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7 yrs ago
Current If anyone knows where you can find beta readers, I'd love to know. Not for here, but for if I manage to ever finish something.


Hello! Whatever brings you to my bio, I welcome you and pray I haven't left in anything half-edited.

I'm fairly new to online roleplaying (I do know tabletop roleplay), but not new to writing--painfully so. Think hundreds and hundreds of hours of writing, and all of it ends up in the recycling bin. Please forgive me for any gaffes while I acclimate to the textual roleplaying style.

RPs I'm part of:

The Last March of the Living: As Aliya Montcarre (with an NPC named Madeline in tow)

The Star's Dreams: A Gathering of Interesting Individuals: As Your Lord and Savior; a Celestial Being named Bianca

What I'm looking for in an RP:

I'm not actually sure yet, given I haven't played any. In my head, I'm looking for roleplays with more serious themes, but not one where we have to be overly serious. I don't expect to play a hero; I'm looking more for a situation where we're one of many working towards the same goal. I've yet to complete one, but I'm definitely already developing a taste. More on that'll come with time. It might be my recent choices of literature, but I'm quite into the late 1800s-early 1900s idea of high culture and hedonism-lite.

Something where we can have some fun while really flexing our writing muscles.

What I'm not looking for in an RP:

At the moment I'm not keen on the idea of playing as 'rebel' characters and their ilk; people that lean closer to anarchy than to order. It's just not my style.

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I'm excited to hear it! Always good to have more people onboard, and if you've got something scandalous for us... I'd love to have you onboard!

This looks pretty good! Hopefully the more interesting parts of the dark forces that work in the Neath follow through to make things interesting.

Alysanna (and whatever secrets she may possess) is APPROVED for the gathering. Drop her off in the characters tab.

As for everyone else, I'll probably send a mention to everyone in a few days to check if they're still interested. Things are shaping up to be interesting!

I'm fine with the picky questions; they can turn out to be big concerns for a lot more people than expected!

As a rule of thumb and TL;DR, a character will maintain their normal level of perception, and physical, technological items will work on people that haven't reached that stage of development yet (just don't expect any hyper-rare or synthetic materials to lie around for you to reload your crystal-focused disintegrator with!)

Now I'll try to target your questions directly (and hopefully expand on my answers so they're not just hyper-specific.) Some further specificity issues may come up, so please ask if there's some other loophole that opens up.

I'll go in order of asking.

Please remember that the point of the RP isn't combat, though it's allowed. I want your character's wounds to be emotional.

I'll stick this stuff in the main post once I'm not sitting in a car fighting its suspension to type without looking like I've had a stroke.

Please, bring more questions if you have them.

EDIT: For a grammar error. Also, the Host won't put you in any peril! At least, not at first.
EDIT x2: More grammar.
Name: Bianca

Gender: Female

Age: A Secret

Appearance: About four AU. At 'human' size, she stands at 5'6".

Bianca takes the form of a young woman that she once observed on a desolate planet--a woman who had just lost her true love and ignited the love of tragedy in Bianca's mind. Over the countless eons that passed since that fateful moment, she's losing her memory of what the woman looked like, and makes up for it by 'perfecting' her appearance.

Her eyes reflect the majesty of space; taking the richness of coloured nebulae and starlight to cover breathing, dark mahogany. Her skin takes on the colour of peaches and cream, long since cleared of natural blemishes. By choice, a belt of pinprick freckles graces the bridge of her nose and cheekbones. Her hair is lengthy--going down to her buttocks--and is coloured as the full-bodied blackness of emptiness of lightless space. As her hair moves, motes of light in all sizes and in the colour of stars float about. The strands these motes touch take on its colour for a short while afterwards. She usually keeps bunches of hair pinned up into a braided bun at the top of her head, with the rest slightly curling--some with floating ends!--as they cascade down.

Her build is light and graceful, with slender limbs that are shaped as if they had neither seen a day of hard exertion nor a stray calorie. She chooses to have gentle curves over ample breasts and hips, though if she's keeping her sizes down, she can never quite get the balance of fats right; sometimes her rear is too large, sometimes it's her neck, sometimes it's her limbs. For the most part, she places the 'odd mass' where it's easiest to hide: some of it in her breasts, and the rest to fill out the front of her abdomen. For the most part, her body hair is naturally short and hard-to-see.

