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Current Damn, it's really been three years since I last did anything on this site, huh? ...Maybe it's time I do something about this.
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*Kicks in door* HERETICS, YOU SAY?!
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6 yrs ago
A Hailstorm.... in JULY. Thanks Canada....
6 yrs ago
So I just finished up a long D&D session with friends. Near the end one of them may have asked if they could roll to yeet a random cat across the town... Nat fucking 20.
6 yrs ago
A snow and ice storm that shuts down most of the city... in April. Never change Canada.
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Kyran Cynmaer

Kingdom of Reynes, Alymere Exterior

The next few days rushed by swiftly, with an ever present tension radiating from the looming fortress nearby. Kyran did what he could in this fleeting calm before the storm and rather than fret over the battle to come, he instead turned his focus to the duties he'd been assigned. Scouting the fortress with a few familiar faces, lending a nearby village a hand with their bandit problem, and lastly serving as sentinel along the northern border were how he spent the short time before the impending battle reared its ugly head. He also learned that his stay with the remnant Lothian forces would be longer than originally expected... much longer in fact. Though it stung having to leave behind his countrymen in such tumultuous times, he'd already decided that he'd do all he could to help Alnard on his quest, and Kyran wasn't one to break his own promises after all.

Before he'd even really noticed it, dawn had come and with it the Lothian army stood ready for battle upon the outskirts of Alymere. Now cloaked in crimson Kyran stood among the small invasion force atop Lei, both rider and steed eyeing their target and waiting with bated breath for the fated moment that the attack would commence. In the tension, Kyran found his mind wandering to strategy, how could they manage to assault a famed fortress like Alymere when so many others before had failed? If the intelligence they had discerned from scouting was to be believed, there would only be a scant force guarding this entrance, yet still they were not to be underestimated even though they were only bandits. Even wild animals could fight like demons once cornered, and cornered they certainly were. To his understanding there was also a secondary entrance to the south of Alymere that was even less well guarded, if they were to divide their forces then perhaps-


Alnard's rallying call to action snapped the squire from his thoughts and back to attention, the time had come at last and the battle had begun. With a start the squire shot off towards the fortress though he was initially somewhat behind those who'd already rushed into the fray. As the duo picked up speed and raced towards the gate, Kyran took a moment to survey the budding skirmish before him. To his left. he saw Bel and Einar making short work of one of the axemen, and on his right the two stoic spear-wielders whose names eluded him were currently dealing with the other brigand. Dead ahead, a mage was in the process of striking at the archers beyond the front line which was good and all, but knowingly or not they were making themselves quite the tempting target in the process. The rider also picked out one amongst their foe's ranks who seemed out of place, his footing and the way he held his blade made it clear that he was not nearly as green as his fellows. To make matters yet worse it seemed that he'd noticed the overextended magus, that wouldn't end nicely. No matter, Kyran would just have to make a lot more noise then her and he had an idea of how to do just that. With a shout he spurred his companion to a rapid pace, building up to a high speed as he surpassed the frontline in a flash of crimson and onyx. He drew his blade and prepared to strike as he shot past the mage and in mere instants he was upon his chosen quarry. Time seemed to slow down for the squire as Lei almost leaped and he aligned his blade with the swordsman's neck and upper chest, her speed and momentum boosting his strength behind the sword. If all went well, he'd deal a considerable blow to his opponent as well as taking the heat off of the mage. He'd know in mere moments as his strike was punctuated by a thunderclap of ebon hooves.

Status: Engaging The Enemy
Class: Squire
Iron Sword (3/3)

Performing Wrath Strike on a Mercenary
With: Artemisia @Lugubrious

Kyran Cynmaer

Kingdom of Reynes, Temporary Lothian Encampment

With his convictions reborn and renewed, the rider and his Ebon horse darted back along the dusty path towards the Lothian camp. It was not long before the duo diverged from the well-worn trail and set out across emerald coloured plains and gently rolling hills. Just barely in eyesight a veritable sea of tents and soldiers going through their morning rounds stuck out against the mid-morning sun. To think, mere days ago these people all had their livelihoods ripped from them and their homes razed to ashes by a surprise attack, Kyran could hardly even fathom how they must feel. We've all lost a lot... but now we'll turn it around. We have to! The Reynes squire thought to himself as the remnant Lothian forces' camp grew nearer with each and every beat of his companion's hooves.

