[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240315/de039f859a0f7ed86c79f6d4265d3386.png[/img] [b]Word Count:[/b] 630 [b]Level 5 Captain Falcon:[/b] 3/10 [b]Exp Gained:[/b] +1 [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 4/10 [H3]Sandswept Sky[/h3][u]Carnival Town[/u][/center] For the time being, Captain Falcon was in one of Carnival Town’s many food courts peppered throughout town to give tourists and other funseekers a place to rest and enjoy meals. In his case, Falcon was in the food court just outside the racetrack entrance. He was currently chowing down on an order of tacos from one of the many food vendors. It tasted pretty good, but it simply didn’t compare to the bundled tripe that Captain Falcon considered to be his favorite. Then he overheard some talk about falling objects crashing onto the edge of town. Falcon wasn’t entirely sure how he could have missed something like that. For a moment he considered investigating the rumor, wondering if maybe it represented some kind of potential threat. But the murmurs also went on to claim that the objects were merely some new visitors having come to enjoy the fun and games, so the Captain decided that looking into it was probably not necessary. Other than that, the conversations going on at various tables weren’t of any real interest. After finishing his lunch, Captain Falcon went to pay his tab only for the vendor to insist that it was on the house. This wasn’t too uncommon, given the celebrity status of most of the racers, so Falcon thanked the vendor who he assumed was a fan and offered an autograph instead of payment. To this, the vendor was happily willing to accept. Signing autographs had long since been second nature to the F-Zero Pilot, so signing this one took him no time at all. After that exchange, Captain Falcon went on his way. He considered returning to the racetrack, but paused with some hesitation. He’d honestly not done much here other than racing. And the more he thought about it, the more he started to think that maybe he should give himself a break from the racetrack for a while. There were other ways to enjoy oneself in Carnival Town, and Falcon didn’t see any reason why he shouldn’t go ahead and see some of those other games for himself. From what he understood, Ballyhood’s Big Top was the place to go if one wanted to take part in some competitive minigames against - or in some cases alongside - other visitors. And so it was there that the F-Zero Pilot went. The Big Top wasn’t hard to find. It was the only circus tent in the entire town, and it was a massive one at that. So spotting it even from a distance was quite easy. He went through the opening flaps in time to catch the tail end of the explanations for how the games and Orb Machine worked. He also noticed a slew of visitors who appeared to be looking to take part, and absolutely none of them looked familiar to him. Were they the ones who came down in the falling objects? Maybe they were, and maybe they weren’t. It honestly didn’t matter to Falcon either way. As far as he was concerned, these people - no matter where they came from - were the competition. Right after this was when Ballyhood zoomed through the gap in the curtains, beckoning all who was interested to follow behind him. Well, Captain Falcon had long since made his mind up and was quick to step on up, announcing his presence to the others in the tent in the process. [color=1f66b2]"In minigames or on the track… Captain Falcon ALWAYS plays to win! So good luck to all of you fine folks."[/color] He told the other people there with a smile and thumbs up, [color=1f66b2]"Because you’re gonna need it to beat ME."[/color]