[center][abbr=Octopath Travelers][img]https://i.ibb.co/88KWNj5/OTbanner.png[/img][/abbr] [sup]____________________________________________________[/sup] [color=FFC6C6][u]Level[/u]: [b]10[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 212/100[/color] [color=2e2c2c]------[/color] [color=BC8DBF][u]Level[/u]: [b]7[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 254/70[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●[/color][color=gray]●●●●[/color] [color=2e2c2c]----------------------------[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●[/color][color=gray]●●●●[/color] [color=lightgray]Word Count: 1574 (+3 exp) [b]Location[/b]: Carnival Town, Sandswept Sky[/color][/center] Though whether the high energy of the town would infect their gloomiest and grouchiest Seekers remained to be seen, the rest were having a nice time just looking around and taking in the vibe. Of course, suddenly stepping into a city-wide party with so many avenues of entertainment available to them, it was hard to know where to start. So when Ms. Fortune bid everyone to follow her, the Travelers were quick to oblige. This seemed like the kind of place it would be easy to get lost in, what with all of the colors and crowds. Luckily they could just follow the largest members of their group, and if even they were obscured by the various shapes of people around they could always get a glimpse of Ms. Fortune and a few others bouncing around up above. Primrose and Therion themselves stuck to the ground, the latter trailing a little behind. He wanted to get a feel for the area and its streets just in case there was a sudden stampede of people after them. It had happened twice in the last few days, first at the Metro and then in the Home of Tears, so it wasn't impossible to think it might happen again. He was sure to get ahead of the parade though, turning back once to watch the procession and its giant skeleton curiously. Primrose stuck behind the Koopa King, letting him drive a wedge through the crowd that she could easily follow. All the while keeping an eye out for any koopalings or the man Ganondorf had described to them. Eventually they'd made it to the city's center, where their acting tour guide pointed out the floating rings of colorful fire. From outside the plaza the rings didn't seem all that special when compared to many other sights the world had to offer, but once stepping beneath them there was an instant change that plunged the colorful daylight into high contrast purple. It was quite the breath taking change, and it was only within the boundary of the plaza and the ring overhead. The flame clock inside of the ring's center was not as welcomed a surprise though. It wasn't the last of the day's surprises though, as everyone's attention was draw to the sky where a group of uniform objects were falling down from the sky. It didn't seem like a natural phenomenon to Primrose, but besides that she had no idea what it could be. Something normal for the area? Some kind of action taken by a Consul, given there was a flame clock right above them? Therion shared the sentiment that it could be bad news, as did Ganondorf, but they all agreed to investigate. It would be nice if it ended up being something harmless, but if it wasn't then the sooner they knew, the better. [hr] [center][abbr=Pit][img]https://i.ibb.co/7VzgY22/pit.png[/img][/abbr] Word Count: 1574 (+3 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]5[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 234/50 [b]Location[/b]: Carnival Town, Sandswept Sky[/center] In the end Pit didn't end up making it up to the bridge. His method of taking the time to look into every little area and hallway he passed instead of head directly to a destination slowed him down considerably. Neither did he find the vessel's jail or anything that resembled one before Dawn's voice came through speakers around the Avenger, letting everyone know to meet back up - they were quickly approaching Carnival Town. Though still pretty curious what kind of prisoner was being kept on the ship, Pit spun on his heel and headed back the way he'd come when he heard the announcement. It wasn't like said prisoner was going anywhere anytime soon. The angel spotted familiar faces on his way back down and joined up with the Seekers currently congregating in the deployment bay. While they waited for everyone to assemble, Pit mentioned the Spirit Chamber and its demonic shop keep to anyone who would listen. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"There were all kinds of machines and runes and stuff,"[/color] he said, going on to vaguely describe the central pod. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"And then that Vulgrim guy said he trades items and 'secrets.' About the world. But he only takes spirits. Which I'm pretty sure he eats by the way."