFBF]Zenkichi[/color] - (22/70) -> Lvl 6 (23/70) (+1 pending)[/center] [center]Word Count: 699 words[/center] The display on the Avenger's Bridge of the World of Light caught Zenkichi's interest almost immediately, and he found himself looking over it with Dawn and Sandalphon, though the latter was [i]deeply[/i] focused on it. He had no idea just how massive the World of Light was, though he supposed there wasn't much reason for him to have, having only been free for a few days now. A lot of the names were definitely not from Earth, though he recognized one or two names from games like Mario, which gave him pause. He felt like he'd heard mention of Bowser, and Princess Peach had been with them in Midgar. Just what the hell [i]was[/i] Galeem? Did infinite universes exist, and one just so happened to at least superficially resemble one of the most famous video game franchises from his world? Weird. The introduction to Vandham, informal as it was, gave Zenkichi a little more info about where they were supposed to have been going. It seems like the attack on that Alcamoth place cost them a lot, but at least Geralt's wife was okay, and helping keep the new location for civilians safe. He'd have to see what happened with Akane, if the Avenger would be best with her trying to help out here and there, or settling her into this Markarth place. She was used to him being away for a few days at a time, though mostly from Japan instead of Midgar, so hopefully that wouldn't be too stressful if that was the route they took. Soon enough, though, the Seekers were called to head to the Deployment Bay, and from there they got a crash course in high-impact altitude adjustment, both downwards and upwards. Death trap pods aptly named [i]Hellpods[/i], and a portable balloon device that put so many g's on you that it could knock you out. Zenkichi gulped, while Geralt frowned with displeasure. Must people come up with such horrific modes of transportation? This might actually be worse than portals, and even the mere thought of that being the case disturbed Geralt. Still, at least Sandalphon seemed to enjoy it. Her deadpan voice the first go, before she teleported back onto the ship, didn't give much away, but her excitement to go again sure did. Zenkichi took a few moments to text Akane a quick update, to which he received a sarcastic [i]"Go ahead, dad, I'm just gonna hang out with Maru on the totally lame invisible megaship. Have fun at your carnival, old man."[/i] Yeah, he couldn't blame her for finding this place cool, especially with her nerves starting to settle. So it was that Zenkichi and Geralt took one of the later batches of Hellpods down, landing not far from one another and racing to meet up with the Seekers while Midna was having an argument with one of the newer members of the other team, and Nadia completely failed to recognize Geralt. Though, she hardly looked like she had the last time Nadia saw her. As a quick proof of identity, Geralt drew her silver sword and rolled her eyes. "It's me. Fused with a few Spirits since we last saw one another. Though it looks like you've done a bit of Fusing yourself, even if you're still unmistakably Nadia." She greeted the other Seekers that they'd split up with, though took note of a few missing members. Ace, Rubick, and Big Band included among them. Zenkichi, on the other hand, was meeting all of these new folks for the first time, and he was...a bit overwhelmed. A flying Bee Lady, Literally Bowser (Holy shit actually literally Bowser), a cat girl, and thankfully some kind of normal-looking people. [color=BFBFBF]"Hey, nice to meet you guys. I'm Zenkichi, new to the team. Geralt beat me up and shoved a magic heart inside me. Then we toppled a corrupt government and accidentally destroyed a city with millions of people living in it. I, uh...hope your Guardian went smoother!"[/color] Scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, Zenkichi shrugged. [color=BFBFBF]"At least we took care of it, though. Would've [i]sucked[/i] to show up without anything to say for it, jeeze."[/color]