Avatar of Fat Boy Kyle
  • Last Seen: 1 day ago
  • Old Guild Username: Fat Boy Kyle
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1028 (0.27 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Fat Boy Kyle 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Laptop has suspiciously decided to have hard-drive failure two weeks after the warranty expired, so no RPing for me!
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7 yrs ago
Any in-progress RPs in need of some new blood? Drop me a PM!


Kyle (Obviously)



I tend to like women


United Kingdom

Gaming; Reading; Writing; Drinking; Sleeping; Napping; Snoozing; Eating; More Drinking; Kipping; and Laser-Tag.

A Random Interesting Fact:
I can make the dimple on my chin go up and down.

I will vanish for months at a time because adult stuff. I'm also unlikely to post every day.

Most Recent Posts

Captain Monroe
Town Hall - Central District - City of Telchar

Captain Monroe lounged in his wooden seat, with his derrière pressed against a hard-worked imprint in the leather cushion and his feet up resting on his desk. Very much a man of habit, it would be fair to say that it was his usual positioning in the office. Of course being a captain, he didn’t just spend his shifts sat around – if he wasn’t doing some sort of paperwork on his lap then he would be up and around the central district ensuring that everything was going smoothly.

“Captain Monroe, sir! We would like a word!” came an interruption from his office door. The captain's unpolished metal helmet turned to gaze upon the intruders and found four of his own men gathering around. He could see from their tensed up bodies and scowling faces that they were angry about something, which caused him to raise an inquisitive eyebrow.

“Yes Roberts, what is it?” Monroe replied his usual gruff voice, not bothering to sit up or otherwise move.

“We know all about the Special-Commanders! We all do! And we aint too pleased about it!” barked Roberts, the young but well-built private marched in front of Monroes desk and lent over in a futile attempt to intimidate his superior. Monroe’s eyes quickly glanced between each of his men before resting back on Roberts. He then gave an exaggerated shrug to show he had no idea what they were talking about. “Don’t play daft Captain! We know about these Special-Commanders, joining up the ranks pretending to be regular lads. Spying on us honest guards and taking notes of the things we do and say. Then, they pass their findings onto scum like you so you can fire us!”

Monroe sat for a few moments with his mouth slightly agape, surprised by what he was hearing. He had no idea where his men had gotten such a stupid idea planted in their heads, and he didn’t care – he would not be spoken to like that. Slowly taking his feet off his desk and taking a stand, Monroe got eye level with Roberts before delivering a nasty headbutt. There was a nice metallic ‘doink’ as Monroe’s helmet collided with the subordinate’s skull, who subsequently fell to the floor unconscious. The other men took a couple of steps back in shock.

“I don’t know what the fuck you silly cunts have been drinking, but you’re full of shite! There aint no such thing as a ‘special-commander’! If I want to fire one of you lot, I don’t need some underhanded reason to do so! I’ve worked with you all long enough to know what kinda useless crap you get up to; you forget I was one of you not too long back. Now if I catch anyone else spewing this nonsense or making a scene then you will be out of a job, and your only severance pay will be a couple of black eyes. Is that understood?” Monroe barked at the small group, spittle flying from his mouth. The men sheepishly nodded. “Good. Now then, take Roberts here back to his home and requisition any items belonging to the city guard that may be in his possession. I won’t have any of my own speak to me like he did! Once you’ve done that get back to work and stay out of my way.” And with that Monroe once again sat down, visibly fed up.

Only a few minutes seemed to pass before Monroe’s tranquillity once again disturbed. The almost simultaneous arrival of the two swordsmen and the dwarf caused him to let out a sigh. However impatience turned to relief as they made their intentions clear. For the first time that shift someone was coming to him with a solution instead of a new problem.