As he drew closer to the camp, Kyran noticed a familiar looking vibrant pink haired girl who seemed to be beckoning him closer and alongside her a man he didn't recognize, likely one of the sellswords who had enlisted by the blade at his hip. That's the archer I met in Garleton! Good to see she made it out alright. A genuine smile dawned upon the squire's face as he gradually slowed Lei's pace to a stop nearby the pink haired girl before swiftly dismounting and approaching the pair on foot, reins in hand. A slight chuckle escaped his lips as the girl slightly stammered mid-introduction. "Oh I remember you alright, who could forget the face of a hero surrounded by flames?"he said, snickering somewhat before carrying on. "In all seriousness though, I'm glad to see that you made it out in one piece." The wry grin on his face evolved into a warm smile as he spoke, pausing as the pair shared their names with him, the girl was Bel, and the man, Einar. "Name's Kyran, I'm wi- or rather I was with the Knights of Reynes before Garleton... happened. Erm, nevermind that, great to meet you both." His expression shifted to a grimace briefly as he mentioned Garleton before snapping back into the same warm demeanor as before. "I can't take all the credit Bel, you did just as much as I did. Maybe I should be the one thanking you. Anyways, if I'm remembering this rightly, the three of us have a date with a certain stronghold later on today, right?"

Status: Alive and Well
Class: Squire
Iron Sword (3/3)

Making Introductions
With: Bel, Einar

Kyran Cynmaer

Kingdom of Reynes, Temporary Lothian Encampment Outskirts

Tacatac, Tacatac, Taclop, Taclop, Caclop, Caclop.

The swift pace of hooves upon soil gradually slowed as the young Reynes squire brought his obsidian coated steed to an eventual halt. Briefly, the rider surveyed the mildly forested clearing he'd came to a stop in, just far away enough from the main path that no wandering eyes nor ears would incidentally find him. It wouldn't do to be detected out here alone, and so far from the camp at that. Finding no signs of recent human presence, Kyran dismounted from Lei's back, and walked a few steps further into the clearing before finding himself a seat upon a recently fallen log. He'd gotten up earlier than normal today, though not entirely of his own volition and thought perhaps he would be able to clear his head if he were alone for a moment. So now in a nigh-silent clearing he sat, away from the noise of the camp and alone save for his own thoughts. Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes momentarily the bitter truth he'd done his best not to dwell upon these past couple days came to his mind and lips simultaneously.

"I have failed."

He merely whispered the words yet still they struck him with the force of an army. As much as he wanted to disbelieve that words he himself had just spoken they were truthful, and brutally so. He was tasked with one simple thing on the night of Garleton's fall, Find Prince Alnard and get him to safety. Yet still on that night, he simply couldn't manage something so trivially simple. Thankfully a group of actually competent sellswords managed to pick up the slack he'd left behind, if the prince were to have fallen that night as well there was little chance Kyran would forgive himself for such a failing. All he managed to do that night was help guide what few straggling evacuees he could find to the castle's tunnels whilst his fellow countrymen stood, fought, bled, and ultimately died so that they could have a chance to escape. The squire looked to himself and the blade at his side, fat lot of good it did him that night. The archer woman had it all under control, even with him drawing even more attention to an already incredibly dicey situation.

Between his failing to find and protect the prince, his pointless escalation of a dangerous potential hostage situation and finally the guilt he harbored as his countrymen and second family went to their deaths while he ran away, it was hard for Kyran to not feel ultimately useless. It wasn't like the situation was getting any better either, Edinburgh had fallen mere days after Garleton. As far as most were concerned, the Lothian empire was dead and gone, and now the bloodthirsty Lyonesse were looking for the prince's head as well. In truth, he didn't know how long their rag-tag group could keep Alnard away from his pursuers or how long they would even stay together for that matter! Their situation was bleak at best... though what else was there to do, but carry onwards and give all he could? Not only to prove himself as more than useless, not only to right the grave wrong committed by the Lyonesse. But to honor the sacrifice of many men Reynes and Lothian alike. "I'll make it all worth it.... I swear it." The squire said to himself, rising from his seat on the fallen tree and striding towards Lei, waiting at the grove's entrance. He'd been in this situation before oddly enough, feeling utterly useless while everything crumbled around him and so in that very moment, alone in a forest, Kyran resolved to do exactly what he did last time he felt this way. He'd work and work until his body could work no longer, and assist the prince in every way he could fathom. As he mounted his steed once more and began to head back in the direction of the camp his mind wandered to the extra duties he'd accepted. He had much to do, scouting a stronghold nearby as well as dealing with some particularly active bandits just to name a few.

