[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/5c54a990-cd39-433d-9139-15262cf86042.png[/img][/center] [color=5FADAD]"Nice to know I can still make all the ladies swoon."[/color] King preened where he sat as Kleo was bodily hauled away, not even so much as flinching as the blood she spat all over his shirt dripped down his chest. Abruptly, his entire body seemed to ripple with undulating waves of scintillating, iridescent color - and the blood covering his shirt and boots were both violently flung away from him, some of it even splattering against the Invictoid Authority's own shield, causing it to shimmer once more as it deflected the bloody droplets. [color=5FADAD]"As for our erstwhile Commander - rest assured sir, protesting frequently and often is one of my most developed skills. I will be sure to forward all of that to you in the future."[/color] He flicked a lazy two-fingered salute Salvator's way. He did not otherwise make to move from his seated position, with his boots - or the seeming of them at any rate - still propped up on the meeting table. [color=5FADAD]"Otherwise, I am something of a close-in fire-support specialist. Covering and suppression fire, wide-variety energy frequency munitions, aerial, amphibious, and space-capable environmental maneuvers. All of which will mostly be limited by how slow and inept the rest of you are, but I imagine [i]somehow[/i] we will be able to muddle our way to realms of disheartening adequacy all the same."[/color]