[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6W7bqko.png[/img] [h2][color=FD0000]The Koopa Troop[/color][/h2] [b][color=FD0000]wordcount:[/color][/b] 1,557 (+3) [b][color=FD0000]Bowser: Level 14 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=FD0000]//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color] (201/140) (+1 bonus pending) [b][color=SpringGreen]Bowser Jr: Level 14 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=SpringGreen]//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color]///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (84/140) (+1 bonus pending) [b][color=DeepSkyBlue]Kamek: Level 13 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=DeepSkyBlue]//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color]///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (81/130) (+1 bonus pending) [b][color=Aqua]Rika: Level 9 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aqua]/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color](100/90) (+1 bonus pending) [b][color=FD0000]Location:[/color][/b] The Sandswept Sky- Garudo Town -> Carnival town [hider=warp locations] [s] Central hub: Smash City Alcamoth Accessible locations: Peach’s castle Limsa Lominscuttle Town Lumbridge Twilight Town Kosm’s Beach [/s] [/hider] [/center] [color=Aqua]”This place sure does seem neat Nadia”[/color] was Rika’s assessment as she bounced along the umbrellas after her, just sort of assuming this was how you did things as she mimicked the mix and match lady. Jr meanwhile followed them through the streets below, and would have gotten lost in the crowds rather easily had he not had his flutter mane Peeka floating above him, the mon having her decision to follow the prince along entirely justified as she took it all in. Both of them caught up at the luchador, which Rika had casually wall jumped up, and Jr got flutter to give him a lift up top, landing on the statue’s head, before spinning around slowly to get a bird’s eye view of it all going [color=SpringGreen]”look at all this stuff and people and wow!”[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue]”It certainly is, and a fair bit closer to home too, which is pleasant”[/color] Kamek agreed as he drifted on up to join them, while Bowser was still shoving his way through the crowds. [color=Aqua]”How’s that?”[/color] Rika enquired from the other arm of the luchador [color=DeepSkyBlue]”More… Colorful, vibrant and full of energy. Also not made up entirely of humans. No offense too them, but they are something of a rarity in our universe, where as Galeem seems to be rather enamored with them, sticking them all over as it has”[/color] Kamek replied apparently not counting the reanimated bones of them that made up a lot of the populace as in any way related. [color=Aqua]”Neat”[/color] she replied as she casually kicked her dangling legs and watched the giant skeleton being carried by ground hands which might have been disconcerting in another context, but her just mixed with the wacky mood, before adding that [color=Aqua]”I hope I get to see that one day”[/color] [color=SpringGreen]”Only a matter of time till we kick Galeem’s butt, and then you can come home with us and see it all”[/color] Jr replied with absolute certainty that his new sister would be moving into the castle with them, while Kamek, aware that things were not that guaranteed or easy, still promised that [color=DeepSkyBlue]”We’ll make sure of it, somehow”[/color], both of which put an even greater smile on Rika’s face, even if she wasn’t so sure herself that they’d manage it. Best to make every moment count then, and there was plenty more to see and do, as they proceed to follow along on miss fortune’s grand tour of the town, which was a delightful romp till they ran into the flame clock in the erie plaza, reminding them that even this happy place had to have some kind of dark undercurrent to keep its life blood pumping. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”How in the world does that stay fed? Is there an Asgor for this town too perhaps?”[/color] Kamek wondered, only for their attention being drawn skyward to let them spot some strange falling objects coming down forma seemingly empty patch of sky. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Ah, maybe that’s it”[/color] Kamek rationalized, assuming it was some kind of attack, before starting to ask [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Should we really?”[/color] only for the rest of the troop to have already gone running after Nadia. Their little jog over wasn’t entirely smooth, as while many of the others could simply bypass the crowds, or slip through them with grace, guild or smallness, Bowser got very bogged down in the masses of people. When he did get free of them, it turned out that the street had cleared due to a very angry bull, one that did not appreciate the sight of the horned Bowser charging up the street on all fours. The king, meanwhile had no time for any more delays, and so the bullheaded brutes ended up plowing down the street towards each other, smashing heads and locking horns till the King remembered he had tusks as well, and in a very unsportsbull like fashion promptly launched his opined up into the air and over his back so he could get past. Unfortunately this did not solve the problem, as after recovering El Obio came running after them, resulting in a merry chase and further clashes with the king til Jr simply put the bull to sleep