Status: Alive, Well, and Resolute
Class: Squire
Iron Sword (3/3)

Returning to Camp

@Sho Minazuki Alright then. I'll go with the escape option and have Kyran searching for more escapees whilst looking for Alnard and having precisely no luck finding him. (Damned E rank Luck stat)
Well this certainly leaves me at an interesting impasse. OOC I should absolutely dart to the castle and net that escape exp, yet IC Kyran still needs to find Prince Alnard and get him the heck out of Garleton... I'm going to have to think on this one for a bit.

@Sho Minazuki This is my current predicament, I could very well join you all in the boss fight but I'm unsure if I'm much too late in that regard. I don't want to steal exp from those who are already there because I decided to show up, nor do I want to unbalance the encounter. IC it's absolutely what Kyran would do, given that he could even find the Alnard and his entourage. Though if it makes moving on easier I could just have him bolt back to the castle and escape. Honestly I'm willing to go with whatever causes less hassle for you Sho.
Well this certainly leaves me at an interesting impasse. OOC I should absolutely dart to the castle and net that escape exp, yet IC Kyran still needs to find Prince Alnard and get him the heck out of Garleton... I'm going to have to think on this one for a bit.
@Yankee@Sho Minazuki Well THAT took longer to get out than I expected, apologies for making the pair of you wait.
Kyran Cynmaer

Garleton, Stables

A satisfied smirk dawned upon the Reynes squires's face as the bandit before him fell to the dirt with an arrow embedded in his throat. Evidently his distraction had worked, the degenerate was unaware of the archer's presence until his fate had been sealed. He looked to the archer, still half-obscured by shadows and offered a quick nod to them as thanks.

Whoever they are, they aren't a bad shot, that much is sure.

Now that the scenario before him had played itself out, Kyran had a job to get back to... Or rather he would get back to his search if he didn't hear the telltale sounds of trickery behind him. Swiftly, the squire whipped around, backpedaling slightly to confront the source of the new sounds. The duo was greeted by yet another vagabond, this one attempting to sneak up on him. Perhaps taunting was not his wisest idea, he'd almost fallen for the exact same trap that ended the last brigand. Two pairs of eyes leered at the would-be attacker before them, Kyran gathering as much information as he could from the way the bandit postured himself. With the way he wields that axe, It's unlikely he even knows how to use that thing. More so, I'm at an advantage in terms of both mobility and training. He could very well end this poor soul here and now, but was it truly necessary?

Momentarily, his focus lapsed as a second horse strode up beside him, with the archer mounted upon it. He glanced at her briefly before, turning his attentions back to the bandit. Kyran didn't want to kill needlessly, though if he let this one go free, the vagabond would surely just return to his pillage and slaughter. He would not permit such a thing, innocent lives were at stake! Thus the rabid dog needed to be put down before he hurt someone else.

"Know that I don't want to do this, I'd much rather show mercy and be on my way. But you tried to sneak up on me, axe in hand. That alone tells me enough of your intent." He said while staring at the bandit. With an explosive burst of speed, Lei took off straight in the brigand's direction, as Kyran readied his blade for contact. If the badit attempted to dodge, he could redirect Lei to trample them underfoot. If he stood his ground? He'd find the squire's blade sailing towards his neck and chest. Quickly and decisively, Kyran would end this.