[/color] If anyone were to visit it and actually get something from Vulgrim, Pit would be curious to know what. That would be something for later though, just added to the big pile of stuff "for later." For now, once everyone was ready, Dawn explained how the Lost Numbers usually got to and from the Avenger: the Fulton and Hellpods. Honestly neither of them were too different from what Pit usually experienced back in Angel Land. When he was under the effects of the Power of Flight, his course was charted out for him ahead of time. He was basically yanked around by Lady Palutena (or on the rare occasion Viridi) while in the sky. As for plummeting inside the 'death traps' as Goldlewis put it, well, [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I dunno, it sounds kind of fun."[/color] Way better than plummeting without a big metal case to safely ride in at least. To make sure it actually [i]was[/i] safe, Sandalphon volunteered to go first - and as soon as she was fired Pit turned his eyes on the view of the pod rapidly descending toward the ground. After she made it, and her report, the archangel teleported right back for another go. So it was safe - and it must have actually been fun too. And since more fun awaited them on the ground, Pit stepped right up to get in a pod himself. [hr] By the time the Seekers already on the ground arrived to the scene of impact, they found a group of people already emerged from their pods. And those that had been in said pods found themselves quickly greeted with friendly, familiar faces. For the most part. Primrose and Therion hardly recognized any of the Seekers that had been part of the other team. For one, none of them (save Midna, who didn't appear to be with them at first) had been on the 'yellow' team that had traversed the Sandswept Sky with them. For two, any they had briefly met at Twilight Town had gone through some big changes, except for the winged boy who appeared the same but neither of them knew very well. There was no time to treat them warily however, because those who did recognize each other called out immediately. As usual, Bowser was unmistakable. His silhouette alone was pretty famous, so even the changes to his face didn't keep him from being recognized. The same was true for the other Koopas, though to a lesser extent. It was pretty fair to guess that a mini-Bowser could only be the Koopa prince though. At the same time that Blazermate flew over to the king, Pit noticed them and flitted forward. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"It's Bowser! And Bowser Jr.!"[/color] he exclaimed. And with them was their grandpa, that girl (who Bowser then introduced as his daughter), the two humans... wait, two humans, two cat people? Sectonia... [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Halo! Pretty much everybody we told you about before is right here!"[/color] Pit said, knowing Sandalphon would hear him even if she wasn't around at the moment. Wow, how lucky were they today?! Finding the Victory, the Lost Numbers (though technically that group had found [i]them[/i]), and now the rest of the Seekers? All after two successful boss battles, since it seemed the other team had prevailed as well. Primrose caught on quickly. [color=D34C25]"The other group of us,"[/color] she said, echoing Roxas' correct assessment. She folded her arms, both she and Therion studying the faces and forms of the newcomers and veterans of the other team to re-familiarize themselves with them. The thief shoved his hands into his pockets, his feline ears flicking at all the noise. There were introductions and re-introductions, and swapping war stories. Pit happily gave his spiel about being a goddess' bodyguard, while Primrose and Therion kept it simple with just their names and some cordial enough greetings. For anyone that had known Pit, they'd find he hadn't changed at all. The same couldn't be said for the Orsterrans, though they were still recognizable. Primrose had shrunk and lost some muscle mass but retained her looks. The outfit she wore was well tailored and fit her perfectly. She was still very much human looking, and a beautiful one at that. Therion had more noticeable changes, being that he now sported cat ears and a tail. His skin, too, had a blueish hue to it and he appeared to have lost weight enough that his bones were nearly visible in some places. Both of his eyes, and his facial scar, were now visible - though his eyes had a glassy, milky sheen over them. Around that time Midna and Ganondorf showed back up. Seeing the former, Primrose perked up and nodded at the princess. It was nice to see her safe and sound, in any form. At the later, Pit's eyes widened when recognition hit him after a few moments, distracting him enough not to ask more about Jr.'s comment about Omori. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Oh man, is that...? Ganondorf?!"[/color] Hopefully working on the good guy's side. Since no one on the 'purple' team batted an eye at him, he probably was. While catching up was all well and good, there was the question of just where all of the other Seekers had come from. Therion squinted up at the sky, though he didn't see anything but a cloud or two. [color=BC8DBF]"Where'd you all even come from?"[/color] he asked.