Bio: Bianca views the creation of the universe as her older, long-dead sibling, and her advanced age has shown her a wealth of everything the universe has to offer. She's personally watched as eldritch horrors consumed galaxies, and bore witness to wars that extinguished stars and created new ones from black holes. She has seen every storyline stories can give, and now only seeks the delicious variations of the stories that hide from her.

As of late she's grown incredibly tired, and the parties are coming at an increasing frequency. She's beginning to worry that one day the party will never end, but she also fears the tiredness. In all of her life, she has truly, wholly needed to sleep, and the possibilities worry her to no end.

Abilities / Type of Abilities: Straight magic; powers that push past all times and spaces. Her most prominent ability is maintaining the pocket dimension she typically resides in. The extent of her powers are unknown, as she doesn't push them very hard as of late.

Equipment / Clothing: To be determined once the night begins.

What you were doing before you came: Preparing the festivities!
The first character has been APPROVED! @Kymera has claimed the first character spot.

As a reminder for everyone else that's getting characters in order, drop them in here in the OOC (in a hider) or PM me when you're ready!

I've put the Host in the Character's tab; held off on the details, as that's something you'll have to pry out of her IC (gotta keep people on their toes.)

First IC post is in the works.
Thanks! I've got a good feeling about it but as it stands I've still gotta actually post.
@Plank Sinatra and everyone else involved.

I was worried I would cause a little bit of discord but I wasn't quite expecting it to be to this extent; Prince contacted me last night about it and we were under the impression there was still room.

If the issue's been resolved already I'll just back out now; sorry for the confusion. If anything ever opens up in the future I'll be interested.

I have to admit that I wish I could have caused chaos like that in a better circumstances. Seems fun

EDIT to slap redundancy
@Plank Sinatra
Hi, I was summoned here by @Prince of Seraphs under the impression there was an open spot that I'd have to contest. I've got a character in mind already, though I'm hoping there'd be a consensus on the spot before going any further. I don't have much experience with RWBY, but I've been briefed on the general ideas and I'm quite interested in the whole equipment aspect of things.
I'm biting my nails waiting to see what happens, but it's fine; there's a lot of stuff out there to work on... though I'm kind of worried if my first GMing experience goes well I might bury myself in far more RPs under my control than I can handle.
I think this is a cool idea. I'm still pretty foreign to Advanced, but I can fit the post length.
Anyway, I have a few questions:
. As far as our characters go, did you have a specific age range in mind?
. Would it be assumed that all characters are speaking the same language, even those from different worlds?
. Would a physical disability, such as being deaf or in a wheelchair, count as a "severe illness"?
. Is there a limit on how technologically advanced our character's homeworlds can be?
. Could a character from a past incarnation of Earth be alright? Dickensian London, Edo Period Japan, World War II America, etc?

I'm not looking for a particular age range, save for hoping your character is at least of age to communicate and interact with the world without too much difficulty (e.g. if you're geriatric that may be a little out there.)

All characters will be able (forced, if need be) to communicate with the Host, but if they don't want someone else to understand their language they have that choice. This is something that I figured would only have a chance to be announced after the Host's opening statement, so by default everyone understands everyone else.

I would consider deafness fairly severe in terms of a disability, though sign language is included in the 'languages people will understand' category (just that they need to be looking at you to "hear" it,) I would consider it one of the disabilities that are "easier" to RP if you know what it's like. Compared to being blind it's easier in a sense that you can still describe things as they appear rather than what you think they are, though actions will be appropriately handicapped. A wheelchair is completely fine so long as you remember that you won't be using the same movement verbs.

There is no limit on how advanced a world can be, though I would prefer if you didn't come from a world that's so technologically advanced they could have stumbled upon the Host's home through their own means (that'd be late late-dimensional tech; the kind that sniffs out actual Gods). It's a privacy thing.

Any character from any incarnation of Earth is fine--people are plucked from every timeline and every dimension here.

Can a character be dead and still be invited? Like coming from some vague afterlife, I have two different ideas for characters from previous roleplays I did.

Dead characters are fine; it's your choice of whether or not they were alive at the time they got the invitation (like if they just kept it a secret to the grave.) If you're thoroughly dead, there may be special conditions attached to that which will be announced IC for everyone else, though I'll probably PM you if it's something integral to your character's functioning.

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