Status: Determined & Undaunted
Class: Squire
Iron Sword

Ending this, quickly.
With : Bel @Yankee

By tomorrow afternoon/evening I'll have something up depending on how long work keeps me.
Kyran Cynmaer

Garleton, En Route to Stables

Well this is certainly a change of pace. thought the young squire of Reynes as he dashed through the now blazing streets of a once bustling and lively Garleton. Mere moments ago a myriad of mercenaries, merchants and other travelers filled the streets near to bursting. Yet now it seemed that the sole inhabitant of this castle town would soon be the ever-growing inferno threatening to consume all within it. People all around him were running and screaming, with varying degrees of hysteria alongside. Kyran couldn't
blame them, Nobody had expected this, not the imperial scouts, nor the other knights of Reynes had any clue that an attack, let alone one of this magnitude was imminent. All he truly knew was that of his orders, directly given to him by the Brigadier General: To lead the Imperial Prince Alnard and his men safely back behind the Reynes border. The task sounded simple enough, yet truly daunting in it's importance and potential for hangups, though there was one rather major hitch. By the time that the General finished informing Kyran of his duty the Princeling had already up and left the castle. Through some quick inquiry he managed to gather that his charge had decided to spearhead the evacuation himself, and though his cause was brave and valiant, these circumstances made the squire's job yet harder. So now he dodged and weaved through abandoned stalls and the hysterical horde of evacuees trying to swarm their way to the castle as he searched a blazing castle town for a certain lordling.

To say he had his work cut out for him would be an understatement, and a grave one at that.

Firstly he would head in the direction of the stables, if he needed to search a good part of the city he could do so immensely faster on horseback, and Lei would more than deliver in terms of raw speed. As he sprinted Kyran overheard the sounds of battle, all around him blades clashed and telling dull thuds of the defeated finding their final rests. Guilt rose up within him, he should be helping these people! Though at the same time he couldn't afford to stop, he had a job to do and he needed to move hastily, from what he gathered the prince and him were much alike in the way that they oft bit off more than they could chew. If he took too long he risked the well being of the Prince, and potentially...

No. Now is hardly the time for that. I have this under control. It's just a simple task. Get Lei, Find the Prince, Get the hell out of here. Find the Prince, Get the hell out of here.... The squire internally repeated to himself as he approached the stables, the building being thankfully untouched by the growing inferno for the moment. Entering the building the horses within were seemingly either undaunted by or unaware of the growing carnage outside.... save for one, thrashing at it's binds like the wild animal it could have once been. In stark opposition however, was his mount, Lei. The familiar pitch black coat adorned with leather barding coloured a cobalt blue, both eyes affixed on her rider as he drew closer to her. Kyran wasted no time hopping onto Lei and releasing her from the post she was hitched to, before turning back to the wild seeming horse. Perhaps another nearby rider was attempting to call their steed to them? With haste, he unhitched the other horse whom bolted soon thereafter before re-mounting Lei.

"Come on Lei, the time for rest is over. We have ourselves a prince to find." He said to his steed as they swiftly took off into the streets of Garleton. Alas, the pair would not get far before running upon an... interesting spectacle. What seemed to be an armed bandit was accosting a would be evacuee in the middle of the streets. Doubtlessly the assailant would've noticed his less than subtle arrival, and as such Kyran would now have to deal with this situation as well. Wonderful, just wonderful... If he wasn't careful the woman could be put in harm's way, bandits held no morals after all, what's one innocent life in exchange for riches to them? Out of the corner of his eye, the squire noticed an archer taking aim upon the lowlife, and it also seemed that he'd not yet noticed his would-be assassin. Perhaps if I can keep his attention... A wry smirk appeared on his face, albeit briefly before Kyran began slowly pacing towards the assailant. "HEY, LOWLIFE! LET HER GO!" The Reynes squire bellowed, his somewhat cocky grin re-emerging as he continued his slow and meticulous advance. "Picking on unarmed civilians are we? Bah, what did I expect, you lot are all the same kind of cowardly. If you're looking for a fight though, I'll more than happily oblige." Kyran said as he made a big show of drawing his blade, flourishing once before locking eyes with the scumbag, Pacing in such a way as to expose the back of his opponent's head to the unseen archer nearby.

Status: Alive, Alert and Antagonizing
Class: Squire
Iron Sword



Attempting to draw a Bandit's attention

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