[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220729/023912a75a8a9b16c801799640a60148.png[/img] [h2][b]&[/b][/h2] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221005/7d7c778891f3387ab231a2bbd26f2d1e.png[/img] [b]Word Count:[/b] 769 [b]Level 8 Roxas:[/b] 31/80 [b]Level 6 Ganondorf:[/b] 20/60 [b]Exp Gained:[/b] +2 [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 33/80 | 22/60 [h3]Carnival Town[/h3][u]Sandswept Sky[/u][/center] It wasn’t hard for Roxas to recognize some of the other Seekers. Bowser and his Troop were pretty much impossible to miss no matter what changes they went through. Queen Sectonia was also equally hard to miss as well. The Orsterrans, on the other hand, took him a moment to remember. But he did indeed see them both at the Twilight Town meetup. But there was one particular person Roxas remembered that didn’t seem to be present anymore. And it didn’t take him long to inquire from one of the other Seekers what happened to her. Jesse had apparently decided she’d had her fill of fighting Galeem and took her leave. It saddened him. Jesse, along with Midna, had been the first Seeker Roxas really got to interact with other than Sectonia. But she had clearly made up her mind, and so she would be missed. The Nobody then also realized that Omori was missing too. But unlike Jesse, he wasn’t gone because he had parted ways. Apparently he had fallen victim to one of the Consuls and the Seekers had no choice but to take him down along with a group of other allies that had previously parted ways with them. Just how strong were these Consuls if they could turn Seekers against one another like that? And then there was the one new face among the other contingent of Seekers, whom Roxas did not recognize. Ganondorf, the tall cloaked man in dark armor. For a bit he seemed to be giving Roxas an occasional look whose meaning he couldn’t comprehend. But what Roxas could tell about the man was he was practically teeming with darkness. Maybe that was it. Maybe the Gerudo Warlord was being put off by the Light in Roxas’ Heart. [color=797979]”Hm.”[/color] Ganondorf finally said to the lad, [color=797979]”Another would-be Hero of Light. How… quaint.”[/color] [color=gold]”What’s [i]that[/i] supposed to mean?”[/color] Replied Roxas with a bit of tension in his tone. [color=797979]”Nothing to worry thyself over.”[/color] The man responded. [color=797979]”I was merely… remembering someone from mine own world.”[/color] Roxas paused a long before he finally said anything back. [color=gold]”...Right.”[/color] Something about this guy was making him feel uneasy. Maybe it was the obvious power of darkness he was drenched in. Or maybe it was something else entirely. Well, maybe he’d get a little more comfortable around him over time. At least he hoped he would. [color=797979]”I understand that thou can eliminate Galeem’s influence without using a Friend Heart.”[/color] Ganondorf said out of the blue, [color=797979]”Pray tell, is this true?”[/color] [color=gold]”That’s right.”[/color] Roxas confirmed. [color=gold]”It’s a power my Keyblade possesses, among other things.”[/color] [color=797979]”Interesting,”[/color] Ganondorf said. [color=797979]”very interesting, indeed.”[/color] Roxas had seen that kind of look before, and he shook his head with a smirk. [color=gold]”Don’t even bother.”[/color] He said, seemingly able to guess what the warlord was thinking. [color=gold]”The Keyblade chooses its master. It’s not something you can just take by force.”[/color] [color=797979]”Naturally.”[/color] Ganondorf said with a bit of a deadpan tone. [color=797979]”Not that I would ever dream of conspiring against my fellow Seekers.”[/color] He added, even though Roxas found it really hard to believe that. [color=797979]”And besides, I cannot imagine a scenario in which I would willingly embrace the Light such as that.”[/color] Later on, both Ganondorf and Roxas were among the Seekers in the Big Top. Frankly, Ganondorf was about to turn around and leave, having little interest initially in playing minigames. But then the Orb Machine was mentioned, and this at last piqued his interest. A machine that could dispense Spirits in exchange for prize tokens? Maybe there was a good reason to take part in these games after all? Of course, the other thing that convinced him to stick around was the sudden appearance of Captain Falcon. The man in question was the first one to accept the challenge and follow Ballyhood through the curtains. Well this meant the Seekers wouldn’t have to scour the town in search of him it seemed. Instead it seemed as if the Captain had found them, albeit by happenstance. Roxas, of course, had no idea who Falcon was. [color=gold]”Who was [i]that[/i] guy?”[/color] He asked no one in particular. And Ganondorf happened to be standing nearby enough to give him an answer. [color=797979]”Captain Falcon.”[/color] He said. [color=797979]”He was one of the original fighters who stood with us against Galeem in the beginning.”[/color] The warlord explained before adding. [color=797979]”We would do well to add him to our ranks before we leave here.”[/color]