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    1. Darked13 8 yrs ago


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This time duth and arch are left out since they are just conversing

And thus I shed many tears! Since I'll be trying to copy him just now! xD (Arch's also refraining from stabbing him after the HIGHLY IN DEPTH EXPLANATION because he has nothing to stab with.)
Hᴏʙɢᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

"I could teach you..." Arch pondered for a few moments... many moments actually. He rubbed his chin and scratched his forehead a few times before saying, "I could teach you how I wander around. It helps around when hunting and not being hunted. If you have the right weapon, can also help you get the first strike in." He pauses for a few moments, "I am sure that it can be helpful to you."

"Meanwhile this..." He motions to the rock, "This could truly help with distractions, you move a rock towards the enemy coming from a direction you aren't. And then you attack." He nods thoughtfully as he brings his fingers together, "This way even sneakier attacks could be made."

Hᴏʙɢᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

"Now... this is a very interesting." It was definitely very good that he could fix up the goblins if they got too hurt. Even broken bones now, he relaxed a bit on the pew he was sitting on. He hmms, looking from the book to Zats, "Did you..." Arch's eyes pop open as he notices the rock and Zats focus on it, "How are you doing that?" He quickly places the book back onto the shelf before wandering over to Zats.

<Snipped quote by Darked13>

Worship, ooh of course. It's not as if Zats while accepting the Three are powerful is agnostic as mentioned in his profile and doubtful of their status as Gods. *shifty eyes.*

Shhhhh, he just has to preach for nature and be tell the younglings to pray at the right shrine. >.>
@Darked13 Well zats might be willing to teach him in exchange for stalking stance, option to leant earth call (lesser) in exchange for helping Zats with one of your character's skills applies to anyone interested. And of course he can't stop anyone from watching and copying him

Stalking stance? You mean the art of just walking instead of stomping so loudly everything notices? <.<

That is totally a fair trade, and they are friends in worship!
@Duthguy Best part is that this particular discovery is one that Arch certainly would love to find out. xD
Yeah still a massacre, but at least most live in that scenario

Really though, I see us just doing our own thing unless compelled into needing a leader (or someone goes and feels like they should be the leader).
You guys want to know what's been on my mind lately? We have only just started but I've already seen you pair off or go solo. Goblin grandpa is the eldest of course but he is more like a sage, good for info and knowledge but not a leader. So here's what I've been wondering, who would take the rank of leader in this family? Will it be the elder hobs that already aware strong, or will the new blood try to take the throne, or will you completely surprise me and instead create a committee or democracy. I can't wait to see

Everyone alive gets a vote. If someone disagrees with you, kill them and resume voting until you win!
Hᴏʙɢᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

Having finished his prayers, Hobgoblin Arch sat a pew thoughtfully for a short while. He looked at his younger siblings who were still around preparing for their hunt and to goblin Grandpa who was about to given them a lesson. The information regarding their evolution was welcomed... but given how widely different some hobgoblins were from each other, he already thought that such differences would only grow.

Seeing Hob Luz leaving, Arch looked back at her and nodded. He went over to the books and began to look through them, looking for one that might be easier to understand. Once he found one that at least had images on them, he'd read better through it. He might not be able to read the characters (and likely couldn't learn them by himself), but he could at least still try to decipher these pieces of knowledge, bit by bit.

@Dark Cloud

Considering what you guys could end up becoming throwing a tree will eventually be child's play. Hell maybe if this group reaches the point to have offspring their kids will literally play with trees

I should have gotten to posting a fevv hours earlier in that case. xD
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