“I’ve got to say lads – I didn’t expect the contract to be taken up so quickly. But I’m glad it has.” Monroe adjusted his seating so that he was able to reach into one of his draws and take out the report. “Alisha Black was recently reported kidnapped by her father. He says that she was in their basement workshop when the wall caved-in. Recon’s he came down stairs just in time to see her dragged off into the sewers by drowners. It’s not the first report we’ve had of drowners in the sewers recently, so we might have an infestation – that’s why the bounty is so high. We’re offering 10 crowns if you’re able to prove that she’s dead but unrecoverable. 20 if you’re able to bring back her body. And 50 if you’re able to bring her back alive. Additionally, we’re willing to pay 6 crowns for every drowner head you bring us up to 200 crowns. If it turns out to only be one or two drowners, we’re not giving you 200. If you want to pursue this, then dive in to the next sewer entrance you see or go down to 23 Agard Street and let my boys know you want to investigate the scene. Any questions?”
Not going to lie. After lectures today I went home and got too engrossed in assassination classroom. Post WILL be up tomorrow (probably)!

Hey guys, been a bit busy the last couple of days. Half written my next post, which responds to Keggar and Niavak, but it won't be up till Thursday. Sorry!
@Fat Boy Kyle

Currently in the process of moving between countries while being in an intermediary country, it's fun.

I thought it was a pain moving a few counties over. So best of luck!
Sexually Confused Cowboy

Despite coughing up a lung and feeling like I got hit by a snot train, life is pretty good! My work schedule is opening up more free time for me now, so I've been able to RP again and play video games. How about you, Kyle?

Noice. Well, not the sick part :P

Just quit my job and gone back to uni for my masters. Free-time fluctuates.
So, how's life going for everyone? You lot still at school? Working? Taking time to discover yourself?
As the chaos erupted and the battle began, Krios uncharacteristically found himself pulling back from the front lines. Normally, he would have been the first to dive in (well, if Garlenn didn’t beat him to it) but in this instance he decided that covering Shok was the better decision. Even with Aseema’s wall, Krios could not help but think that the healer and the group’s bounty were perhaps a little exposed to the enemy mage and crossbow wielders. He quickly strafed sideways with his shield poised, taking a couple of glancing bolts as he repositioned. When a stray bolt narrowly missed the grey giant, it only confirmed his concerns. When he was about a metre from the Tal-Vashoth he took a knee to better protect himself, with the large wooden mass obscuring most of his body.

“I’ve got your back, just focus on our new friend here!” Krios yelled, looking back towards his comrade. However Shok’s incoherent rambling made it clear that he was already doing that.

The warrior watched the battle from behind his shield, his left eye slightly poking round the wooden rim. The enemy mage seemed to have been felled, as had a couple of the other riders. And now their elf had restricted the movements of the others. Although it seemed like their little band had quickly gained the upper-hand, Krios kept his position. If something was to go completely wrong, then at least he could plant his axe in the fallen rider’s skull and rob the hunters of their bounty. For all they knew, another band of riders could be just over the horizon, or the felled mage could turn into some abomination. Better to play it safe and not give into over-confidence.

Alicia Black
Telchar Sewers

“Darkness. Nothing but darkness.” – these were the terrified thoughts of Alicia Black as she began to awake from her forced slumber. The utter absence of light, the veil of nothingness which was cast upon her surroundings almost made her think that she might have gone blind. There were no windows, no lamps, no ominous glows. And yet she knew she was inside, she could feel it. Though her body was numb from the almost icy cold, she could feel that she had been laid down in some sort of liquid, with the thick sludge rising up to her jaw. By the smell she knew it was sewage, and she might have begun to gag or freak out were she not so terrified. Instead she tried to move, but found her legs trapped beneath something. She tried to move the unseen obstacle, but as her hands fumbled for grip, she felt something deeply unpleasant. It was flesh.

”Keep calm Alicia. You’re going to be okay, help will be along soon. Just need to-“ her internal thoughts were cut off by the sudden sound of screeching, the inhuman vocals echoing off the sewer walls. Her eyes opened wide in horror, though it did little to help her see. The slushing of waste signalled the approach something ghastly, gradually growing closer and closer until it must have been within feet of her. Only a few seconds passed before the monster shuffled away again, seeming to drag something along with it – though to Alicia it felt like hours.

As the sounds of her captor faded away in the distance, she began to sob.
OK, I think I've left enough of a dramatic pause.

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