for 30 seconds so they could properly lose him this time. As a result, they arrived rather late, Bowser leaping over the building to which the garden belonged and landing with a thump, joined a few moments later by a floating Kamek, double jumping Rika and Peeka provided leg up Jr. They, or at least Bowser, was immediately ambushed by a Blazer mate knee hug, causing him to wheel his arms around in surprise as he nearly fell over, steadying himself just in time to be used as a highchair by the bot. [color=FD0000]”Good to see you too Blaze”[/color] he replied, raising a hand up to offer a fist bump, as the others gave her waves or nods in agreement with this sentiment, before adding [color=FD0000]”wait, more time travel? Yeesh. Both of the consuls we met could do that and it was a pain”[/color] before a round of introductions started up. After being a bit slow on the draw on that, Bowser naturally had to give everyone the right impression, and so delivered the troop’s in suitably dramatic fashion. [color=FD0000]”I’m Bowser, the Koopa King! Biggest baddest bad guy, and someone who’s done this whole team up to take down multi-universe threats before, so if there's anyone you can count on, it’s me!”[/color] he declared, jabbing a thumb at himself while flexing his other arm, before gesturing a palm to jr and saying [color=FD0000]”Also my son, Bowser Junior”[/color] who gave them a [color=SpringGreen]”Hi!”[/color] and then pointed up at his floating flutter mane and introduced her as [color=SpringGreen]”and this is Peeka, one of my three pokemon”[/color] Bowser then swept the hand to his other child, and introduced her as [color=FD0000]”My daughter, Rika”[/color] who gave a big wave with a big hand as she said [color=Aqua]”Also Hi! I got adopted.”[/color] clarifying the change in relations before adding that it was [color=Aqua]”Neat to meet you all”[/color] Then finally he gestured up to the floating mage and introduced him as [color=FD0000]”and finally my royal advisor, Kamek”[/color] who tipped the wizard hat he was wearing and gave them all a simple [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Greetings”[/color] before Bowser concluded that [color=FD0000]”and together we’re the koopa troop!”[/color] while getting them to pose in dramatic fashion for a moment. After that, well, there was what the others had been up to which, well, apparently it was destroying a city which was, well, a lot. [color=SpringGreen]”We destroyed a god moth thing in our dreams and cured a zombie virus thing in the process so, uh, yeah, I guess? Other than losing Omori”[/color] Jr replied to the question about if their adventure had gone better, before, rather than lingering on the other kid’s death, asking [color=SpringGreen]”A whole city? Really?”[/color] [color=Aquamarine]”More than we destroyed its power source, which was the guardian, and made it uninhabitable. Not that it was habitable anyway, absolute deathtrap of a place with constant monster and robot attacks, and a government that was somehow even worse”[/color] a figure they did not instantly recognize said as she hopped down from the roof behind them, who reintroduced herself as [color=Aquamarine]”It’s Midna, I fused a lot as well, and it’s had consequences”[/color] before adding that [color=Aquamarine]”Karin and Sakura stayed behind to help getting people out, and hopefully they can help with the Peach situation. We had a bit of a scare with Poppie, but that turned out alright, so hopefully they’ll find a way to fix her?”[/color] [color=FD0000]”Wait, hold up, what happened to Peach and Poppie?”[/color] Bowser asked now that this had come up again, turning on her, his face more serious than it ever was. [color=Aquamarine]”Poppie got a… disease of some kind? But Tora found a cure so she’s fine”[/color] Midna replied to the latter, not really having the context technical or event wise, to really fill in the picture, before getting to the bad news [color=Aquamarine]”The regime had some kind of weapon that turned people into these brain-eating monsters that were attacking the city. No idea why they thought that was a good idea, or why they used it on Peach, but they did. It's wasn’t an isolated issue, and there was a resistance group who knew how to handle that kind of situation, so we left her in their hands”[/color] she explained, trying to keep him calm, not entirely sure of their prior relationship was but this certainly seemed to be important to him, before excusing their lack of follow up on her condition by saying that [color=Aquamarine]”I would have checked in with them, but with the city in chaos, I’m not sure how we’d find them again till they’ve evacuated and set up shop somewhere else”[/color] She then also added [color=Aquamarine]”Bede also went missing without any kind of trace, I think the government arrested him for owning illegal pokemon but I never did find out for sure, and Raz found his people from home and stuck with them. But Tora’s up on the ship as well as Susi, and they're probably all fighting for workshop space as we speak”[/color] filling in their other missing people, trying to end it on a positive note. [color=FD0000]”I, urgh, well I guess. But also yeesh”[/color] Bowser reapplied, scratching his head while trying to process this heavy news, which the other’s didn’t know how to take either. It was bad news, but the way they’d handled it also sounded reasonable. Ish. It was going to take time to take in and get over, that was for sure.